First Day

Y/n pov

My name is Y/n Afton. I'm 15 yr old with long white hair and like my family, I'm dead, and just like them, I haunt the body of an animatronic, my dad made me. I can take form of any animatronic my families animatronic. I can take form of Ballora, Baby, Shadow Freddy, Ennard or Springtrap...if wanted. I wield a black rose, and that's a rare rose, with powerful abilities. Everyone has been after this thing for years and since I wield it, nobody, except me, can take it off and I never take it off, not even when I'm washing my hair. Anyway, Me, Chris, Micheal, Elizabeth, Mom and Dad are going to this school called UnderHigh, and apparently, monsters and humans go there. Mom said, this was a good school, because we can fit right in. (This is what you are wearing)

My black rose was in a form as a hair pin. My rose could turn into anything I wanted it to be, and I was holding my black bunny toy. Chris has his plushies and I have my plushie.

We walked to the school and when we got there, it was huge! "This school is huge!" Mike said. "Yep." I said. "So, everyone, this is the place where we can fit in. If you turn into your animatronic versions, that's okay, if Ennard comes out, okay...Y/n...if your powers get out of control or you start freaking out-" "Find you or dad?" I asked. "That's my girl." Mom said, ruffling my hair. Yes, my parents are teachers in this school. We went inside and we went to the front office. Mom gave me a note to give to my teachers about my toy. My siblings and me got our schedules and left, saying goodbye to our parents. "So what's your schedule?" Mike asked. (I'll make their schedules in another chapter).

Name: Y/n Afton

Status: ???

Powers: ???


1st: Art

2nd: P.E.

3rd: History

4th: Lunch

5th: Music

6th: Combat/Magic/Gymnastics

7th: Astronomy




I smiled. "I have Art first." I said. "Okay, seeyou in...Magic and P.E." Mike said. "Okay, bye guys." I said. "Bye Y/n!" Elizabeth said. I walked to my locker, opened it and placed my bag inside. When I closed it, I was surrounded by some jocks.

The black skeleton pushed me into the lockers and got in front of me. "Your pretty cute for a new student~." He said. I felt anger. 'Y/n..tell me...he is not flirting with you.' Kuroi bara said in my mind. (Black Rose). She was my black rose version and a protective bean. (Yes, you have two versions). 'Yes...he is.' I said. 'Let me at him.' She said. 'Okay.' I said. "You might wanna step back." I said. "And why's that~?" He asked. "Don't say I didn't warn ya." I said, as a vine came from my gut. They backed away, screaming as tons of vines came from my body. Kuroi came out from my stomach and landed feet first. 

"So, you think it's okay, to FLIRT with MY friend?!" She asked, pinning the black skeleton on the wall. "H-HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE??!!" The fish asked. "Uhhhhh..." "She's not gonna answer that. Y/n, get your stuff and go to art class, I'll meet you there...when I finish beating this guy into a bloody pulp." She said, cracking her knuckles. "Don't please, and can I get a new shirt? It's all bloody." I said. She looked at me and snapped her fingers. "There you go...I better go back inside of you." She said. I nodded. She looked at the skeleton. "This isn't over...PJ." She growled. He gulped. She went back inside of me and all the vines vanished. I looked at them and went to the bathroom. I took off my bloody shirt and put on a new shirt.

I walked out the bathroom and went to art. I walked inside and everyone stared at me. "Hi, are you the new student?" The teacher asked.

"Yes." I said. "My name is Mr. Ink. What's your name?" He asked. "Y/n." I said. "Any last name?" He asked. "Not gonna answer that." I said. "Okay...well...can you tell us about yourself?" He asked, nervously. "I'm 15 yrs old and I wield a black rose. Only I can take it off and I never will, anyone who touches it, will get stabbed in the shoulder by me. So unless you want to keep your blood from getting spilled...don't touch it?" I asked. The whole nodded. "Hey, why do you carry a toy?" A bunny girl asked. "None of your business, and here." I gave Mr. Ink the note. He read it and his eyes grew wide. He gave it back to me. "Okay, well today, we'll free drawing. Nothing inappropriate." He said. Everyone began to draw. I began to draw. I just scribbled all over the paper.

(What you drew)

After I was done, the bell rang. Everyone got up, gave their drawings to Mr. Ink and left. I placed mine on his desk and walked out. I walked to P.E, ignoring the looks everyone gave me. I walked inside and went inside the girls locker room. All the girls were talking and some looked at me. I ignored them and changed my clothes.

I grabbed my bunny and walked out. I walked into the gym...and everyone was running. "What's going-" Sis, we need to run laps!" Mike said, as he passed me. 'Okay.' I thought, as I began running. After at least 40 to 50 laps, I stopped. Everyone was panting. I saw Eliza, Chris, Mom and Dad. "Hey." I said. "Hey, how ya doing?" Chris asked. "I'm good, so is Mike. So...did Mom and know...transform or anything?" I asked. "Yeah, they did in my class, because some girl took nightmare." He said. "Okay, at least you're okay." I said. "ALRIGHT MAGGOTS, TODAY WE'LL BE PLAYING BASKETBALL!!! NERDS VS JOCKS!!!" The gym teacher yelled. Chris and Eliza covered their ears.

I went back in line. The nerds were on the left and the jocks were the right. "YOU CAN USE MAGIC IF NEEDED!!! BEGIN!!!" He yelled, throwing the ball. I ran at suer sonic speed, grabbed the ball and ran to the other side of the court. "PASS!!" A skeleton yelled.

I tossed it to him. He shot for the hoop, it missed. I threw my rabbit, it grabbed the ball and slammed dunked it. Everyone cheered. "GOOD JOB SIS!!!" Mike yelled. I smiled at him. 'Mike...magic time.' I said in his mind. 'Gotcha.' He said. My hands turned black and stopped at my shoulders. Mike turned purple and Ennard came out. Vines were all over my body, Kuroi came out, my rabbit was my size. "WHAT THE HELL??!!" The coach yelled. The bunny girl, threw the basketball at me, but I grabbed it and passed it to Mike. He did a slam dunk. The game was almost over and were tied. I took my chances. I grabbed the ball and threw it across the court into the hoop. It went through. Everyone went crazy. "THAT'S CHEATING!!" Bunny yelled. "No, it's not! She scored, it doesn't matter if she threw it or slammed dunked it, they won, now stop being a sore loser!" Eliza said. Bunny scoffed and stomped off the locker rooms. I was panting. Kuroi handed me some water. I drunk it all. "Thanks." I said. "Welcome." She said, going back inside of me. Ennard did the same to Mike. "THAT WAS AWESOME!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT??!! OH, MY APOLOGIES I DIDN'T INTRODUCE MYSELF!!! I'M THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!" He said. I giggled. "I'm Y/n and that's my brother, Mike...and how I scored that? I just threw it." I said. He hugged me. I rubbed his skull.

Then the jocks came over. "Hey...sorry about earlier. I'm PJ and these are my friends, Undyne, Skater Girl and BP." He said. "Y/n, and I accept your apology, just don't do it again or in front of my family. They WILL kill you." I said. He nodded, sweatdropping. Chris came and hugged me. "That was amazing, Y/n!" He said. My rabbit was on the ground. I ran and grabbed it. 

PJ pov

I tapped on Mike's shoulder. "Yeah?" He asked, looking at me. "Why does she have that toy?" I asked. He looked away. "She has...some problems. That toy keeps her from having those issues and as you saw, it can come to life and grow. It was her only friend and protector over the years...don't take the toy away from her, if you do and she comes to me crying...Me, Dad, Mom, Eliza and Chris will make guys never see the sunlight again, understand?" He growled. We nodded. "Good! Now...are their any pervs in this school?" He asked. "Oh yeah, their are at least...two pervs...why?" BP asked. "Because Y/n will kill any pervert or strangle them to death or worse, she'll-" A scream ran through the wasn't a normal scream, it was like a demonic scream. We looked and saw Y/n...(I think it was her), vines coming out from her body, strangling Bunny. 'How is Y/n not dead?' I thought.

Bunny was crying and begging her to let her go, but Y/n didn't listen. I saw a ballerina go to her and hugged her.

"Kuroshōbi neko, please calm down!" She said. "WHY?! SHE THREATENED Y/N AND TRIED TO TAKE THE ROSE!! WHY SHOULDN'T I KILL HER??!!" It screeched. "Is this what Y/n would've wanted?" She asked. Her eyes turned back to white, as her hair turned white and the ears went away. The vines vanished to. Bunny fell on the ground, coughing. She hugged the ballerina. "I'M SORRY, BALLORA!!" She cried. "It's okay, you were just upset." She said. "You f*cking freak!" Bunny said. 

They both screamed. Bunny ran away crying. Y/n let go and left the gym. She snapped her fingers as her clothes changed.

'Who the hell are these people?' I thought.

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