Chapter 4

Andy was hunting in the nearby town. This was the first time he was hunting without his father. Billy and Alice did come with but soon went their own way.

As his father had taught him, Andy took watch at the outskirts of the town, the dark alleys, the rooftops. While other members in his party captured drunk stragglers; Andy waited for the scum of the earth to surface. There was always one. But tonight, something else caught Andy's eye. A new member had joined the hunting party. Someone who was a human until the very last year- Ava.

Leaving his hunt Andy went in pursuit of her. He would watch her as she carefully considered her options. Once the target was acquired Ava dashed in, caught her target by the waist and pulled him into a dark alley. While others preferred take-away, Ava would stay to eat, and let her targets go afterwards.

Once she had sated her thirst, she spotted Andy staring at her. Over the past year she had gotten used to the creepy stares of vampires but Andy's somehow seemed more human. She was intrigued but caution prevailed in her mind so she headed back for the valley. Andy sighed and resumed his hunt.

Ever since then Andy would attend every scheduled hunt only to watch Ava. Ava would always feel his eyes on her but would never object or evade. Andy moved on from silently watching to waving whenever their eyes met. Ava would think that he was weird but still wave back.

Ava figured it would take Andy a few more hunts before he actually talked to her, but then they ran into each other in the village.

Andy said awkwardly, "H-hey. It's been a while."

Ava liked the sound of his voice and decided it was time to speed things up, "Hi. You live nearby?"

Andy said, getting nervous, "Just around the corner. You can visit us sometime... if you want."

Ava smiled, "How about this weekend then?"

Blood rushed to Andy's face and he nodded frantically.

Ava giggled, "By the way my name's Ava."

"I am Andy."

Fiona smiled as she watched the conversation unfold. James pondered who the girl was and worried over how she seemed to have Andy in the palm of her hand.

James would have started following Andy in the hunts had Fiona not volunteered to do it herself. Over the next few hunts, Fiona watched from afar as Andy and Ava hunted together and compared their tastes, much to the horror of their human captives.

Over time, Andy and Ava grew so close that Andy would go out on walks with her even during the day. During these times James would always tag along, much to Andy's dismay. Ava understood the risks involved and would thank James for coming along. Which seemed to make James less wary of her.

Andy's slight burns would be gone after a night's rest, but the accumulated neurotic damage was enough to put him in a deep slumber.

Andy would wake up to find Ava sleeping next to him. He turned to her side and pulled her closer. Ava woke up slowly and found herself in Andy's arms; she wondered if she were dreaming but then she shrieked with joy. Andy thought he was going to vampire jail for sexual harassment and rolled away falling onto the floor. Much to his surprise Ava jumped on top of him.

James walked in after he heard the shriek, only to feel nauseous at the sight of his son making out on the floor. Still, glad that Andy woke up after being asleep for more than a month, he left the two of them alone. Later that night James decided it would be in the best interest for everyone in the house to soundproof Andy's room. Vampires know no shame.
