
Hello and welcome to my cover workshop!

Firstly, how to request:

You can leave a comment anywhere in this book, or you can PM me. 

What to include: 

The name of your book, your author name, and a short description of your book / a link for me to read it myself.

Does my book need to be complete?

No! It's important to have a fabulous cover as soon as possible. However, if you can PM me an outline of the plot (it doesn't have to be specific), I can make more appropriate covers.

Do I have to take the first cover?

Of course not! Your cover needs to be perfect for your book. If you don't think any of the originals work for you, let me know, and don't worry, I'm hard to offend. Even if you like one of the covers, but something small like the font type is bugging you, just tell me and I'll fix it.

How long will it take?

Hmmmm... I guess that depends. Best outcome, a few hours. On average, I'd allow just under a week before you start reminding me. I think it's safe to guarantee results within a month. If it takes longer than that, I'm probably dead, and you need to find another cover artist.  

Do I need to pay?

Absolutely not! I do this for my own amusement, and to help out all you lovelies. <3

I think that's it. 

Any other questions, just stick 'em in the comments. Don't be afraid - whatever you're brave enough to ask, someone else is probably wondering silently. Also, I'm a very nice person.

