II ??

You get home in a wheezing mess, absolutely worn out. You didn't get any greetings from your neighbors, not like you wanted any, but you didn't have any either way. You rushed inside your apartment and ran into the guest room. You turned on the light, revealing a strange totem that is rattling vigorously.
  Your breath got heavier, you pull out the box underneath the table that held the totem. You took out some sort of concauction that was made of various plants and herbs. You pulled out one stick of it and lit it quickly. The smoke that came from it was spread around the object until the room was just a cloud of smoke.
   You collapsed down onto the floor, gasping for breath. Eventually, you dragged yourself into the living room and got on the couch. That object took so much energy out of you to cleanse, sleep took over a bit after.
  You hated sleep. All you get is nightmares and replayed memories that haunt you forever. Every time you wake up to a start and go on with life.
  You woke up at 8:25 pm. Your head pounded so you got up a made some tea to sooth your aching cranial. Everyday is the same little act. Wake up, work, go home, avoid sleep. You had to be home every time at 6 pm, or you could release something terrible into the world.
  Something loud broke your train of thought. It sounded like glass breaking. Out of instinct, you grabbed your knife and wearily tiptoed to the room of subject. Wide eyes bolted up towards you as the intruder crouched in the window frame. It scuttled towards you. You closed your eyes, you did not fear it, you just didn't want to see it.
  It towered over you, that much you could feel. Your ears rang when it said one thing, "Oh, hullo."
  You flicked on the light. Holy fucking shit it was that one dude from the cafe. "Uhhhhmm..." You mumbled.
"Hey there, I didn't know you lived here," he said as a psychotic smile plastered itself on his face.
  "Yeah, uh. Why are you here?"
"I was just checking in, to see if there was any people around here I could use."
'Use?' Use people for what? You hoped to whatever heavenly object above that he wasn't a pedo.
You accidentally said it out loud. And he heard you, of course.
"Oh no, I hate those bastards. Preying on little kids like that just for their lustful hunger, bleh." He made an ugly face to imitate disgust.
You chuckled a bit and hummed in confusion. You didn't know what to do now, offer him so tea? You asked, he said he doesn't normally drink tea, but because you were kind enough to offer it, he won't reject.
  You led him into the living room and asked him to sit down, and that he is welcome to TV. The smell of warm tea put you at ease despite you have a possible murderer in your home, ready to kill you any second. Then you heard whispering, "Huh?" you say out loud. It kept getting louder, but nothing was around you. Eventually you could hear what it was saying. "Kill him before he tries to off you. A dead murderer can do nothin." You shook your head and walked into the living room, setting down the cup of tea on the coffee table.
  "Thank you," he mumbled.
After a couple of minutes, he started to laugh wildly at the television, which was playing the commercial about the whole family getting diarrhea. I guess he likes that sort of humor, immature, but shows a bit of innocence. Your point is proven quiet wrong later on.
   Something was shaking, you didn't know what, but it put this person at a distressed state. He got up quickly and scittered to the guest room. You ran towards him and tried to say calmly, "hey now, let's just go sit back down. I'm sure it's just the radiator."
But he pushed you out of the way. He opened the door with no difficulty, despite all of the locks on the bolt. His eyes caught onto the totem and he ran to it. "What the hell is this? It feels weird." He wasn't even holding it.
"It's uhh, you know what, I don't even know," You replied with a sigh, "but I have to be here every day at 6pm to make sure it doesn't do anything. Because as sure as hell, if I'm not here, all hell will break lose, I can feel it."
  He grunted in response and continued to view the object as if it was on display. "Johnny C." He said.
"Thats my name, but just call me Nny."
He walked out of the room, he had a versatile feeling around him, something of calmness. You followed and put the chains back on the door.
"If you need anything just tell me, becuase I'm ALWAYS around." He said while climbing out the window. "Oh, and don't keep the window locked, that will help."
You stood there stupidly, in your stupid little dumb body. You don't know when you could buy a window, it's not like it wouldn't cost much, but you don't know if anyone even knew what this place is.
Nobody even knew this place existed.

Well shit, that was absolutely useless! Bleh, I do what I want and you guys are here because you like this shit. Okay, whatever. Please if you read this, it's not that difficult to press the star, I WILL feed you fresh maggots dressed as cereal, bitches.
