Chapter 1: A Few Years Later

Author Pov: 

A few years later



"Here's your winner and the number one contender for the Womens Championship, Brie Bella" Lillian Garcia announced. This was it Brie was finally doing it after two hard years of training she got a chance for the title. Not just A title. It was the Womens title. It's legendary. Stephanie McMahon, Trisha Startus, Lita, and all the other famous divas, they all had this belt. They all touched it, and now it was Bries turn. 

Life for Brie was going fine. She had a small apartment in Florida. She had amazing friends that understood her whole explanation on why she left home to do this. She even had a boyfriend 'Dean Ambrose'. He was a wrestler too. In a group called the shield. It had Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. They helped with everything she needed and she was grateful for that. Everyday she woke up with a small smile on her face. Normally people have a BIG SMILE on their faces when there doing what they want. But for Brie that wasn't true. She loved this job, she did everything for this one spot. Even betray her own family. Even her twin sister Nikki. 

All you could say when you see her is 'She wants her family back'. 

Brie thought of that too when Kelly Kelly asked her. She needed her family to support her, but that might never happen. 

"Why would they want me back in there life. I betrayed them and left. Not to mention Nikki. I promised her a promise but, it ended up failing. I never went back go get her" she mumbled to her self as she was taking her boots off in the women's locker room. 

Many Divas congratulated her for winning tonight. 

She was really happy that she got this love. Right now all she wanted was Nikki and her family to congratulate her instead. 

"Does Nikki even watch my matches?" Brie mumbled again to herself. She checked her phone for any missed texts or calls that she might have got from Nikki. But NO. She didn't get any. Her screen was blank. 

"Hey Brie congrats. I'm so excited to see you hold that belt in a few weeks" Kelly Kelly said as she was sitting down on the bench beside her. 

"Thanks kelly. It means a lot. I can't wait to see you holding it in a little bit if time. I guess all that training finally payed off" Brie said with a chuckle. 

"What's wrong Brie? Whenever I see you on your phone you always look upset. Brie I'm your friend I can help you just please tell me what's going on". Kelly Kelly said putting a hand in Brie shoulder. 

"Kelly, every time you accomplish something. You get happy, really happy. But when you check your phone to see if any member of your family even cares to congratulate you and they haven't . Well it starts to upset you". By now Brie was crying. She hasn't cried for a full week and that was her longest reign without tears. "That's how I feel. I don't even know if Nikki remembers me anymore. I call her everyday and all it says is to send a message that will turn into a voicemail or its disconnected. I feel like she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I broke the promise that's why". Brie said 

"Ok first Brie Nikki is your twin she would never forget you over her own dead body. Plus, what if she got a new phone number. Maybe her parents told her not to call you anymore. You never know. Right now she might need you more than you need her" Kelly Kelly said. 

Brie thought of those words really hard. She comprehend all of it. 

If she had to shatter her dreams just for her own sister, she would have done that. 


With Nikki Bella: 

Nikki's life was a tradegy. Her parents wanted nothing to do with Brie anymore. Once they found out that Brie ran away and Nikki was with the plan to not tell their parents they were gonna kick Nikki out of the house too. They didn't cause they knew that she had stayed just for her parents. 

Her parents made sure that there was nothing in the house with Brie name on it or any thing that belonged to her. They would have broke it or burn it into ashes. 

Nikki got a new phone not because she wanted a new one but, it was because her parents forbid Nikki to talk to Brie. Nikki remembers her fathers exact words "IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO BRIE YOU NEED TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK. TAKE ALL YOUR BELONGINGS AND LEAVE. BRIE IS NOT PART OF OUR FAMILY ANYMORE". 

Nikki lost a lot of things. Her boyfriend 'Brady', her sister 'Brie', and most of her friends. 

Brady was amazing they did everything together. Eventually they broke up. Not because they cheated on one another but, because Brady found a job. He found a job in New Jersey. Arizona to New Jersey was really far and they both feared that they're relationship we're to fall apart. So they ended it. 

Nikki's life sucked. She forgot many thing in a few years. Mostly friends, and teachers that really liked her. 

There was ONE thing she would never forget, and that was: the promise that Brie made to her the day Brie left. 

It kept replaying on her mind: 

"Nikki I promise I'm gonna come back and this time I'm gonna take you with me" Brie promised

After waiting for almost four fucking years she still hasn't seen her. 

"She promised me" Nikki yelled in her bathroom and threw a big flower vase that had been sitting on the window of her bathroom. 

"She suppose to take me with her" Nikki Wispered as she closed her eyes and felt the pain of her hand. Which now was full if blood. The floor was covered in blood and broken glass with flowers everywhere. 


Author: I'm loving this book so far. I know this was a boring chapter cause it had no Dialogue. It'll get better over a few chapters. Yes I did make Dean Ambrose Her boyfriend. Anyways I hope you all liked it. Enjoy your summer. 

I might update slower cause schools gonna start but, I'll try to update faster if I have time. 

Sorry for any mistakes that might be in the chapter! :) 

