J'Adore le Regard dans tes Yeux

Sif followed Barry out of the train station, ignoring the rain that was pouring down on her "This is going to be a disaster, Barry," she called over the noise of Starling City. It had been a couple of years since they got together already. Barry had graduated and started working for the CCPD as a forensic scientist. There had been ups and downs in their relationship but for the most part, they had been happy. Sif was even sure that Joe had – at least somewhat – accepted her. Well, it might have had to do with the fact that she had compelled herself out of being jailed for something she might or might not have done.

It was also around that time that the captain of the police had learned of her and to not mess with her. All in all, Sif was often seen at the precinct but only a few officers really talked to her or knew about her at all. She preferred to stick around Barry and only him. The others don't really interest her in any way.

"Don't be so pessimistic, Sif," he sighed, running towards a taxi that was just driving away "Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Hey, stop. You don't even have a fare."

"See?" Sif snorted when Barry was hit by a flood of water from a passing car "That is fate telling you that you're messing up."

Barry huffed "Just get us there, will you?"

"Ah, I see," Sif smirked raising her hand to her chest, grimacing a little at the stickiness of her shirt "That's all I'm good for, aren't I?"

"You said it," he pointed out, shoving Sif's shoulder gently.

Sif groaned mockingly "Why do I put up with you again?"

Barry raised his eyebrows "I think it's me who puts up with you."

"Probably," Sif laughed, pulling Barry into a short kiss "Come on. Let's get going before you're later than you already are."


The group at the crime scene looked at the video until the camera burst into static "This is the only guy we got on video. The rest of the crew must have come in after."

Barry stepped out from where he had been looking at the scene "Actually, it was only one guy," he called out, walking over to them with Sif a couple of steps behind him "Sorry, I'm late. Actually, my train was late. The second one. The first one, I did miss..."

"You're rambling," Sif pointed out, trying to make Barry shut up. From the way these people were looking at them, they were ready to do the same.

Barry stopped short "I'm here now, though, so..."

"Great," Lance grimaced "And who the hell are you?"

"And do your parents know that you're here?" Oliver added, looking from Barry to Sif and back.

Barry blinked at them "I'm Barry Allen..." When they looked at him in confusion "From the Central City Police Department. I'm with the Crime Scene Investigation Unit." He pointed over his shoulder "That's Sif."

Sif waved "Hi."

"We're working on a case with some similar unexplained elements in Central City," Barry explained "So when the report of your robbery came over the wire, my captain sent me up here."

Oliver raised his eyebrow doubtfully and was about to say something when Lance cut in "And you think one guy ripped through this door like it was tinfoil?"

"One very strong guy, yeah," Barry shrugged, he glanced at the people before he continued "Uh, it takes about 1250 foot-pounds of torque to break someone's neck." He pressed around on the tablet he brought and pulled up the photo of the guard "See the marks on the guard's neck? The bruising pattern suggests the killer only used one hand." Barry looked up when Oliver shifted "I'm guessing you don't know how hard it is to break someone's neck."

"Hmm?" Oliver blinked before shaking his head "No. No idea."

Sif narrowed her eyes on his and snorted quietly "I'm sure."

"Uh," the man behind them spoke up hesitatingly "We're gonna need a list of the entire inventory here to figure out exactly what was stolen."

"Actually, I think we know what was stolen," Sif spoke up, drawing the attention to her. She gestured for Barry to explain further as they lead the group to the empty socket.

Barry nodded in agreement "A centrifuge. An industrial centrifuge. Probably the Kord Enterprises 2BX-900, maybe the six series. Both have a three-column base." He gestured to the empty space "Here, you can see the three sets of broken bolts where the thief just – poof – ripped it out of the ground.

"And what exactly is a centrifuge?" Lance questioned, looking at the socket.

"It separates liquids," Felicity explained before Barry could "The centripetal acceleration causes denser substances to separate out along the radial direction."

Barry nodded "The lighter objects move to the top."

Felicity glanced at the young man in interest "What did you say your name was again?"

"Barry," he replied "Allen."

"Felicity," she smiled lightly "Smoak."

Barry inclined his head and startled when Oliver glared at him a little "Eh, you can see the cracks heading towards the door. Footsteps. One guy." When Oliver knelt down next to the socket, he continued "Anyway, it's just a theory... One backed by a lot of evidence."

Lance shook his head "There has to be another explanation.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're right," Barry agreed in disbelief. He turned to Sif and shook his head "Was I this bad in the beginning?"

Sif coughed "No, not really. You were a bit more Damsel in distress than disbelieving."

"I would like to see you..." Barry stopped at Sif's triumphant look "Never mind."

She perked up when the quiet conversation between Felicity and Lance reached her ears "You might want to fill our mutual friend in on this," the police officer murmured.

Felicity nodded "I'm sure he's already on it."

Sif turned from them to Oliver who looked worlds away. She had the suspicion that they were talking about the Hood and if Oliver and Felicity's reactions were anything to go by... No way. There was no way, right?


"Where are you going?" Sif asked, leaning back against the head of the bed.

Barry looked up from checking on his equipment and shrugged "Felicity said that I should set up at Queen Consolidated. Apparently, Oliver Queen likes to keep things in-house."

Sif raised her eyebrow "You don't actually believe her, do you?"

"Nope," Barry snorted "But if she says so... Are you coming with me?"

"Sure. If you'll have me," Sif shrugged and got up with a small groan "Remind me again why you thought that this was a good idea?"

Barry whirled around "Because this isn't normal and while that guy could very well be your spectrum of the Supernatural, I can't risk not finding a clue about my mum."

Sif closed her eyes for a moment "You know that I support you in your quest, right?" she asked, waiting for Barry to nod "But this isn't the way to get answers. What you're doing is only going to get you fired in the end and while I would gladly compel the Captain to forget... again... I don't think Joe would be too happy with you if you allow me to do just that."

"Just this once, alright?" Barry pleaded, glancing over at Sif.

She groaned, slightly annoyed "That's what you said last time. And the time before that. Look, I understand that you want to find out who or what killed your mother but messing up your life in the process isn't going to help."


"It's alright. I just don't want you to get your hopes up too much. I hate seeing you down after cases like these," she smiled "Come on. I want to see Queen Consolidated."


Oliver was staring out of the window, his thoughts far away back on the island when he heard his name being called from behind him "Oliver," Diggle hurried up to him with a couple of papers in his hand "Got the final inventory from applied sciences. That CSI from Central City was right. The only thing missing is a centrifuge."

"You have to see this," Felicity exclaimed, clutching a tablet "I pulled up CC traffic camera footage from across the street of applied sciences. This is three minutes after the alarm went off."

The three of them watched in silence as a man carried the heavy centrifuge as if it was made out of Styrofoam when Oliver looked up sharply "Can we help you with something, Detectives?"

"Oh, CSIs aren't actually detectives," Barry pointed out "We don't even carry guns... Just some plastic baggies." He chuckled a little and let out a bark of laughter when he saw Sif's reaction to what he said. Sometimes he liked playing up his awkwardness even more than he really was. Just to see how Sif would react to what he was saying. He looked around the room uncomfortably, more than aware of the near glare he was getting from the Queen heir "Uh, where should I set up my equipment?"

"I'll show you," Felicity smiled, going to walk Barry and Sif to a place they could set up.

Oliver held out a hand, stopping her "What's going on?"

Barry looked from Felicity to Oliver before speaking "Your assistant said that you preferred to keep the investigation in house, so I cleared it with my captain to give you a hand."

Oliver grabbed Felicity's arm and lead her off to one side "What are you doing?"

"We need to find this intruder," Felicity hissed "And he seems to know more about it than any of us." She glanced over her shoulder seeing Barry and Sif poking at each other discreetly "Forensic science isn't exactly my forte, so... I'd say we need them. Wouldn't you?"

Oliver gritted his teeth but nodded reluctantly "Mm-hmm."

Felicity grinned victoriously "I'll show you around."

"Why am I getting the feeling you know more about this than Felicity's new friends?" Diggle asked Oliver as they watched the group of three walk off.

Sif subtly glanced over her shoulder before turning back to listen to Felicity "What was your name again? Something with an 'S'?" she asked, smiling at Sif apologetically.

"Sif Mikaelson," Sif introduced herself "Don't worry about it. Barry only mentioned it once, so there was no real need for you to remember it at all."


Sif was standing by Felicity as she watched Barry set up the equipment, turning on black lights all around the socket the centrifuge had been screwed into.

Felicity leaned forward, watching Barry with a frown "What exactly are you looking for?" she asked.

Barry was close to laying flat on the ground, a pair of tweezers clutched in his grip "Your thief's shoes touched the ground which means he tracked in dozens of clues as to where he's been the past few days."

"If he wore the same shoes, that is," Sif pointed out.

"Well, he isn't you," Barry shot back with a grin.

Sif let out a huff "Hey, you know that I don't have that many shoes. Most of the ones that I do own are comfy. Not like the death traps that other people like to wear." She glanced down at Felicity's shoes and shuddered.

Barry raised the tweezers and got up "Gotcha." He placed the particle in a machine and started the analysis. He smiled at Felicity "Shouldn't take long."

Sif hopped onto the table the computer was on and leaned back. Barry bit his lip nervously, thinking about whether to talk to Felicity or not "So... You've seen him, right?" he asked eventually "The vigilante?" Felicity swallowed and looked away "I read that he saved you. What was he like?"

Felicity stared at the monitor, thinking about what to say "Green," she murmured.

"Green," Barry repeated "That's interesting, right? I mean, why green? Black would be better for stealth and urban camouflage. Me, personally... I think that he trained in some sort of, like, forest or jungle environment and the green is a nod to that."

"Barry," Sif sighed "Tone it down with the fangirling, would you? Not everyone wants to talk to you about that topic."

Barry stopped and looked at Felicity's uncomfortable expression "Right. Sorry, Felicity. But police reports show that he uses carbon arrows but if he switched to an aluminium-carbon composite, he would have far better penetration."

"Maybe he thinks he penetrates just fine," Felicity shrugged as Sif let out a groan.

"Do you want to know something else?" When she didn't reply, he just kept going "I think that he has partners. Definitely someone with a background in computer sciences."

Sif jumped down from the table and walked over to lean against Barry "Yeah, Felicity. Barry thinks the vigilante has partners," she smirked, enjoying the sound of the blonde's heart. It was skipping like crazy ever since the topic came up and Sif couldn't help but to tease her about it. There was no doubt that Felicity was said computer genius and since she is working for Oliver Queen – who just so happened to have survived on an island for five years – there was next to no doubt that he was the vigilante. He just knew too much about fighting and his body language spoke of things that he would never admit to. It all fit.

"Why are you so interested in the vigilante?" Felicity asked curiously, glancing over at Barry.

Barry let out a small breath and looked at Sif for a moment, wrapping his arms around her "When I was eleven, my mum was murdered," he started quietly.

Felicity's eyes widened "I'm so sorry..."

"They never caught the guy who did it," Barry continued and shrugged a little "Maybe he would've." At that moment, the computer beeped, making the tension leave the room almost immediately. Barry tapped on the keyboard before blinking at the monitor "The soil, there's a crystalline structure in it. That's weird."

"What's weird?" Felicity and Sif asked at the same time, looking over his shoulders.

"It's sugar."


"Wait... How do you...?"

Sif deadpanned. She had been geeking out with Felicity completely by accident. Normally, she pretended that she didn't know too much about science, so that Barry could explain it to her but when Felicity had claimed something that Sif knew was wrong, she had to say something "Barry, I'm over a thousand years old. Did you really think that I didn't know anything about science? I was there when most of it was discovered."

Barry gaped "Then why did you let me...?"

"Because you enjoyed it," Sif shrugged "I love the look in your eyes when you talk about things you enjoy."

Felicity looked from one to the other and raised her hand to her chest "Aww," she cooed "You're so cute together." She then froze "Wait, what did you mean with a thousand years?"

"Er..." Barry grimaced "Any chance you can forget any of this happened? Sif?"

"You found something?" Oliver's voice called over at them. He was walking toward them with Diggle following behind.

The three looked at each other before Felicity nodded reluctantly "We found something."

"There were trace amounts of sucrose in a speck of dirt the killer dragged in," Barry continued, walking around the table.

"Which got me thinking," Felicity spoke up "There's a sugar refinery two miles from here. The land around it is suffused in waste sugar, so I checked it. They had a delivery truck stolen a few days ago."

Sif nodded and pulled up the report "Their truck matches the make and model of the truck the thief used to steal the centrifuge."

"Can you track the vehicle?" Oliver asked.

"I'm trying," Sif mumbled, narrowing her eyes at the laptop she was currently working on.

The stationary computer beeped, showing the results of the scan that Felicity had set running "What was that?" Oliver frowned.

Felicity looked at the monitor and gasped "You're not going to believe this. The truck was just used to rob a blood bank."

"Are you sure?"

Sif sat up straighter "I got eyes on it. CCTV cameras following that guy's moves."

"Wow," Felicity mumbled "Our guy just made off with 30.000 cc's of O negative."

Diggle snorted "He has super-strength, likes blood. Please don't tell me we suddenly believe in vampires."

Sif coughed in amusement "He's not a vampire."

"Wait, what?" Diggle frowned "You say that as if they're actually... You know, real?"

"They are," Sif shrugged "But he isn't one. If he were, no one would be aware of him making off with the blood."

Barry looked at his girlfriend for a moment before he turned back to Oliver "We should get this information to the local police."

"I'll... take care of that," Oliver said before shifting his focus "Did you say that you were working a similar case in Central City?"

Barry grimaced "Yeah... Um... Yeah, you know, it's similar."

Sif took pity on him and interjected smoothly "There was a bunch of robberies a while ago and the things stolen were way too heavy to carry for one person only." She smirked at Diggle "That, on the other hand, was a vampire."

Oliver looked at the two of them sceptically "Right." He shook his head and turned, walking off with Diggle. Sif looked over when she heard him speak up "I want you to look into this Allen kid and the girl... There's more to them than they're letting on."

"His intentions seem pretty clear to me," Diggle teased, nodding his head at where Barry and Felicity were standing close together, talking about something on the screen.

Sif rolled her eyes and turned back to the conversation that was happening next to her. They would find out regardless of her interference. That, and she wasn't sure how well Oliver was trained in that jungle. He seemed to have his emotions under wraps pretty well. Depending on the methods he used, it would make compelling him hard. Diggle, on the other hand, would be an easy target. As would Felicity. Not that Sif planned on making any of them forget. She actually wanted to see how this would play out. And whether she would reveal herself to them sometime. They did keep their own secrets moderately well, so maybe she would show them eventually... Maybe not. It all depended on how this clusterfuck would turn out.


After a quick lunch – or dinner rather – Sif and Barry got a call from Felicity. Apparently, she had found another piece of evidence that she wanted to check out.

Barry walked around the lab they were in, noticing something that he couldn't shut up about "They have nitric acid next to hydrazine? Permanganates on top of acetone? This is the definition of dangerous."

Felicity looked up at him when he shook two bottles "If it's so dangerous, maybe you shouldn't be touching them."

"Better give up now," Sif laughed "Barry always touches things he's not supposed to. It's sort of his thing."

A clap of thunder echoed through the building, making the lights dim momentarily. Sif looked over at Barry who had frozen "Barry?" she called out.

"Yeah?" he nodded, turning away from the window.

"I managed to get a sample of the perpetrator's blood from the police department," Felicity explained "We need to isolate a sedative in the blood. It could lead us to the thief."

Barry raised his eyebrow "How did the police get it?"

"Apparently, the vigilante shot him with an arrow," Felicity shot back with a small shrug.

Barry blinked at her before shaking his head "You're kidding." He climbed from the shelf "You know what this means, right? This means the vigilante's working the same case we are."

Felicity let out a small, breathy laugh "Go figure."

"How did you get it?"

"Barry," Sif sighed "A little less enthusiasm, please. I thought you disapprove of hurting people."

"But the vigilante shot the perp with an arrow," he gestured.

Sif tilted her head and lowered her voice enough so that Felicity wouldn't hear her "And I could go snack on him... Although, from the smell of the blood, I'd rather avoid that."

"Siffy being a domesticated vampire," Barry teased quietly, ruffling her hair.

Sif snapped at his hand playfully "Careful... I wonder why I keep you around sometimes."

"Because you love me," Barry laughed, pressing a kiss to Sif's temple.

"True," she mumbled, running a hand through her now messed up hair. She glanced over at Felicity "I do hope that this whole thing will turn out alright... Especially now that the vigilante is on the case as well. Not that I didn't already know that."

Barry gaped at her "You know who it is? Sif, tell me."

"Nope," she shook her head with a grin "Figure it out yourself. It's fairly obvious once you think about it."

"But Sif... Please?"

"See it as punishment for calling me domestic," she shrugged with a grimace "Let's get back to the blood, shall we? We do have some work to do."

Barry pouted before he nodded with a sigh "So, how did you get it again?"

"Oh, Oliver has a lot of connections," she shrugged.

"Pays to work for a billionaire," Barry pointed out as Felicity put the samples into the machine.

Felicity smiled lightly "Actually, my take-home's nothing special. Especially, given I am rarely at home since I'm with him every night."

"Ah," Barry shifted uncomfortably "I didn't realise you and he were... Did you, Sif?"

"Oh, no," Felicity cut in, shaking her head "We're... He and I are not... No, I do not like Oliver."

Sif grinned "Yeah, we can see that."

"Hey, I, erm, I was invited to a work function," Felicity changed the subject "It's a – It's a party. And I have a plus one." She looked at the two of them "I might be able to stretch the definition to two? If you want to come?"

"There's not going to be dancing, is there?" Barry asked, his voice filled with a hint of trepidation "I'm just not too good on my feet."

Sif choked on some spit, coughing violently "Understatement of the year," she coughed out.

"Shut up, you."


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sif asked, resting her head on Barry's chest "I mean... They're bound to find out that no one in Central knows about you being here."

Barry ran his hand down her side "I'm hoping they won't find out until this case is done."

"Have you seen Queen?" Sif snorted and hinted at what she knew about the vigilante "That guy is like a bloodhound."

"He is, isn't he?" Barry groaned "I just don't know... This could still help me find out more about my mother's murder, Sif."

She sighed and dropped a kiss to Barry's neck "The Captain will be pissed when he finds out and we both know that he will."

"I'll worry about that when the time comes," Barry told her before raising Sif's chin, capturing her lips with his.


The next morning, Sif and Barry were waiting for Felicity to show up at Queen Consolidated. While they were waiting, Barry had turned on the Channel 52 News that was reporting about STAR Labs Particle Accelerator that was supposed to go online "Central City is just a day away from making history when the controversial STAR Labs Particle Accelerator is finally turned on."

Barry turned to look at Felicity when she walked over to them "Pretty cool, right?"

Felicity shrugged "You know there's a 100-percent increase in earthquakes since they turned on the Large Hadron Collider?"

Barry rolled his eyes "That data is misleading."

Sif's head snapped up when Oliver stormed toward them, a dark look on his face "You'd know about misleading, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Felicity frowned, looking at Oliver carefully. It wasn't often that he was mad but this... Something had to have happened and she had the sinking feeling that Barry and Sif had something to do with that.

"He's not a full CSI. He's an assistant, whose bosses don't know you're in Starling." He looked at Sif "And you... You don't even work with the police department."

Sif shrugged "I never claimed that I did."

He shot her a glare "And there is no similar case in Central City. So, tell me, Barry... What are you really doing here?"

"There was..."

"I wasn't talking to you," Oliver snapped at Sif before turning back to look at Barry.

Sif gritted her teeth and was about to take a step towards the billionaire when Barry stopped her "It's alright, Sif." He looked over at Felicity "I told you my mum was murdered."

"By your father," Oliver cut in.

"Shut up," Sif hissed, glaring at him "You want to know why we're here, so you better shut up and listen."

Barry stormed over to Oliver "He didn't do it."

"You said that the police didn't find the man who killed her," Felicity pointed out, looking from Sif to Barry and then to Oliver nervously.

"The police think they did," Barry sighed "My dad has been serving a life sentence." He shook his head and looked down "They didn't believe me."

Felicity bit her lip "About what?"

Barry swallowed, grabbing hold of Sif's hand to comfort himself "I was eleven," he started, clearing his throat "One night... Something just came into our house, like a tornado. A blur. Somewhere inside the blur, I saw a person. My dad tried to fight it and I tried to get to him when suddenly... I was twenty blocks away from our house. Nobody believed me... Well, no one apart from Sif. But the police thought I was trying to cover for my father. But what I saw that night was real. As real as the man that ripped down that metal door with his bare hands." Barry looked at Oliver before letting out a sigh "That's why I look into cases like this. The ones nobody believes are possible. Maybe if I can just make sense of one... That doesn't deal with Sif's kind of crazy... I might be able to find out who really killed my mother and free my dad." He squeezed Sif's hand before turning back to Felicity "I'm sorry I lied to you. You better find other plus twos." With that said, he turned and walked past Oliver and out of the building with Sif trailing behind, glaring at Oliver one last time.

"He did lie about who he really was," Oliver shrugged when Felicity stared at him incredulously.

She scoffed "And what do we do every day?"


Felicity was standing in the foyer of the Queen mansion uncertainly. She was still mad at Oliver but she had promised to come "May I have a word?" Oliver asked as he walked toward her.

Felicity nodded, letting him lead her away from his mother and sister "Yeah."

"I'm sorry if I overreacted earlier," Oliver said softly.

"You think?" Felicity snorted and shook her head "Right now you need to apologise to your mother. Not me."

Oliver frowned "For what?"

"For being wrong," she whispered, nodding to the almost empty ballroom. Felicity watched as his face fell and he made a beeline for his mother, talking to her softly.

A little while later, Felicity was walking through the ballroom, wishing she were anywhere but here "Time for a dance?" Oliver asked, coming up next to Felicity.

She looked at him with a small glare "Not really feeling like dancing with you, Oliver."

"I know," he replied and stepped to the side "That's why I called them." He went to walk past Felicity when he stopped "FYI – They will card them at the bar."

"Hey," Barry smiled, fidgeting with his suit.

Felicity smiled at him and Sif "Hi."

"I'll leave you two," Sif grinned, knowing that she had nothing to fear from Felicity. Barry liked her but not like that. Plus, it was more than obvious to both of them that Felicity was totally into Oliver "Fair warning. He wasn't lying when he said that he can't dance. I tried everything but he's still absolutely hopeless."

Barry shot her a wounded look "Sif," he pouted.

"Sorry," she shrugged unapologetically "But you know that I'm right."

"True," he groaned "I apologise in advance."

With that, Sif walked towards Oliver, raising her eyebrow at him "You know that you are this close to having me as your enemy, right?" she asked, keeping her tone light. She suppressed the smirk when she saw him stiffen "Barry is a good guy. Yeah, he lied but he did it for a good reason."

"Who are you?" Oliver demanded "There is barely anything on you anywhere."

"Good luck figuring it out." Sif patted him on the shoulder, going to walk past him to compel herself a drink when Oliver stopped her.

"Do you want to dance?" he asked.

Sif looked at him for a moment before tilting her head "I think there is someone who wants to talk to you," she pointed out, nodding to the woman behind his back.

"I don't really care," Oliver shrugged and held out a glass of whiskey for Sif "I really do hope you're old enough to drink. Wouldn't want to get arrested."

Sif let out a quiet laugh "Don't worry about that."

"Oliver," the woman cleared her throat in annoyance "Are you going to talk to me?"

"I wasn't planning to," he shrugged, sipping at his glass. He held out his hand for Sif to take "Would you care to dance?"

"Hm," Sif smirked "Since it's you asking." She took his hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor. Once they were close enough, her eyes flashed dangerously "I'm letting you get away with hurting Barry this once, understood?" she whispered "And only because you didn't know and I do understand how it looks from an outsider's perspective."

Oliver narrowed his eyes "Who are you? I barely found anything about you apart from you being French."

"I prefer to remain a mystery," Sif smirked "No, really. I'll let you figure it out. It's funny to see people getting frustrated about the lack of information about me."

Oliver hummed, his mind whirring "Did you know that Barry has a crush on Felicity?"

Sif looked at him, slightly insulted "He doesn't actually... He likes geeking out with her but that's about it. We're in a relationship after all."

"Wait," Oliver blinked, stopping in his tracks "You're in a relationship?"

"I thought that much was obvious," Sif mumbled "But yes, we are. Why? Afraid for your little helper, Mr Vigilante?"

Oliver stiffened "How do you know about that?"

"I'm neither blind nor stupid," Sif grumbled "Felicity is sort of obvious and if you know what you're looking for, you're not as good at hiding it either."

"I have managed fine so far," he bit out.

Sif tilted her head "Yeah but that police guy seemed a bit... thick. They don't usually expect people as famous – or rather infamous – as you, Mr Queen." She looked over his shoulder and grinned "Excuse me, I believe I should rescue Felicity from Barry's clumsiness."


"Yes," Barry nodded, speaking into his phone „Yes, sir... I – Yes, director, I know that this isn't the first time." He listened for a moment before he sighed "Yes, sir, I do value my job very much. Look, I'll be on the next train." After another moment of silence, his head dropped onto Sif's shoulder "Mm-hmm. I'll be back tonight. Okay. Thank..." Barry looked down at the phone with an annoyed expression before he looked up at Felicity "Well, my boss found out I don't have food poisoning... I need to get back to Central City if I still want to be employed which I do."

"I told you that he would find out," Sif pointed out "I could have spoken to him, you know?"

Barry wrapped his arm around her "I know but then Joe would have known and... Yeah."

"He knows about me regardless," Sif shrugged "And I don't really care that he thinks I'm a bad influence on you. I've been called worse."

Barry rolled his eyes and turned to Felicity "Tell the SCPD that the sedative in the thief's blood is ketamine. It's a schedule-3 controlled substance. Shouldn't be too hard to track."

Felicity smiled "I'll make sure they get it."

"Okay." He hesitated for a moment "It was really nice working with you."

"Thank you," Felicity inclined her head "We couldn't have done it without you. Either of you."

Sif raised her hand in a half-salute "Take care."
