Curses AU

(A/n: This is actually an original AU that I thought of myself. It's fantasy based, and... You know what? I'll just explain it in chapter form. Also, I'm making an actual original story for this idea, too.)


Magic. A very, very powerful force that anyone can use. It has laws, requirements, and types. Magic is catagorized into five main types...






Those with elemental magic are known to have different personalities based on whichever element they specialize in. Those who roar after fire tend to be passionate and confident, the ones who choose to flow with water are calm and intelligent, people who are comforted by the air's soft breeze are well-grounded and know themselves well, those few who can understand earth are excellent leaders, and the rare ones who feel spirit are powerful and mysterious.

The psychic group of magic users know everyone around them as well as they know themselves. There are many different ways to be psychic, each way having it's own strengths and weaknesses. We will see more of that later...

Ritual magic users, also called traditional magic users, master their craft through specific means. They have to have an empty space, supplies, and a spell to work. They struggle the most out of anyone else, but there are a few very skilled ones.

Symbolic magic users cannot perform magic without material objects. These people are known to be connected to one main object, while carrying many more. The object they connect with could be a wand, a crystal, a carved rune, a staff... Anything. If they lose the object their connected to, they are left with their reserved magic, in the other things they have. Even with the extra things, destroying or taking their connected object will severely weaken them.

Natural magic users are the strongest and most dangerous people. They are not limited to one kind of magic, and may use any of the previously mentioned categories. Their weakness, ironically, is magic. Natural magic users are confined to a specific magic type, like the others. Although they can use any type of magic, using magic outside of what they were born with could hurt them badly.

No matter who or what you are... Fae, human, other... You have magic. You just have to learn to use it.


"Can we skip to the part about the founding of the five kingdoms?" Alexander Hamilton asks loudly. The young changeling sits back in his seat, and the teacher sighs.

"I want to know more about elemental magic!" A boy known as Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, or just Lafayette, argues. Alexander scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"Of course you do, you're an elf." He shoots back. Lafayette glares at him. "Oh, sorry, let me just correct myself. You're a half blood. Honestly, I really want to know what genius elf decided to sleep with a wimpy little human."

Lafayette stands up, slamming his hands on the desk. His sister, Adelia, quickly grabs him and forces him to sit down.

"Don't. You've got enough problems already." She hisses. Lafayette gives her an annoyed glance, but stays in his seat. Suddenly, a door opens. A boy called John Laurens walks in, along with Hercules Mulligan and someone nobody recognizes.

Lafayette stares in awe at the girl that just walked in. She's drop-dead gorgeous, with long, light brown hair set aflame by natural bright red highlights, along with light tan skin, freckles across her nose and cheeks, and one blue eye and one green eye. She's wearing a simple black tank top and jeans, the look completed by a pair of black boots. Her hair is tied back in a braid.

Adelia smirks, reaches over and closes Lafayette's mouth with a finger. Alexander is instead enjoying the view of John. The boy is wearing his usual grey shirt and black pants, but Alexander thinks he looks amazing every day. The teacher gestures for the girl to stand at the front of the room, while Hercules and John sit down. John next to Alexander, and Hercules in a back corner of the room, beside to a girl named Peggy Schuyler.

"Class, this is Skylar Smith. She's new." The teacher tells everyone. Skylar crosses her arms, staring shyly at the ground.

"Oh, really? I would never have guessed." Adelia mutters sarcastically. Lafayette looks at her, not sure whether to laugh or be concerned that his older sister is acting this way. He decides to laugh worriedly.

"So, Skylar, where are you from?" The teacher asks. Skylar looks around nervously.

"I'm not supposed to say this, but I'm from the Desert Kingdom. I really hope you don't hate me for that, though. I swear I'm not like the others from my kingdom! I'm going to sit down now, please don't ask anything else." She says, almost too quickly to understand. She sprints to the empty seat behind Adelia before anyone can say anything. Lafayette turns to look at her.

"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly. Skylar stares at her desk.

"No, not at all. I hate first days of school, I'm cursed with honesty, and everyone's going to see me as an enemy now." She admits before covering her mouth with her hands and putting her head on the desk. Adelia and Lafayette just stare at her.

After a few minutes, Lafayette taps on her desk. She looks up, praying that it's not another question.

"If it makes you feel better, there's a curse over me, too." He whispers. Skylar smiles a little bit, and he grins sheepishly. "I... um... I can't use magic at all because of it. I'm a sorry excuse for an elemental."

"Gil!" Adelia snaps quietly. She can't stand it when her brother talks about these things. He could get hurt from people knowing he can't use magic. "Focus!"

"Ma sœur, you can barely focus." Lafayette points out.

"Only because of you!" Adelia shoots back.

"Is there a problem with wanting to make friends?"

"No, but you shouldn't be trying to make friends in the middle of class!"

"Well, if I don't befriend this new person now, I might regret it later."

"At the very least, don't talk about your weaknesses. Alright?"

"I don't want her to feel alone!"

"This situation is making me uncomfortable." Skylar states honestly. Both siblings look at her and she shrinks back in her seat. "Sorry. Didn't mean to say that. I can't help it."

"C'est bien, amie." Lafayette says quickly, smiling. Skylar fiddles with her pencil. "Je m'appelle Lafayette, by the way. I'll write down my full name, and you can decide what you want to call me by."

"Adelia." His older sister adds flatly. She gives Skylar a slight smile. "Nice to meet you."

"Juste Sky, s'il vous plaît." Skylar tells them. They both look surprised. "What? My mom was from the Snow Kingdom."

Later, when class gets out, Alexander runs up to Skylar. She sighs, knowing she's going to be flooded with questions, and she'll have to answer all of them.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton! Nice to meet you!" He says to her. She smiles a little, looking at the ground. "So... how do you survive in the Desert Kingdom? It's so... hot."

"It's pretty easy, actually. People lead normal lives there." Skylar answers with a strained smile. Alexander stares at her. "I mean, you have to watch out for all kinds of snakes... and spiders... and cacti... and... scorpions.... but, other than that, it's fine!"

"What's a cacti?" John questions in confusion. He holds out a hand, smiling. "I'm John Laurens, by the way."

"The singular form of cacti is cactus, and it's a prickly plant filled with water. If you touch them, their spines stab you." She explains, shaking his hand. She smirks at him. "You're kinda cute. But this is coming from someone who's a sucker for curls."

"Sœur! You heard that, right?" Lafayette whispers excitedly to Adelia. She rolls her eyes at him. "She likes curls!"

"Yep! I also love foreign accents!" Skylar calls, winking. Instantly, Lafayette turns bright red, and Adelia isn't sure whether to be annoyed or laugh. So, she ends up making a weird, high-pitched wheezing noise.

"I-I... um..." Lafayette is speechless as Skylar walks over. She grins at how hilarious he is when flustered, and decides to push her limits.

"You know, I couldn't see the board in class. You were too radiant." She tells him. She silently curses her honesty making it easy to flirt. Adelia steps between her brother and Skylar.

"That. Is. Enough." She growls, uncomfortable with what Skylar is doing. Skylar shrugs and walks away. Lafayette stares after her, still astounded by her way with words. "Gil, please stay away from that girl. I have a bad feeling about her."

"Do you think she likes me?" He asks, completely disregarding what his sister just said. Adelia sighs, crossing her arms.

"I think she's a player." She mutters, glancing at John. She walks over to see how her friend is doing.

"Um... what was that?" John asks as soon as Adelia is within earshot. He's also looking in the direction Skylar went. "Like, she's so charming, but there's something about her that gets to me... the way she talks is so interesting."

"She supposedly is incapable of telling a lie." Adelia informs him. He looks over at her. "Cursed with honesty, she said. I don't trust her. But, Gilbert seems to have fallen for her already. She says that she loves foreign accents, but she also said her mother's from the same place Gil and I are from, so is the accent really that foreign to her?"

"She is a living paradox. A puzzle." John adds. The gem hanging from his bracelet changes colors and glows slightly. Sea green. Adelia recognizes it as curiosity. John notices her staring, and quickly takes the gem into his hand to cover the color. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks away.

This is what John's bracelet looks like:

The gem changes color with mood. John hates it, but it's his connected object. It's the only one that bound to him. It's normally clear, but it changes to whatever he's feeling. Most of the time, he doesn't really feel anything, which is why it's normally clear.

Adelia watches him walk away, catching a glimpse of a red glow through his pocket. What did she do?

Meanwhile, Hercules is waiting for Skylar to show up. They had been pen pals for years before she moved here, and he's happy that he can talk to her in person now. He knows well that Skylar struggles with the curse daily, and feels bad for her. He has an issue of his own, though, so he can understand.

Two words: Natural. Magic.

His line of work requires him to use magic outside of what he was born with, and it has a serious impact on his physical and mental health. He just doesn't let it show.

So, to summarize the reason why this AU is called Curses...

Alexander's changeling magic doesn't work well with his ritual magic, so he's weak and can barely function properly.

Lafayette's magic is bound, so he can't use it.

Adelia has the psycic ability of psychometry, or the ability to get information about someone or something just by touching them. The problem is that she doesn't trust anyone because of the things she's seen about people. The exception is her brother, who's always genuine.

Hercules has health issues caused by his magic type.

Skylar is cursed with only being able to tell the truth.

John is connected to an item that makes life harder for him.

(A/n: I hope you liked this, since I loved writing it. I might publish an extra chapter to give a better idea. Let me know what you think!)
