Who's that?

Once Lauren reached her final class she contemplated on whether or not she should go in. After a brief thought process she decided to go in and take a seat in the front of the class due to her numerous behavioral problems. As she sat down she gave the teacher a few silent curses. "Ok class!" Mrs. Moore exclaimed "We will be doing a project that has been a favorite of mine year after year!" Just then as soin as she said that a rumble of groans echoed in the room and one kid banged his head on his desk in disappointment. "It will be a two person project where I pair two of you together and you must play the roles that i give you." Mrs. Moore added to that and said "Now your teachers and parents have been notified and you will be acting your roles out in and out of school for five weeks!" That is when every student in the class started yelling at teacher with hatred because no project should ever be that long. Now as each student poured their anger out Blake on the other hand kept quiet. He was actually excited because it was an oppertunity to become visible. Blake showed a small smile. Mrs. Moore continued by deliverying the names of the pairs, as she went down the list she recited two names, Lauren and Blake. Not even a second after their teacher uttered those words they both whispered "Who's that?" and the both look around seeing that no one else was. After a few turns of the head their eyes found each others and they sat there silently. Minutes later Mrs. Moore started announcing roles. One pair was assigned to be brother and sister, another to be cousins, another pair who the two hated each other had to be best friends. Then the moment of truth occured. "Lauen and Blake, you two will be hmm, ahh you two will be husband and wife!" and with that the bell rung leaving the two opposites give their rebuttles.
