7 - Edited

Marinette walked inside class, thankful that she wasn't too late. Everyone else were already sitting down in their seats, so she knew she was the last to walk in.

She looked down at Adrien, who looked away, and she frowned.

Is he ignoring me? Maybe it's because of what happened before? Does he think I hate him? I have to give him signs that I'm not mad at him.

"Marinette, are you 🆗?" Alya asked with a  worried look. "Chloe was talking to Sabrina about how you were crying your eyes out yesterday. I overheard them."

Marinette nodded, sitting down. "I'm fine, it was nothing much. Just a few... Misunderstandings."

"Like what?" Alya whispered asked, making sure nobody was listening in on them.

"Ah, just stuff..." Marinette sighed.

Alya smirked. "Is it about Adrien?"

"WHAT?! No, why would it be about him?!" The thing was that she had realized she had yelled that out loud, and now all eyes were on her.

"Marinette, if you can keep your voice down, that would be great," Mrs. B nodded at her, and Marinette nodded back.

Alya whispered again to her. "It definitely has something to do with Adrien. After school, you're telling me everything. Don't miss out on any details!"

See, Alya, about that... I can't exactly tell you I'm Ladybug, so that would be a no-no.

Hmm, maybe I can just tell her a little lie. Okay, I'll start planning on what to tell her, so I won't have to tell my secret to her. Sorry, Alya.

Adrien, on the other hand, was thinking about what Marinette had just yelled out.

Who was he? What boy was she referring to? Does it have anything to do with me?

"Adri-kins, let's work together."

"Huh?" Adrien looked up at Chloe was was inching closer to him.

"Weren't you listening?" Chloe asked. "Mrs. B asked us to get a partner and talk about stuff."

"Stuff like what?"

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I was hoping you were listening, because I sure wasn't. Adrien, I thought you were the kind of guy that would always listen to the teacher."

Adrien frowned, then he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to Nino.

Nino nodded at Marinette, who was looking down at a paper. He mouthed her name, and Adrien quickly knew what he meant.

But doesn't she hate me? What if she says no when I ask her?

"Adrien, what are you thinking about?" Chloe pouted, then smiled. "About being partners with me?"

Adrien ignored her and turned to Nino. "But what if Alya asks her?"

Nino smiled, then turned to Alya. "Hey, wanna be partners?"

"Sure, Nino." Alya exclaimed. She turned to Marinette, and nodded at Adrien.

Yeah, nice move, Nino.

Adrien sighed. That still didn't convince him that Marinette wasn't going to say no.

Instantly Marinette got out her notepad and started going through stuff, before taking her pencil and jotting down things Adrien didn't know of.

Adrien got out his own notepad as well.

"So, is that a no?"

Adrien turned to Chloe, who was still unbelievably waiting for him to answer her question.

He didn't exactly want to work alone, as Nino had already found a partner. "Who is Sabrina going to work with?"

Chloe frowned. "Since when do you care about her? I'm sure Sabrina can figure things out on her own. Plus, you're incredibly smart, Adrien. Anyone would he lucky to work with you."

Adrien didn't even know what they were going to work on, and Chloe didn't help with that. He already knew the reason why Chloe was wanting to work with him.

"Nah, sorry. I'm going to work alone," He finally decided, taking his pencil and star in at his paper.

Chloe chuckled. "You don't know what we're working on, do you?"

Shoot! She caught me.

"Well, I do. I was lying when I said I wasn't paying attention," Chloe snorted. "I know you want to work with her. There's no need to lie to me about it just to not work with me."

She huffed and turned away.

Adrien turned to her now. "Who is her?"

Chloe rolled herself. "Adrien, this isn't the time to act stupid. You perfectly know it's Marinette. You want to work with her, so go ask her. She's alone."

Adrien shrugged.

I have a way anyway...
