"We're here," Taeyong said as he spotted the airport coming closer to him and Johnny.

He wasn't even inside the building yet and his heart was already slowly shattering. Soon Johnny would be gone for months. Taeyong wouldn't get to see him for MONTHS.

It hurt. An aggressive tug at Taeyong's heartstrings, if you will.

Still, Taeyong was grateful for all of the time he got to spend with Johnny that summer. Even if it wouldn't mean anything to Johnny, it would be in Taeyong's heart and mind forever.

As they entered the building, Johnny noticed that it was way more crowded than it was months prior. People either going back to their home country—like Johnny—or coming back to Korea from their own summer break adventure.

Taeyong sat on a bench as Johnny went through the whole process.

[Edit: I have no idea how airports work. I've never been to an airport to go somewhere, only to pick up people. So like yeah sorry. ]

Then they just had to wait for the plane.

They watched YouTube on Taeyong's phone. The video was something popular in America. Something called Harlem Shake. Just a bunch of compilations. Sure Taeyong didn't quite get it but it didn't matter.

"Johnny," Taeyong said, turning off his phone and looking at Johnny's eyes. "What's it like in America?"

Johnny sat there for a moment. Where would he even start?

"How complicated?"
"Can you teach me some slang from America?"
"Well....there's selfie. It's not really slang but."
"What's that."
"When you use your front-facing camera on your phone to take a picture of yourself. Like this."

Johnny took out his phone and posed for the camera. Then he showed Taeyong.

"That's all there is to it?"

Taeyong was slightly shocked. Anyone could do that. Then he had an idea.

"Johnny, can we take a selfie...together?"

Johnny smiled. "Of course we can."

This time they used both phones.

Taeyong smiled. He smiled big. He would have a picture of him and Johnny together on his phone forever.

"Attention people in the airport. The flight from Seoul to Chicago has now arrived."

"Well....that's me," Johnny said as he stood up.

Taeyong stood up with him. He'd have to walk home anyways and sulking on a dirty airport bench is not the best idea.

"Oh wait. Before I go." Johnny said as he dug through his coat pocket. "I wanted to give you this."

He handed Taeyong a little black box. Was he gonna ask Taeyong to marry him? Oh my god, WHAT THE HELL IS INSIDE THIS BOX, AND WILL HE AND JOHNNY BE GETTING MARRIED??

Taeyong opened the box. Inside were diamond earrings.

"I saw these at a store and thought of you. I think they'd look good on you. You should get your ears pierced." Johnny smiled.

Taeyong put the box in his pocket and hugged Johnny.

If either of them could choose, they'd stay like this forever. Holding each other like they'd lose them forever.

"Thank you, Johnny. You're the best." Taeyong said.

"If the Seoul to Chicago flight is yours, please board the plane now."

The two looked up at the ceiling towards the announcer's voice.

"I have to go now. Bye Taeyongie." Johnny said.

"Bye Johnny," Taeyong said as he smiled.

He smiled as he watched Johnny jog off to catch his flight. He watched as Johnny slowly disappeared. He watched until he could no longer see Johnny's figure.

Then he left the airport.

I didn't proofread this lol


Sorry for the late update, I was procrastinating

Sorry. I said I'd try not to but then I did anyways.

Again, I'm sorry.

And I'm also sorry for still apologizing when it's probably unnecessary

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love you always,
