
Things are get darker but I see angie and slender behind her before all I see is black. "Jen.....Jeniffer!!" I wake up to see a blackboard and I was in class."Can't I have five more minutes?" I said. "Get up Jeniffer you have an assignment to do, a test." my teacher said. "Can I go to the bathroom?" "Not right-" " I going to the bathroom it an emergency!!"I said squirming  "fine but only five minutes" I already ran out the door with no pass. Wal trying to getting the doors someone yelled "There's a fox in the bathroom!!" And ran away. "Ya right!! and if there is one its probably using the bathroom." Funny enough is that as I opened the door a fox did run out!! As it ran out I noticed it had a necklace Angie wore and as soon as I saw it, I was on the phone with Angie!! Then a jerk kicked me and beat me til I got hold of his foot and his boot started melting!!! Then I thought wait a minute these aren't real and they're not dreams, their memories!! I quickly got up.
