{ Chapter 25 }

"Sasuke do you like this shirt?"

Naruto threw a white shirt at the raven, who was sitting down on a small couch. He picked it up and read "BADASS BITCH" in black letters written in middle.

"Look at the back," Naruto giggled as he looked at a sunflower printed bucket hat. Sasuke did as told and saw a hand sticking out the middle finger. He couldn't help but smile.

"You know what would be a good shirt?"


"Okay imagine this, in italic the words:

'Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers and the third one's for you'

with a hand sticking out the middle finger like this one right underneath it."

Naruto stopped what he was doing. He turned to look at Sasuke looking at the shirt.

"That's an amazing idea Sas-uke. I love it. I adore it. I wanna marry it." Sasuke laughed. He was thinking of another 'it'...

"Why are you laughing?" Naruto hadn't realized what he said yet.

"Oh nothing, just think about the 'it' part.." Sasuke sneered. Naruto had to think for a hot second. Then he gasped. He quickly closed his mouth though, and turned around. Sasuke couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"What Naruto, cat got your tongue?"

"Sasuke.." Naruto turned around and sat down on Sasuke's lap, which surprised him. "I'm sure you would LOVE this tongue around your-"

"Okay, Naruto, why don't you calm down and check out some stickers or something? We came here to shop, not make out."

"I- sure Sas-uke. I would LOVE to look at stickers," Naruto said with a very fake smile as he got up. He walked over to the cashier and started his search.

Sasuke walked out of Spencer's with 3 big bags, while Naruto carried 5. They had been to 5 other stores before that, including Claire's, which Sasuke didn't know what for, but Naruto had convinced him. Now they were heading to the food court, with Sasuke praying that was their last stop before heading home.

"So Naruto, what do you want to eat?" Sasuke asked as they walked.

"RAMEN!" Naruto pretty much shouted, causing heads to turn around them.

"You always want that.." the raven sighed.

"Who doesn't want ramen all the time?"

"Plenty of people.."

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing..." They arrived to the food court, and Naruto started looking around. Suddenly his eager face turned into a frowning one.

"Where is the ramen stand..?" He turned to Sasuke, and the raven just smiled.

"They don't have one." Those words broke Naruto. He collapsed into his knees, bringing a worried Sasuke into the game.

"Naruto? Come on get up. You're okay. Probably."

Naruto shook as he said, "Are you sure I am? Cause I just found out there's no ramen here."

"I will carry you bridal style to the car Naruto," Sasuke threatened.

"Oh like how I did when you came home drunk?" The raven glared at Naruto for this. The blond just smiled back as he got up again.

"Anyways, let's just get Panda, and by the way, I came home drunk because of you," Sasuke said as he walked towards the small restaurant.

"Oh really? Came drunk to see if I took advantage of the situation? Hell nah, I would never do anything with you-"

"Sure, let me just remember all the times you tried making out with me-"

"Oh, I'm sure you won't remember your dreams-"

"Says the one who literally sleeps all day, sometimes calling out my name." Now Naruto was silent. He didn't know if Sasuke was lying or not, so he just continued walking alongside him.

Haha, gotchu blond.. Sasuke thought as he smirked.

"Ah, today was actually a pretty good day I'll admit!" Naruto said as he plopped down on the couch with shopping bags.

"You'll say.."

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing. Anyways, hurry and take those bags up to your room so you could shower. I ain't gon do your slave work."

"Of course Sasuke-san, that's my job. Would you also like me to blow your-"

"Just go Naruto."

"Agh, you ruin the fun!"


Naruto walked up the stairs with his bags in hand, and set them all down. He took out some pajamas he had bought from a small store, and got his towel. Then he headed in the shower.

20 minutes later cause why not

Sasuke was showered by now, and he wondered why Naruto was taking so long. He wanted to give Naruto privacy, but after the 40 minute mark, he got a bit curious as to what was keeping him. He walked up the stairs and towards the blond's room. He walked to his door.

"Aye Naruto!"

No answer.




"What do you want Sasuke?" The raven exhaled in relief. Thank goodness Naruto was alright.

"Just checking up on you chill, but you sound kind of sad, what's wrong?"

"Ugh, it doesn't matter.."

"Of course it does." Sasuke was worried.


"Naruto tell me," the raven demanded.

"Why should I huh?" the blond asked.

"Because I'm worried."


He's worried about me? Agh, of course he is. He's got to make sure I'm well and healthy for when he turns me in later. Nothing else..

"What does it matter to you?" Naruto asked again.

"I just said I was worried about you, or do you need me to phrase it differently?" Sasuke crossed his arms. Did Naruto not believe him?

"It doesn't matter how you phrase it. It doesn't matter because it's not true." Where did this come from? Nevertheless, Sasuke's heart ached as he heard this. He couldn't blame Naruto though. He had every right to think that Sasuke was just trying to use him.


"What." What hurt Sasuke more was the toxic tone Naruto had just used. The energetic and playful voice he had always heard had been replaced by someone who had just about enough of his bullshit. How did the day turn out like this? They were having fun and hanging out just fine about an hour ago. But now Naruto was angered by Sasuke's actions, which was forcing the raven to think fast. He was nervous. He didn't know what to do.

"Um, Naruto, wanna go to Ichiraku?"


"No." A fat plain 'no' with a side of toxin. This pressured Sasuke more.

"Come on Naruto, if you really don't think I care about you, then what am I still doing outside your room, talking to you?"

"It's called acting, faking, you know, something you're good at."


"What is it now? Wanna lie some more?" Sasuke got a little pissed at this. Sure, Naruto had a right to say this, but who wouldn't get a tad bit mad? Naruto was being stubborn at this point.

"Naruto, I swear-"

"You swear what? That you care for me when you don't?"

"Naruto, I do care for you, but I swear I will break that door down if you keep that attitude up."

"Who are you my dad?"

Sasuke got a bit more pissed.

"Naruto I will break it down. Come on, I don't want this to happen between us. Hanging out with you today was one of the best days I've ever had. I don't want it to be ruined because of this."

"It's only going to be ruined since you were the one kidnapped me. You also be lying to me all the time."

"Naruto step away from the door."



The door's hinges were broken, and the door itself was inside the room. Naruto was standing next to it, very much surprised, as he didn't think Sasuke would actually do it. He looked at the Uchiha's eyes, which were suddenly red.

Oh crap, his Sharingan is activated.. Shikamaru told me they were hella dangerous when they're used.. Damn it! No, Naruto, you can fight back, you have the nine tail's power. He's no match for you..

Naruto stood up straight and glared at Sasuke. Sasuke wanted to glare back, but this was Naruto, not a random person. Sasuke's eyes went back to their normal onyx color as he sighed with his eyes closed.

"Look Naruto, I do genuinely care about you-"

"Oh really? Why don't you prove it? I mean, shouldn't be that hard right? Oh wait, nevermind, it IS a struggle for you, considering you only kept me captive for your own benefit. I'm sure it won't be long before you turn me in-"

"I won't turn you in." Naruto froze.


"I won't turn you in."

Naruto was speechless. But that was over as he realized Sasuke could just be lying.

"Uhuh sure, and pigs can fly. You really think I'd believe you?" Sasuke stayed silent. That's how Naruto knew he had hit him hard, and it just about proved Sasuke was lying. The blond scoffed.

"I knew it-" Suddenly he was being embraced. Naruto was very much in shock. His eyes widened in response.

"Please believe me Naruto." The blond gulped. Sasuke actually seemed serious. Something Naruto was not used to.

"Damn it Sasuke, get off me." Naruto tried pushing the raven off, but he had good grip on the blond.

"Naruto, I'm not going to stop hugging you until you accept that I do care about you. You may say it's a lie, but I hope that deep down in your heart you know it's true." Naruto was left speechless again. He almost believed Sasuke for a second.

"I can't trust you Sasuke. You work with the police. They're looking for me. You know the rest."

"I don't care about them and all that. I care about you. You're not the only one who can break rules."

"..." Silence on Naruto's end.

"Why do you supposedly care about me anyways?"

"..." Silence on Sasuke's end.

"Because I lo-"



The duo pulled away. They were both shocked. Sasuke looked at Naruto, and all he saw was anger. Did Naruto think this was a set up?

"Sasuke you bitch-"

"Naruto Uzumaki put your hands up!" The duo looked at the door frame of the room and saw plenty of SWAT members. How were they to get out of this?
