Chapter Twenty Two: LUAU!!!

A/N: Not sure how long this'll be, or if I'll manage to post it on time. I've had a rough week. 

3rd person's POV

"WHY DIDN'T YOUWU TEWW ME FOXY?!?!?" OwO said as she vaulted over the last few bushes in her way, landing on the neck of of a very confused and panicked Darkguard, and killing him instantly with a sharp twist to the neck.

Foxy didn't pause in her rage-killing to answer. "SoRrRrRyY!! It just, happened!! Look at them!!" She said, pausing for a second, knife still in the Darkguard she was stabbing. "They are practically begging to be killed!!"

OwO nodded reluctantly, but perked up quickly. "Hey Foxy!"


"Weave the jade guy fow me, wouwd youwu?"

"Can do!"

Can peeked up from inside of her trashcan, where she was defending herself. "What?"

"Not you...."

"Okay..." Can said, retreating into the shiny cylinder, and rolling it under the feet of the Darkguards, making them resemble ninepins as they toppled to the ground.

OwO trained her gaze to the jade guard. He was surrounded by gold guards, and was calling out mostly unheeded commands, getting more and more frustrated by the second. 

"HEY MISTEW!!! HEADS UP!!!" OwO yelled, launching a shadowy screaming ghoul head at the guard.

The ghoul head circled the jade guard, babbling and screeching maniacal laughter, a smoky trail following close behind it. The eyes rolled back in the head, and sharp teeth appeared. It gave one last hellish screech before crashing into the Darkguard, who stumbled out of the protective ring of gold guards, who scattered.

The shadowy ghoul dissolved into a dense, murky fog. The guard spun around, unable to see anything, hardly even his own hand.

A taunting laughter came from behind him, and he pivoted to face it, unsheathing a glowing green highlighted sword. 

"SHOW YOURSELF!!!" He cried desperately, beads of sweat trickling down his face.

"Weww hewwowo thewe Ewsa!" The voice said, before dissolving into cackles.

The guard's grip tightened on his sword as a dark silhouette slowly came into focus, right in front of him.

Before disappearing entirely.

A hand tapped on his back.


OwO washed her hands reluctantly with the water bottle one of the Readers had brought. She liked the feel of intestines squishing between her fingers, but a few of the Rescue Team were a bit...perturbed by the gore.

Electraneer sighed and kicked the mauled body of a Darkguard away from their path. "Well, that was nightmare fuel..."

OwO perked up. "Thank youwu!!"

"Not what I-... nevermind."

Cheese skipped to the door of the office-like building. "I mean, it worked right-"

Rose quickly pulled her to the side, away from the door. "Shh!! Look!!"

The Readers peeked in through the semi-transparent door.

The inside of the building was crawling with Darkguards.

And not just silver banded ones. There was gold, jade, and even two crimson guards!!

"I think we can assume that there is a tier system going on here..." L said quietly, "Like, silver, gold, jade, and crimson."

Foxy started forwards, but Pyro grabbed her and pulled her back, much to her great displeasure. "We can't just walk in there! If L is right, this will be even harder than the last fight, and some of us are still tired from that!"

Foxy scowled and rolled her eyes. " what's your 'plan' for getting past those guys?"

Pyro turned towards the door again, expression invisible due to the gas mask. "Live bait..." He said, patting on Can and L's shoulders.

Can nodded. "Good idea." Then it struck her. "Hey!"

Pyro looked at her pleadingly. "C'mon Can! You guys have to create a diversion!"

Can looked at the gas mask man incredulously. "What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?!?"

Pyro smirked.

Foxy groaned.


Can and L said, bursting into the building and startling several nearby guards, some of which dropped their coffee mugs in surprise.

Both Can and L were in hula grass skirts and leis, pink flowers in their hair and shirts bunched up like a tankini.

L had grabbed a snack cart that OwO had created with her powers. It was laden with glistening hunks of skewered meat, seared to perfection, as well as juicy fruits.

The hungry guards were staring hungrily at it, enamored with the spell that overwhelmed their logic, and made them long for the snack cart.

But training had instilled a sense of duty in them, and not a single guard moved to the bait.

It was time to step things up a notch.

Can and L started doing the hula, skirts swaying and hands waving as they sung.




Don't forget to play the song!!!






Can grabbed a slice of bacon, and a huge hunk of roasted ham.


"Yup yup yup!"


"Yup yup yup!!"


"Yup yup!!!"



The Darkguards scrambled towards the cart, unable to wait any longer. L gave it a huge kick, sending it careening out the door, where a ravenous pack of Darkguards chased it down like starving hyenas.

Can and L launched themselves off to the side to avoid getting trampled by the horde.

Can panted, looking at the rest of the team which had snuck in during the song and killed the few guards that had stayed behind.

"I'm never doing that again..."

With the Countrykids...

"Who is outside of the fort?"

Philippines stared at PEACE, fear and confusion in his eyes. Martial came over and sat his brother down, patting his head.

"Stay here Pip. North and I will go check it out."

Before he could go, PEACE grabbed his elbow, halting his movement.

"N-n-no!! If anyone, it sh-should b-be m-m-me!! Y-you s-stay here and w-watch over th-the k-k-kids. I'll g-go look."

Martial scowled, but complied, sitting himself down next to his brother and hugging him protectively.

North glared at PEACE as he started off towards the entrance of the fort.

He started to walk forwards, deliberately ignoring the instruction the 'babysitter' had given him.

A hand on his shoulder made him halt.

He turned his head and bestowed a scathing look at the culprit, none other than South Korea.

South was shaking, teary-eyed and fearful. "P-please, d-don't go b-brother!"

North looked at the entrance of the fort, then back at his petrified sibling.

Sighing, he sat down on the squishy base of the fort, bringing his brother down with him and on his lap.

"It's okay SK, everything's going to be alright. Maybe it's.....a dinosaur."

South looked up at his brother, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. "Really? A dinosaur? That's what you came up with?"

North thought hard. "Uh...yeah!! Outside the door is With. With a top hat. His name is...........Pringles? He's friendly, and is the pet of one of An0n's friends...?"

South shook his head and giggled. "Seriously? Wow North, just, just wow."

Meanwhile PEACE was staring agape out of the blanket flap that served as an entrance to the fort.

More specifically, he was staring agape at the small, light-blue, top hat wearing, Tyrannosaurus Rex named Pringles.

Well at least that's what the little collar on him said.

Oh. And the guy fighting him, dressed in all black.

The mysterious man was thrown into the opposite wall, launched by a tail sweep of the friendly dinosaur.

He looked to be Asian...or something. It was hard to tell. He had close-cut black hair, and yellow eyes. He wore all black, but on his shirt there was a large 'III' in yellow.

The man scowled, having recovered from the impact, and drew out two shiny black gun-shaped device, with blue and green highlights. He pointed them at the dino menacingly and started to fire-



The North American bros had attacked simultaneously, a bullet hole destroying one gun, and an axe smashing one into the wall.

PEACE turned to see a furious Canada, and a gun-wielding America.

America winked at PEACE and blew the 'smoke' away from the barrel.

PEACE snatched the firearm away from the minor, much to the displeasure of said American, who whined and clawed at PEACE's pantleg for his precious baby to come back.

Meanwhile, Pringles had neutralized the threat.



By sitting on him.

The rest of the Countrykids came out of the fort, gathering around the pleased dino and semi-crushed man.

"W-we need t-to tie h-h-him up w-with s-something..." PEACE said, more to himself than to the kids.

"On it!!" Japan said, pulling out a rope, gag, and handcuffs from her backpack.

Everybody, including the dinosaur and the mystery man stared at the neko, very much disturbed.

PEACE opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally finding the courage to speak. "U-um. J-Japan...nope, Nevermind. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. I don't want to know."

The mysterious man looked very confused. "No, well, I still want to know wh-"

America stomped over to the man, placing one foot on his back and brandishing the handcuffs Japan gave him. "SHUDDUP BAD MAN!! YOU UNDER 'REST!!!"

Poland jumped in, wings flapping with excitement. "YEAH!! TAKE A NAP BAD MAN!!!!!"

Pip pumped his fist and hopped as high as he could. "SNUGGLE TIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!!!!!"

Poland, Philippines, and America, (who had finished tying up the mystery man with the help of PEACE), crashed into the fort, knocking it down and making a massive mountain of pillows and blankets. The three beans climbed to the top and snuggled down, getting joined by their other playmates. The mountain soon became teeming with cuddly Countrykids.

The dino, who had gotten off of the mysterious man, joined the kids, being careful not to step on or injure any of the snuggly beans. Pringles laid down happily, curling his tail around several kids, while others pet his head and played with his top hat.

It was a heartwarming sight, and PEACE gave a small smile before turning to the stranger.

PEACE blinked a few times, unsure if he was seeing this right.

The man was gone. Ropes, handcuffs, and all...


A/N: 1616 words. Rough week. Eugh. I thought about skipping this weeks chapter, but that was unrealistic.

I would probably do it anyway.


I know y'all would support *coughcoughandenforcecoughcough* me taking a break, but I just don't really want to.


In case someone didn't see the collab announcement, I'll post it again here.

*you teleport into the Reader Mansion, and spy a note hanging on the refrigerator**first you check if Can is in the fridge (which she thankfully isn't)**then you decide to read the note, curious as to what it says*_________________________________Hello Reader!!!An0n here, T0ni, T0ria, and N0ri are being crackheads, and we (AN0na, N0na, Ari, Tetro, and I) kinda want a break for a while.I know some of you offered to babysit the beans, so I was wondering if maybe some of y'all could watch them while we take a break? -Sincerely, your friend An0n_________________________________*hmm, seems fun. You might do it.**and who knows. Maybe this is another mini-collab An0n is doing because she is too lazy to make artbook chapters for every Reader who said they'd like to babysit the beans.**also not to mention a certain Reader who would stab her, so she'd be forced to take some time off, if she added yet another thing to do on her list.**Those beans ARE pretty cyute, shy T0ni, wild child T0ria, and mischievous N0ri**Maybe you'll give it a shot...*

e-e (\_/) \ '-'\ '--._______, '\ ( ,_.-' \\

