4 Years Ago

The jet lag was finally wearing off. The one extra day let you, Nathan and Jake get accustomed to the time change. It was perfect since it was now time to board the cruise.

As always it was a tedious process. It took hours before you were finally got to enter the cruise. Nathan was the most excited out of the three of you. As soon as he entered he wanted to go to the pool. "Nate, honey you're going to have to wait, we need to go to our room first and change you into your bathing shorts," you said.

He groaned in protest but Jake finally convinced him by bribing him with ice cream. You were to carefully watching over Nate that you never realized where you actually were. A wave of reality and memories hit you once you started walking the hallways to your cabin. The nights Benedict held you by the arm and led you to your room.

"Mummy can I open the door?" you picked up your son and let him slide your ID through the lock making him giggle. Your luggage was already in the room, all you needed to do was to set everything up. "Buddy do you want to take a nap with me while mummy finds your shorts?" Jake asked your son.

He nodded in agreement that way you could take your time to settle in the room. It even gave you some down time to take a half an hour nap.

"Mummy, can we go to the pool now?" Benedict heard the muffled voice of a little boy next door. He was finally laying in bed after being one of the last to board the cruise. "Let mummy have a quick nap, I'll help you change," a faint masculine voice was heard next door.

Benedict sighed as he placed his hands on his forehead, not knowing if to thank god or feel some sort of misery because you weren't his neighbor. He sat up and ran his fingers through his curls, the room brought many memories. There in that cabin he and you had heated sex for the first time; amazing, sensual sex. "Christ," he sighed noticing the time. He had agreed to meet up with Tom and the time was approaching.

He stood quiet in his room to hear if his neighbors were gone, which seemed to be the case. He grabbed his ID and headed for the door.

"You have to be with me or with J if you want to go in the pool, never alone," you warned your son picking him up and exiting your cabin. You wouldn't have paid much attention to your neighbor if it weren't for Jake. "No way!" you and Nathan turned around and saw why Jake was excited.

Benedict turned around as well to see you holding a child in your arms. His body stood in a shocked position with an accelerating heart. You were the same, holding tight to Nathan as you saw the father of your son again after 4 years. Tears prickled your eyes as did his. You silently let out a shaky breath and a stray tear fell but was quickly wiped away. Benedict swiftly composed his posture.

"Wow you're that actor. Look honey it's Sherlock, the show you love so much. This is amazing that we get to meet you, I'm a fan but my girlfriend here is obsessed with you," Jake made everything worse.

Benedict conjured a fake smile, "Thank you." He looked over to your son, "Beautiful family you have here," his voice almost cracked saying that. Jake nudged at you to say something since you only stared at him, "Thank you."

He nipped at his bottom lip at the sound of your voice. "We'll see you around," said Jake as he began leading you away from Benedict. Ben only nodded and waved his hand. Once you were out of sight he sped walked to where he was supposed to meet Tom.

"Tom, she's here. This was a mistake, I should've never come back," he paced near his friend. "Who? [Y/n], she's here?" Ben rapidly nodded. "Mate, calm down. Here sit," Tom got a seat next to him so Ben would calm down. "I can't, she's- she's.." Benedict couldn't find the words.

"Different, I'd expect that. It's been 4 years," Tom tried finishing for Ben. "No, she's her. She still has her luscious [h/c] and her glowing [e/c] eyes. I didn't get to see her smile because she was as shocked as I was. Christ, I wanted to simultaneously ravish her with kisses but punch the wall beside me," Benedict rubbed his temples.

"We should go talk to her," Tom was getting up but Benedict instantly stopped him. "No we can't, she's with.. someone else and..," Benedict hesitated to continue but Tom encouraged him. "..and she's a mom, she has a little boy."

"She's what?!" Tom raised his voice in shock. Ben gulped, "She has a tiny boy, he looks to be around 3 and a.. boyfriend."

"Shit mate, I'm sorry," Tom patted his friend's back. Ben laid his head on the edge of the table, "I never thought I was going to feel like this if I ever saw her again. I'm shaking, she's making my limbs weak. I want to go see her, embrace her in a hug, hear her laugh and see her brilliant smile. I want to touch her smooth skin, skin that other people don't get to see or touch. I could feel her touch as if it were just yesterday." He closed his eyes and deeply inhaled.

"Bloody hell," Ben breathed out. You invaded his thoughts just as you did 4 years ago.  "According to her boyfriend, she's obsessed with me or with Sherlock," Ben took a sip of the beverage Tom had ordered for him. "How did she react when she saw you?" Tom was trying to analyze the situation.

"She stood still, I saw a tear fall but she swiftly wiped it away attempting to avoid anyone from seeing her." Tom gazed at Ben who was in a miserable state, "She's killing you isn't she?" Ben slowly nodded. "I'll find a way to talk to her, figure out what happened 4 years ago."
