Prologue: shouldnt have looked up

The child stared in horrified shock at his mothers mutilated body as the truck drove away. Erin Lance had been on his way home from his friends birthday party, that night, when a drunk driver hit them. Now miles from home, his mother dead right in front of his eyes, and no idea what to do he collapses to the ground crying. There, he remains until his dad came driving by looking for them. He also lost control of his emotions at the sight. Not wanting to stay there any longer than he had to, he grabbed his bawling son and put him in the back seat and took him home. The boy was far too young to have seen what he had, he was only five. For a week he cried and barely ate or drank until he gave up on feeling altogether. His life became blank, and empty. Though this seems sad, it would make him a very efficient worker and learner throughout his life ahead; he had no emotions to distract him. He looked up to his father, and mimicked everything he did. He wanted to be strong like him. However, the grief of his mothers death changed so much, his little sister, Lily, began to be totally neglected, as his dad took to alcohol to drown his sorrows. Erin never had to go to school anymore, so he sat at home and worked out a lot, thats all he did actually, aside from eating, drinking, releasing, and sleeping. His sister was ignored by their dad entirely for a whole year. Then their dad went to work one day and never came home. the next day his uncle came and told him what had happened; his father had jumped off a bridge. All Erin could think is how weak a man he had looked up to, and regretted that he ever did. Now he would move in with his uncle, third major change in his life at the age of six.
