the party starts (chapter 21)

all of the class 1-A are ready to party after the dumb prank the guys pulled off. its not exactly like what they thought it would be.

Izuku POV

this felt wrong.. a bunch of guys and girls in one big house together around night time.. no adults either. no. no. I didn't like this one bit. anything could happen. I wanted to stay in a way though. it did really seem like fun. ill help make sure nothing happens then! "DEKU!" kacchan yelled in my ear forcing my head to turn and look in the basement. "wow.." I awed looking at all the matching things in the room. the gaming consoles, tvs, electronics, arcade games and pool tables. they even had a gabling table. the furniture matched with everything and the room didn't have one speak of dirt. everyone began doing there own thing playing video gam- "THIS DUMB CONTROLLER!!GRAHHH!" kacchan yelled tossing the controller away. most of them were playing video games cheering eachother on etc.i walked up to momo and asked her something. "hey momo, where could I go just outside for a bit? I need some fresh air." she turned around with a grin. "oh sure thing! go anywhere you'd like. the closest door is right up those stair we came in." she pointed as I walked towards the door. I looked down at my watch as I opened the door. it was already seven o'clock. I saw two figures sitting outside on the grass resting there head on each others shoulder and head. wait I know them.. it was Denki and Jiro?! are they dating??!! I noticed that they were hold hands and talking together nicely under the stars. I would love to do that with F/N.. I sighed quietly. this felt kinda creepy.. they both lifted there heads and looked at eachother eyes filled with love. still holding hands he was going to kiss her.. I should go. I turned to leave the deck but F/N caught me off guard. "F/N-" I was about to say as she cover my mouth to silent me. she had me pined up on the wall so they didn't hear or see us. my face started to get warm my eyes dashing around. I looked down a little bit to see F/N's E/C eyes looking at me with the same starry glow as before.


I saw Izuku out there wondering what he was doing I went to go up to him. I was going to say something to him but decided to just turn back around and leave him... as I was about to he almost yelp out my name. I knew that Jiro and Denki were having a moment and I would have hated it if I was interrupted in a moment like that. so I reacted and quickly covered his mouth and accidently pushed him on the wall pinning him there. my heart raced as we both uncomfortably stayed in that pose. I was watching them to see when they were finished and not focus on Izuku. plus I totally shipped Denki and Jiro!! I knew something was fishy when I seen the way Jiro acted today she was embarrassed by him. I looked back at Izuku and he was looking right into my eyes. I slowly uncovered his mouth as he sighed we were way to close.

Izuku POV

I noticed the spark in her eyes fade and she seemed sad in some ways. she let me go from the wall. she turned to leave and I didn't know what to do so I grabbed her by the arm. she turned back to me I saw her eyes tear up so I let her go... "F/N.. are you ok..?" I asked as she walked off. she stopped in front of the opened door. "I-im fine. don't worry about me... you should be worried over someone else.." she said going back inside. someone else..? what did she mean?..did I say something wrong.? then I left a sudden pain in my right shoulder again.


I then remembered I had to let him go.. he had to of liked someone other than me. the way he keeps looking at Ochako. I just have to let him go.. if he's happy im happy. I couldn't take it anymore. the way he was looking at me. my eyes started to water uncontrollably. I turned to leave but he stopped me. Geez your making it hard for me you know.. I turned to look at the beautiful worried boy with tears in my eyes. he let me go when he saw my tears but before I could leave he asked me if I was ok. no im not. I-I really like you. but you don't seem to feel the same way. I gotta learn that your just a friend nothing more. I managed to stutter something about not worrying about me and should be about Ochako. then I went back inside to cool down. I just sat outside of the room until I relaxed a little bit. "ill apologize later to izuk-" I was whispering under my breath until I looked up to see him standing above me. he looked down at me curled up on the floor by the door against the wall. he bent down with a hand out to me.

Izuku POV

I don't care if I said anything or not. I gotta go cheer her up to make sure shes really ok. when she says 'don't worry' or 'im fine' when tears are forming she's obviously not ok. ill go help her out and apologize if I said anything. I went back inside to try and find her. I finally found her sitting in a corner. "ill apologize to izuk-" she was saying as I came over to help her up. "look F/N. im really sorry if I said something or done anything wrong. but still be my friend?..." I asked her hoping for he to agree. she grabbed my hand and I helped her up on her feet.

of course ill be your friend if I cant be more that good enough. my hero.

A/N; I know I know this is kinda cheesy but I wanted some action up in here!!
