10. The Bus

Jerome's P.O.V

I feel my finger rub over the small photo in my hand. It's been a while since I'd took it. I remember the day clearly.

Sam and me went ice skating for some laughs, and I took a photo of her with my camera. She was beautiful in the photo. It showed off her curves, and how her green eyes complemented her fair hair that was cut into a shoulder length bob.

'Sappy fucker,' a voice in my head snickers.

I scoff lightly at the sentimental thoughts running through me, but still keep my eyes focused on the picture. If only I could go back to then. That was the day I kissed her. My first kiss, was her. You never forget your first love, is what they say, and believe me, I have not.

The photo makes her look breathtaking, but she's even better in person.

The thought of her getting hurt pisses me off. I don't want to involve her, no. I want to see her, though. I miss her like hell.

I notice the cannibal, Greenwood, eyeing the photo. He licks his lips. Disgusting.

"Canni-boy," I mock. He flinches, looking up, realising that I saw him looking at her. He tries to hide his panic with a fake smirk, but I see through it clearly. I sigh quietly, glancing at baldy, who is sat on the left of me, then back at meaty, who is on my right.

I hold out the photo so that they both can see it.

"You see her?" Aaron nods, but Greenwood keeps silent, his eyes trained on the photo. "If you see her in person, you bring her to me. Alive. Not hurt, either."

Cannibal grits his teeth, "Shame. She looks tasty."

She does, but not in the way you're thinking, creep.

"Do you remember who the boss is?" I growl.

"You," he mumbles under his breath.

"Huh? I couldn't hear that. Speak up," I grin, suppressing a giggle.

"You're the boss."

"Exactly," I laugh as he rolls his eyes.

"So, if see pretty girl... No kill?" Humpty Dumpty on the side of me asks.

I nod, "Yeah, that would be preferable. No kill."


Sam's P.O.V

We arrive at the school, almost immediately pilling onto the bus.

A few people stop to ask if I'm okay, but otherwise everything seems normal. Well, they do think that I was down with a bug, and not actually off from school because the closest person to me was actually a psychopath. I just reply that I'm okay.

Me and Vicky sit in the back, since it's quieter there, and a lot nicer.

The cheerleaders, apart from Vic, start shouting out some rhymes and crap, just as the bus starts to leave.

I give a pleading look to Vicky, mouthing the words 'this is torture'. She chuckles, lightly punching my shoulder with her knuckles.

"How long is the journey to wherever the hell we're going?" I ask her, when the singing has quieted down.

"We're going to another school, just to compete there. The ride will be about two hours long."

I groan. "Will you mind if I go to sleep? I can't take two hours of listening to this," I point at the cheerleaders, who are getting ready for more chanting. Oh hell no.

"I was going to ask you the exact same thing," Vic replies.

I lean my head against the window, closing my eyes.

A thought about where Jerome is, and if he's okay pops into my head. It leaves just as fast as it comes. Of course he's okay... I mean, he's probably out killing people?

He's probably forgotten about me.

I frown at the thought, before shaking my head lightly. Why am I sad at the idea of him forgetting me? Hell, I should be glad. Anyway, I doubt it. He did find me yesterday. Maybe it was a coincidence.

It's not long before I fall asleep. I defiantly need a rest. After Jerome bumped into me yesterday, I was paranoid all night. Any creak I would hear would make me immediately open my eyes, preventing my from sleeping for a long while.
