The Starfish Story (MorganxReader)

There must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I'm afraid you won't really be able to make much of a difference...

"Come on darlin', time to get up!" Morgan called from outside your room.

A muffled groan was your reply.

Morgan chuckled. "I'm coming in, okay?" Morgan entered the room to find you in a lump under your blankets, completely unmotivated.

"What's wrong, babe?" he cooed.


Sighing, Morgan tapped what he was pretty sure was your leg.

You didn't take the hint.

"I can't siddown if you don't move over."

Still, you remained immobile.

"Alright, you asked for it," Morgan said with a devious smile.

"OUCH! DEREK GET YOUR ASS OFFA ME!" Morgan had sat down on you.

"Ha! That's not what you say when this happens at night!"

"Ugh get off!" you whined, stifling a laugh.

"Hey, there you are! So what's wrong, babe?"

You sighed. "What's the point? Hmm?" You sat up. "Why do we keep fighting when there's always evil?"

"Ahhhh," was all Morgan said. He scooted closer to you and rubbed your back gently.

"I mean, we're never gonna help everyone. We can't save them all. So why?"

Slowly, Morgan began putting the pieces together. "Is this about the abduction last week?"

You nodded, burying your head in Morgan's chest.

There was a series of abductions in Utah and Arizona. Similar M.O. so you and the team figured they were related.

You did catch the guy, but you lost one of the boys he'd take. The kid's parents were rightfully upset, but took it out on you.

"HOW COULD YOU LET HIM DIE?" screamed his mother. "MY BABY IS GONE!"

"If you had just gotten there faster!" his dad reasoned. "Why are those children alive but not my son, huh? TELL ME HOW THAT'S FAIR!"

Their words played on loop in your mind.

"It's just not fair, Morgan. We can't save them all. It's not fair that we fail some people."

Morgan pulled you closer, engulfing you in a hug. "You're right, it's not fair. But you know how many people we do help? It's not fair to them if we don't try."

You sniffled. "But, but those parents. They saw all the other happy parents and kids and they didn't..."

"I know, I know," Morgan consoled. "But to those parents that did get to hug their kids, we saved their whole world. Look at me."

You rubbed your eyes and looked up.

"We're making a difference, a big difference, okay? We're doing something. Isn't that better than nothing?"

You smiled a little. "I guess."

"Today, that's good enough an outlook. Now, ready to go catch some bad guys?"

It made a difference to that one...

Hey Human!

Whaddup? It's been a while. I think I'm ready to start taking requests again? Maybe? Yes. Yes. I am. But first I have a confession to make: I haven't seen all of Criminal Minds. I'm pretty early into season 9. So I can't write anything that happens post-season 8.
