Rishabh Pant

This chapter is requested by Ritsyyy7 hope you like it:)

Akshita's pov-
Anddd the match is over, uff im so tired. I literally didn't understand anything in the match but i saw the match.
Well im Akshita Sharma. Rings a bell? Yes i Rohit Sharma's younger sister. Im a teacher and im 23. Im not a big fan of cricket but i was here to support my brother.

The match was done and i was going to the dressing room with ritika di and everyone else. I was using my phone and going when i randomly dashed into someone and my phone fell. Oh no.

I looked up and saw the one and only Rishabh Pant. wait what? Am i dreaming? I've always had a huge crush on him and now im seeing him in real life. "Uhh come on akshu dont embarrass yourself, you can do this" i was telling myself.
He snapped his fingers near my face bringing me out of my dreamland.

Akshita- omg im so sorry i didnt see where i was going.
Rishabh- no its fine its my mistake too. Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Akshita- no im fine thank you, are you good?

Before he could answer we heard Rohit bhai calling us from inside the dressing room.
We immediately got up and went inside.

Rohit- so anyways guys this is my younger sister. Akshu these are my teammates.
Akshita- hey guys im akshita, im a teacher and im 23.
Rahul- hello akshita, and rohit how come we didn't know about your sister earlier.
Rohit - only virat and mahi bhai have met her before, she was in the us she recently came back to India. So i thought aaj ke match ke baad introduction kar lete hai.

Rishabh was gonna say something when mahi bhai interrupted him.

Mahi bhai- guyss discussion baad mein, first come and eat.

Everyone takes their plates and goes to the table in the dressing room( just imagine a dining table in the dressing room🤣)

Akshita goes and sits near Rohit bhai who was sitting next to ritika di. Sammy came and sat on Akshita's lap. Akshita was feeding sammy and eating.
Rishabh saw everyone busy talking to each other and took this opportunity to go and sit near Akshita.

He never believed in love but after seeing her he felt something which he never felt before, he knew he liked her but was scared. Scared cause of the world, his past.
Will she leave him like his other girlfriend's. Will she use him for money? No she's the Rohit Sharma's sister she wouldn't do that.

He brushed all these thoughts from his head and went to her. He sat and smiled at her, and she smiled back.

Rishabh- hey im sorry again for dashing you.
Akshita- hey no im equally at fault so we're fine.
Rishabh- true, so anyways didn't get to introduce myself properly. Im Rishabh Pant. A cricketer and im 24.
Akshita- Im Akshita Sharma. A teacher and I'm 23.

Sammy was sleepy and wanted to go home so she was crying, akshita carried sammy and took her outside.
Rishabh was sad cause he wanted to talk to her for some more time.

Mahi bhai- now all of you go home and take rest. Kal hum mumbai jaa rahe hai.
Rishabh- mahi bhai mein kal delhi jaa raha hu, i will join y'all in Mumbai tomorrow night.
Rohit- theek hai Rishabh par where are you staying today?
Rishabh- aaj ke rath ke liye i will book a hotel and stay.
Rohit- when i am there no chance that you will go and stay in hotel. Chup chap ghar aaja.
Rishabh- theek hai ro.

After everyone was done they were leaving to their respective houses now.
Akshita had a great time and was reallyy happy, she exchanged her numbers with all the girls who added her in the group chat.

After a long journey from the stadium, Rohit, Ritika, Sammy, Akshita and Rishabh reached the house.
Rohit, Ritika and sammy went and slept in their room. Akshita showed Rishabh the guest room and went back to her room.

She went to her bathroom changed her clothes and came back and layed on her bed. She tought about today and how lucky she was to have these people in her life.
She checked the time on her phone and saw that it was 12:30 pm.
She heard a knock on her room door, she went and opened the door and saw Rishabh.

Akshita- hey Rishabh what happened?
Rishabh- uhh i wanted to ask you something (scratches the back of his neck)
Akshita- sure tell me:)

Rishabh- wohh i think your really pretty and i like you. So would you like to go on a date with me? (He says fast)
Akshita- aww thank you Rishabh and yes i would love to go on a date with you.

Akshita stands on her tippy toes and goes and kisses Rishabh on his cheeks. His eyes widens and he wishes her good night and goes to the room.

Here's another imagine. Hope y'all like it? Have a great day guys. I love y'all ❤😘
