Swimming Pool and a Bug

Guess what?! I got a daughter! 

She is pretty much the only reason you all are getting this chapter because she asked me nicely to write it(more like shout)

Wait I think there was someone else too that was begging me to write this chapter , Hmm... what was his name Gika- something well who gives a shit about him anyways 

But yes, if it wasn't for her then I would have been extremely lazy and this chapter would have taken  1 more week. So be sure to thank her <3

x x x 

Gikara:"Welcome back everyone! Since Author-Kun is in a good mood he has graced us with yet another wonderful chapter, for which I am eternally grateful for. I admit that I am addicted to reading this book and can no longer live withou-"

Author-kun:"Can you dial it down with the ass licking? I honestly don't give a single flying fuck about you or your opinion, rather than listening to you I would prefer to go and play hide and seek with my daughter" he said in a bored tone 

Gikara :"B-but I was ju-"

Author-kun:"No buts, now go and do your job quickly, so I can go back to my daughter" 

Gikara seeing that his attempts at flattering Author-kun failed, hung his head down and went to do his job, barely holding his tears 'You can at least treat me better , I know that I am a pathetic slave but still I still have feelings...........Well at least I got to lick Honami-Sama's sock so I guess it's fine.......but I would like to taste it again maybe her towel or her shi-'He thought with a lewd expression 

Succubus-Chan:"Author-Kun you have a daughter? Can I meet her?" She asked with sparkling eyes and a pleading expression 

Author-kun:"Sure I'll invite her next time" he said 

Succubus-Chan:"YAY!" she exclaimed and gave Author-kun a kiss which he happily reciprocated 

Back in the hall

Gikara:"Alright lets start the next video so we can finish this quickly so that Author-kun can go back to play with his daughter or else I will get whipped" he said and started the video

A few days passed and my life has been so far so good. My classmates are behaving themselves while there is some slips here, but overall a great behavior

Ichinose did a great job as the Class Representative. Objectively speaking, we wouldn't lose that many points thanks to her

Seeing their behavior Class D hung their head low, disappointed in themselves

Kushida:"It's alright everyone we have learned a lot in this past year and will sure reach Class A!" she exclaimed and pumped her first 

Ike:"Kikyo-chan is right everyone! We are elites , we all will surely reach class A" he tried to shout but his jaw was still a bit hurt from giving Sudog a blowjob

Before more little shitty defects could shout, Gikara interrupted them because he could not afford to waste anymore time and make Author-kun mad 

Gikara:" SHUT THE FUCK UP! NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR ANY OF YOU  ANNOYING LITTLE SHITS SPEAK!"he vented out his frustration of being miserably treated even though he deserved it 

Hearing him shouted most of the defects pissed their pants which resulted in a horrible smell, so Gikara secretly made Hondo drink all of their piss and used an air freshner to remove the smell

Hondo:'Why does my mouth taste so good?' he thought because apparently this MF HAD A FETISH OF DRINKING PISS! Just when you think these defects can't fall any lower they somehow find a way to surprise everyone 

I've been also hanging out with Hiyori a.k.a my book buddy. We would recommend each other books, and have sessions of silence readings. Hiyori was very passionate about books, so hanging with her was never boring

Hiyori had an extremely sweet smile on her face, hearing that Ayanokouji liked spending time with 

Ryueen:'Kuku maybe I can use Hiyori to seduce that monster' He thought and suddenly felt a glare, he looked in the direction of where the glare was coming from and saw a beautiful tomboy 'Looks like there is another candidate I can use kukuku'

Today we were supposed to have swimming class after lunch. However, our P.E teacher won't be there, instead would be Hoshinomiya-sensei, She claimed that he is home sick and announced that she would be taking his place. I don't know what she did but that was suspicious

Sae:" Chie don't tell did you..." she said 

Chie:"I have no idea what you are talking about Sae-Chan" she said with a big  innocent smile  that screamed SUS

"Queen to A8, checkmate"

"I lost, again"

(Haah reminds me of the time I solo'd everyone low diff)

"Haha, good game Kanzaki-kun, you were better this time, but Ayanokouji-kun is just unbeatable"

"You're right Ichinose, this would make it 8 losses in arrow, under two minute"

Machida:"Hah no matter how good he is , he still lost to Sakayanagi-san" he said

Arisu had a sad and angry expression on her face because she had been interrupted during the one thing she had wished for her whole life, she swore that she would take her revenge against the acting director 

He then looked and me suspiciously and asked "Honestly, What else are you hiding Ayanokouji?"

During lunch, I have been playing chess against some of my 'friends' for fun, needless to say I won every single match, They were definitely not bad at all

Chiaki:'Why did he say friends like that?'

"You've put a better fight this time Kanzaki, I've been playing chess since when I was a child and in my free time too, you've made he lowest amount of blunders out of them " I said honestly

"Yeah yeah, better fight my ass this game didn't even reach 15 moves!" Said Kanzaki

"My game didn't reach 10 moves" Muttered Amikura

"Don't worry guys, with time and practice, you could reach or even surpass me " I said trying to cheer everyone, in response, everyone growled

The bell rang signaling the end of the lunch period, and with that everyone headed towards the pool

Hearing the word pool all the perverts sat up straight and stared at the screen trying to imprint all the images in their minds. Nothing could stop them from staring at beautiful women in swimsuits, even if there was a fire or an earthquake they would refuse to move and would do anything to look at the girls for even 1 more second 

All the girls were disgusted by them, of course they would never admit that they also wanted to see Ayanokouji's body. Some even secretly took out their phones to click pictures for Ahem their 'personal use'

We entered the changing room, I went to one of the lockers and grabbed a swimwear, it was a school issued one, with a good quality too, It won't be painful to move around with while its wet, with almost no hindrance to your movements too.

I looked around to see the boys changing, Shibata next to me, With no doubt had the best body, Looking at it gives me the idea of how hard he practiced and played soccer, Kanzaki wasn't bad either, But Shibata was better overall

Mako:"Ara- Sou-kun your body looks hot" she said in a teasing tone

Shibata blushed and started stuttering, everyone laughed seeing him like that 

I took off my shirt followed up with my pants, standing semi-naked as I wore the swim shorts. Shibata done changing, Glanced around the room, Upon seeing me, Or to be more specific my body. A big Shocked Scream escaped his mouth. Everyone upon hearing his scream turned to Shibata. Following his line of sight, they cried of shock too

The entire hall was silent for a while when suddenly


More than half of the girls had nosebleeds and fainted , while the ones that were still awake were either in a daze or busy clicking pictures 

Even Suzune and Kushida took a couple of photos for themselves 




Amasawa:"I-I'm COMINGGGG!"

Gikara:" EVERYONE CALM DOWN! YOU ALL WILL GET A PHOTO OF HIM LATER SO GO BACK TO YOUR SEATS" he shouted and bonked everyone with the horny bat to make the horny go away, and also woke up all the unconscious girls 

" Ayanokouji, WHAT THE HELL ? " Yelled Shibata

"That is a very muscular body you get there Ayanokouji-kun, Do you exercise ? " Asked Hamaguchi

" I guess I do exercise a bit " I Shrugged

" Ayanokouji, Exercising a bit wouldn't get you with that. " Marked Kanzaki

" I exercise along with practicing tea ceremony, guess that helped too "

Everyone gave Kiyo a dead look, silently questioning him how is tea ceremony related to his Godly body

With that everyone lost interest, And left the room together.

"Woah, It's so big"

(That's what she said)

Everyone stared in an awe at the 50-meter pool ahead of us. The water was clear and beautiful. And We wouldn't have to worry about the weather due to it being indoors, In other words, The Perfect Environment

" Woah, Look at that, Its even bigger than the city pool " The voice was behind us, We turned around to see The girls emerge from the changing room in their school issued swimsuit.

Instantly, My Attention... No, Every Boy's attention Was taken by one Person, She emerged from the room looking as bright as ever, With her Strawberry hair floating in the air as she stood somehow. The person in question was none other than The Ichinose Honami

Perverts:"Ah I have been blessed, I can die peacefully now" he muttered 

And no one could blame him, even the girls were charmed by her beauty, and they started to praise her 

Honami was a bit uncomfortable with the praise, shuffled in the seat, seeing her like this Kiyo decided to give her a headpat to calm her down. She was a bit surprised and embarrassed by his action but soon leaned into his touch with a smile 

Seeing her like that made Kiyotaka's expression soften a bit, unknown to him an unfamiliar emotion started to bud in his heart 

Ichinose in her school issued swimwear, looked like a godsent, she was a lot bigger than I anticipated, basically she looked Stunning

Honami:'Is Kiyotaka-kun a pervert? B-but I don't mind if he looks at me..' she thought with a red face, while enjoying the headpats

I tried not to look by averting my eyes, but that scene was still on my head, analyzing every inch of her voluptuous figure, I tried to drop that image with every single brain cell, but I failed, miserably

Kei:"Well at least you tried" she giggled while patting his back 

Keisei:"Yes, you did better than everyone else" he said, with red cheeks 

The boys did the same, averting their eyes to not be labelled as 'that pervert'

" ?!! "

Suddenly, I Tensed up, As if I was on a radar for everyone to see.

I turned around to see All the girls, Including Ichinose, Staring intensely at me, Or to be more precise again, My body

Not Before long, Ichinose Walked Close as she spoke " Say Ayanokouji-kun, Do you exercise ? " She stood right in front of me, Looking at me like I'm a criminal getting interrogated, Her monstrous Breasts almost touching my chest, Doing so made me more conscious of her

Mako:"He likes your breasts Honami-chan, use them to seduce him" she said 

Honami:"Yes I will" she muttered without any thought as she was lost in the heavenly feeling of the head pats 

" I Do Exercise in the morning a bit " I Shrugged

Gym rat:"Yeah like a bit of exercise can maintain a body like that" he said 

Suzune:'He loves being vague'

" But you are very well-built Ayanokouji-kun, You're even more built than Shibata-kun who is in the soccer club, Some may even say that you have the best body in the whole grade "

" Good genes I guess ? "

" I Find that hard to believe, Even if that's the case, You've been practicing to keep that up for long time now " She Then Proceeds to touch my chest, And Started Poking me Everywhere " Your Forearms, Back Muscles, Abdominal muscles, Psoas Major Muscles are all Well Developed and maintained too, You're pretty strong Ayanokouji-kun "


Arisu:"Ichinose-San are you a pervert?" she asked with an amused and jealous expression 

Suzune:"Honestly I expected better from you" she sighed

Honami looked at the only person who could help her but her hopes were dashed 

Kiyo:"I never thought that you would be a pervert" he teased her 

Honami:"N-no it's not like that....." her volume get getting lower and lower till she buried her face in her hands trying to hide her embarrassed expression 

Honestly, What's up with her ? If a boy did the same to the girls, they would definitely get slapped, called a pervert, arrested and their lives would become hell

Random:" That is true his life would be over "

Random:" Yeah the double standards in the society are crazy, and there are women asking for equality then lets us also touch you like that" he muttered the last part quietly because he had revealed his inner desires 

" Hoh~ What are you doing Honami-chan " Amikura Said with a huge grin plastered in her face.

Ichinose seems to realize what she did, Backed away, A Huge Blush on her Face " Umm- "

" What were you doing touching Ayanokouji-kun Like that, Are you perhaps Dating " Ichinose got flustered at Amikura's Words, And made her even more red. Cute

" Eeh ?! N-No Mako-chan, I-It's not like tha- "

" Then what would it be Honami-chan ? You were touching Ayanokouji-kun all over the place making him clearly uncomfortable, He didn't show it on his face but it was clear as day, You Must be Dating " Amikura showed no signs of backing down, Teasing Ichinose relentlessly, Ichinose, Couldn't take it anymore, Buried her face in her hands, This made Amikura more amused "Ecchinose"

All of Honami's friends were teasing her with out giving her a break

At this point Honami just wanted to bury her self in a hole, it would have been far better than the embarrassment that she is facing

" M-Mako-chan ! Don't C-Call me that ! It's Embarras- "

" Ara~ What do we have here ? " Hoshinomiya-sensei, Appeared Behind The girls, She wore a Gym Uniform with a cap while carrying a swimming plank.

" Oh Hoshinomiya-sensei, Haven't you heard ? It appears that Honami-chan is dating Ayanokouji-kun without telling us, She is so sneaky and naughty~ " Amikura spoke in a lewd tone.

" Ara~ My dear Adorable Ichinose Went and picked for herself a handsome boyfriend, it's going to get Lonely "

"N-No ! We Aren't Datin-"

Honami:'Yet' she thought 

"Ah You Don't have to be Embarrassed About it My Dear Ichinose, If you need any advice Come to me ! Ah to be Young again~" Hoshinomiya-sensei Proceeds to wipe an invisible tear, Before looking up Cheerfully Again " Alright Everyone, Enough of that, As I Told you before, Your P.E Teacher is Sick, So I'll be Taking care of you Today ! " As I suspected, she did something

Everyone tuned to look at Chie, who just gave them an innocent smile, this was enough for everyone to tell that indeed she was the reason that the PE teacher was sick 

" There is no Absences ! I Honestly Didn't Expect this but its no Problems, We'll Arrange We'll Arrange.. " Hoshinomiya-sensei Nodded to herself, As being Convinced By her own idea " Alright Anyone Who Can't Swim ? "

A Few people Raised their Hands, They Can't swim but they didn't want to ditch Due to it possibly affection our points. A Wise Choice.

" There are a few people, But Fear not ! Since I'm your Teacher you'll be able to swim in no time ! Swimming would definitely come in handy later in life, Definitely " Hoshinomiya-sensei nodded to her self again, Swimming would come in handy ? Interesting " Alright, Time for Warm up ! Swim for me~ "

Manabu:'He even noticed that'

Fuka:'Impressive kouhai-kun, I would have loved to steal you from everyone else but it looks like I will have to settle with sharing you'

We were asked to swim for 50-meters, Students who couldn't swim were allowed to touch the bottom of the pool. The water must have been temperature-controlled since i didn't get any chills, My Body adjusted right away. I Swam Lightly.

After Finishing my 50-meters I waited for everyone to finish, I Gazed towards a guard tower where Hoshinomiya-sensei was, The Person in question was eyeing the boys with a huge grin on her face. It was spooky, but I Ignored it

Tetsuya:"Horny teacher" he muttered 

Ishizaki:"A sexy horny Tilf *Gulp*" he was barely able to control himself from pulling out tissues 

" Right, Seems like everyone can swim, For the most part " Hoshinomiya-sensei Continued " Then we are going to hold a competition ! "

" A Competition ? " muttered someone.

" Yes a Competition against each other, Separated By Gender, 50-meter Freestyle, There is a special reward for the first-placed winner, 10.000 points. The student who gets in last place however, Would have to take supplementary classes, Good Luck~ "

We were split into two groups of ten, I was in the second group with Hamaguchi, while Kanzaki and Shibata were in the first group, that would compete first. I went to the side where the boys were sitting, watching as the girls lined up for the race, 10.000 points huh? I guess I wouldn't mind extra points

sssssssssnake:"King you are saying it like it's guaranteed for you to win" he chuckled 

Yamadead:"Yeah you might look slightly above average but that doesn't mean that you can beat me THE FLYING FISH in swimming!"

No one paid him any attention except Sudo who licked his lips looking at Haruki, he was feeling horny . The double BJ he got last time felt extremely good but now he wanted something more......yes he wanted that ass

"The school is very generous aren't they?" Said Kanzaki, as he came and sat on my left

"Yeah, I'd never imagined they would offer up points as a prize, maybe its their own way to light a fire under students?" I respond


The first group of girls lined up, Ichinose went in the second lane, as she took a pose, in her group were Amikura and Andou

" Oh, Ayanokouji-kun and Kanzaki-kun ! " Shibata walked and sat on my right, Kanzaki and I waved our hands at him before he asked "So who do you think would win? My guess is Ichinose"

"If I have to guess, I'm gonna say its Andou" Said Kanzaki, then Shibata looked at my direction

"Same" I said

Mako:"Hmph none of you even thought that I would win" she pouted 

The Whistle blew and all the girls dove in the water, Ichinose took the lead, But slowly overtaken by Andou, To be Honest, Ichinose is faster than I thought. Totally not because her breasts would get in the way

Honami learning from Mako decided to tease Kiyotaka 

Honami:"Pervert~" she teased with a red face 

But Kiyotaka was not that far behind, he had been learning about stuff like this from Kei and it was finally time to put it to use 

Kiyo:"Only for you~" he said husky tone 

Honami felt a chill run down her spine, she felt like she was a small sheep just waiting to be devoured by the almighty T-rex

"First Place: Andou Sayo 28.46 seconds, Second place: Ichinose Honami with 30.16 seconds, Third place: Amikura Mako with 31.86 seconds, Not bad Everyone~ " Hoshinomiya-sensei wrote down the times of everyone, While the second group of girls went to stage, They consisted of Shiranami, Minamikata and others

Everyone clapped for them and cheered them on even though the race had already happened and it was just a video ,maybe the perverts got too into it 

Amasawa:'Haah can we just get to the good part and see Ayanokouji-Senoai race?'

The Race Ended with Minamikata Taking first place, But not in the girls, Andou Emerged Victorious On the Girls

" Alright Kanzaki-kun, Lets get going, See you later Ayanokouji-kun ! " Shibata Waved as he went to the stage with Kanzaki. I was Sitting Alone, Until I got approached by Ichinose.

" Heyo~ Ayanokouji-kun "

" Hey Ichinose, You were pretty fast down there, I'm Impressed " I Said Honestly

" Haha, but I still lost unfortunately " She said looking down

" You don't have to be sad about that, You got the second best time Between the girls, That's Impressive " She Looked bright again upon hearing me

Tsube:" Yes be proud of yourself Honami-chan, you were faster than pretty much everyone except Andou" she praised her 

More of her friends praised her which she accepted with a smile 

The Whistle Blew and everyone Dove in. Shibata took the lead as expected, Kanzaki was right on his tail but was slowly getting pushed down as Shibata's speed Increased.

" First Place: Shibata sou with 25.96 seconds, Second Place: Kanzaki Ryuuji with 27.06 seconds, Third Place Beppu Ryouta with 28.18 seconds, Well done Shibata-kun, Kanzaki-kun " Complimented Hoshinomiya-sensei

Mako:"*Whistle* You are pretty fast aren't you Sou-kun, makes me wonder how you are in bed" she teased while licking her lips 

Shibata didn't know what to say, so he just stood there like a machine with a blank face, Kanzaki went to check up on him and discovered that he had passed out . It looks like his brain could not handle the situation, and decided that the best course of action would be to pass out 

"Right, It seems like you are next" Ichinose turned towards me "Are you confident that you'll win?"

"You'll see" I Started Walking towards the lanes

" Good Luck Ayanokouji-kun ! I'll be cheering for you " Said Ichinose as I walked towards the Seventh Lane, I Could see Hoshinomiya-sensei Staring at me from the end of the pool Clearly Focusing on me. Sigh


" Good luck, Ayanokouji-kun, Go easy on us " Said Hamaguchi Next to me, I Could hear the girls cheering on from the Side of the pools. It appears that it's working quite well, As i feel Excitement Filling me.

The whistle blew and we dove in the water, I instantly took the lead and swam putting a little force on my hands, reaching halfway, I doubled my speed leaving everyone behind, I could hear some shouting but I ignored it, as I swam even Faster



Yeah more bulllshit like this 

Gikara:"Shut up please shut up! I don't want to get punished and get locked in a room with that abomination(Compassnami)" 

I Reached the end And looked at Hoshinomiya-sensei, Who stared at me, Then At the Watch, Then at me Again. " R-Right, Ayanokouji-kun Got First Place with 22.46 Seconds, Hey My dear Ichinose, You don't mind if I take him for my self right ? " Said with a sarcastic Tone

I pulled myself out of the pool, and I got instantly surrounded by people, not only girls but boys as well

" Woah, Ayanokouji-kun you're so cool "

" Ayanokouji-kun you were so fast, like a flying fish ! "

" Have my kids, Ayanokouji-kun ! "

Hearing the last line everyone single girl looked up and started searching for the one that said, even Honami forgot about her embarrassment and started searching for the one that said that

She never thought that she would get betrayed by her own classmates, she swore that when she finds her she would strangle her til- 

x x x  

Gikara:"Woah Author-kun this isn't how it was supposed to be?!" 

Author-kun:"Huh? Oh it looks like my love for yanderes was leaking out, there I fixed it now go or else I will have you bathe in a bathtub full of Shinohara's semen"

Gikara:"N-no please I'll go" he said and ran away 

(Squawzy will like it wont he?)

x x x 

The Crowd Kept Getting Closer And Closer as they praised me, That last one was a bit too much but I ignored it, I Got a bit nervous and looked at Ichinose requesting backup. Ichinose understood my plea of help put her self at the center of the grou.

" Alright Everyone, You're making Ayanokouji-kun Clearly uncomfortable by surrounding him " Everyone seemed to realize that, and backed away. I need to thank Ichinose for this later

Kiyo:" Thank you Honami" he said and patted her head 

Honami just gave him a smile and eased into his hand 

"I know right! But that was crazy fast " Exclaimed Shibata

"I knew you were going to be fast Ayanokouji, but I didn't expect that " Said Kanzaki

"You were so fast Ayanokouji-kun, It's a shame that i didn't see it from a better point of view, Dominating Everyone in the race " Said Hamaguchi

" You guys were pretty fast too, You got decent times your selves " I Said

" Ha, Don't pity us like that Ayanokouji-kun, You were amazing, You don't have to be humble about it, Its Deserved " Said Shibata

Haruka:"You should learn how to accept compliments Kiyopon" she said and Kei nodded her head 

Airi also nodded her head like a cute little kitten 

With that swimming class ended. I went and got changed, I Checked my phone to see 2 Notifications, One was The point transaction from Hoshinomiya-Sensei. And the second from Ichinose with the time and place to meet. We were planning to hang out in Keyaki Mall with Kushida and her friends, I kind off got dragged along by Amikura for some reason, but I  accepted in the end

Mako:"Why does it sound like you didn't want to come with us?" she questioned 

Kiyo didn't know what to say so he just looked away from her 



I Arrived at the Designated Meeting place to find Ichinose Sitting at a bench alone. I Checked my phone to see There was 15 minutes Before The Designated time, Well someone is early.

I Went To Approach her but before I could do, Someone appeared to be an Upperclassman went and sat beside her, He Had his Legs Crossed While Turned towards her. Ichinose surprised by his Actions went along and spoke with him. They spoke for a good minute, Before he Reached his Left Hand and grabbed her by the Chin. Ichinose Tried to push him away but he grabbed her arms with his free hand, Itching closer and closer to her face

Disgust, that was the only thing everyone in the hall felt. Even the perverts were disgusted by his actions, they might be perverts but they would never assault a girl 

Honami's friends surrounded and hugged her, trying to comfort her 

Maezono:"Ayanokouji why aren't you saving her!?!"

Soon other defective girls started shouting at him, the boys seeing this an an oppourtunity to bring him down joined them 


The shouting went on for 30 second before someone had enough and shouted 


She knew from experience that if Kiyotaka always does something for a reason, she had experienced it first hand when he deliberately came late to save her on the rooftop 

Everyone stopped shouting and were a little bit surprised to Kei stand up for him, but when they thought about it, it made sense since she said that she were best friends 

I stopped the recording in my phone, and went closer to the bench and spoke " What's going on here?" Taking a close look into the Upperclassman, he looked quite muscular, above average

Chiaki:"I see you were trying to get evidence by recording it" she said 

Kei had an 'I told you so' expression on her face 

Everyone that shouted at him apologized ,Kiyotaka just nodded and stopped paying them any attention

" Oh ? This isn't Your Business, Get lost kid " He Said

"Well she happens to be my girlfriend, so it is my business. I recommend you let go " I Threatened

Honami hearing herself being called his girlfriend got a small smile on her face

" A-Ayanokouji-...kun, H-Help "

" Hoh ? You Already have a Boyfriend ? And it's this guy ? Beauty you clearly Don't Have a Good Taste in men, I'm Handsome And strong, I'll Show you that I'm better than this Wimpy Kouhai " He Said Letting Go of Ichinose, He Stood up and Faced me With a big Smug on his face " Get Ready, Kouhai " He Said while Taking a Fighting Stance. I Looked Around to see a security camera. Good so security would be here soon

Hitomi:"Handsome? You look like dried shit compared to Ayanokouji-kun!" she shouted 

Akito:"Kiyotaka beat the shit out of him!" he shouted 

Instantly, He Closed The Distance Between us And Threw a Punch Aimed at my Abdominal, I Dodged it Grabbing His Wrist with my Left Hand, And with my Right on his Collar. I pulled him aside Tripping His Legs And Slamming him Hard on the Ground.

" Duaa-aah ! "

He let a out loud, pained scream. He Clearly was a capable fighter but he lacked Technique and he is against me

" Argh. You Bastard ! Let go of me " He Yelled

" No, I Don't Feel Like it, Security Would be here Soon " I said

Haruka:"Good job Kiyopon but I still need to let out my anger and I am not the only one so... where is the piece of shit?" she asked in a bloodthirsty tone , and other girls nodded 

The guy in the video tried to hide from everyone, but couldn't and was soon found out

Nazuna:" There he is!" she shouted and everyone followed her line of sight and found the guy, who was shitting his pants

He tried to run but was soon caught by everyone, and was tied up upside down on a pole. There were a bunch of kendo swords near the pole, which could be used to smack him, so he basically became a human piñata

" Tsk ! " He Tried To Free Himself, But the Pain in his back made it Futile, And my grip is just that strong. I Turned around to look at Ichinose who was trembling a bit on the Bench

" What's Going on here ? " I Turned Around to see Not the Cops, But a tall Fair-skinned Blonde Upperclassman, He Was Well built too, more so than this guy.

" A... Nagumo-senpai ! T-This Guy Assaulted me " Said Ichinose

" Don't Worry Honami, I'll Take Care of it " He Then Walked Close to me while I was Restraining the guy. And Kicked me on my side, I Fell On the Ground Letting go of the Upperclassman

Haruka:" KIYOPON ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!?" She asked while shaking his entire body 

Kiyo:"Haruka, that's not me" he said 

A lot of the girls started glaring at Nagumo, who tried to ignore the glares but couldn't because the number of girls glaring at him were more than 100

" N-NO ! Nagumo-Senpai, That's Not him, Ayanokouji-kun Was The One Who Saved me ! " Yelled Ichinose

"Oh? My bad then" He went and knocked the other upperclassman rendering him unconscious, he then came close to me and offered me a hand "Here, this is the least I could do, my bad" He said with a  sus smile

Chiaki:'He did it intentionally' she thought along with other students with good observation skills 

I took His Hand And Stood up " Don't Worry About it, I Understand that you misunderstood the situation "

" No, How could I forgive my self for hitting an innocent Classmate of my friend ? Oh You don't know me yet, I'm Nagumo Miyabe from Class 2-A, And the Student Council Vice President " So He is the vice president, It explains why he is close with Ichinose, And him Knowing that I'm her Classmate, But why did he kick me then?

" Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Class 1-B, peasure meeting you Nagumo-senpai"

" Pleasure is all mine Ayanokouji, And now if you'll excuse me, I'll deal with this Situation " He said as a police officer walked towards us, he took Ichinose's and my testimony along with the video I recorded

Arisu:"You are playing an extremely dangerous game, which you will lose fufu~" She muttered

Kamuro:'Who is she talking to is sh- wait why am I seeing 2 lolis now? Now it's 4! NO WHY IS SHE MULTIPYING !? EVEN ONE WAS HARD TO DEAL WITH I CANT DEAL WITH 4 OF THEM!!' she thought with a red face which may have been because of alcohol

(Drunk MasumixKiyotaka Lemon? Aah btw which lemon do you guys want first, vote for it   

1- HarukaxAirixKiyo

2- KiyoxSuzune

I'll make the next chapter be a lemon one if this chapter gets a 100 votes, yes Ik this is a pathetic way to ask for votes but I dont care. So if you guys want the lemon I better get my 100 votes)

" Alright see you later Honami , Ayanokouji " Said Nagumo as he walked with the police officer

"Ichinose are you okay ? " I said as I sat beside her on her bench

"Yes I'm alright, thanks to you Ayanokouji-kun, but you got hurt instead!" She said, tears forming in her eyes

" You don't have to worry about me, you were the one who got assaulted I'm fine"

"But you fought that upperclassman, along with getting a hard kick on your weak spot from Nagumo-senpai, are you sure you're alright ? " She said with a worried expression

Albro:"Something like that would never hurt my bro!" he shouted in English so more than half of the audience didn't under stand what he said

"That kick was painful, but the pain is almost gone now" I shrugged"So that Nagumo guy, can you tell me about him?" I said

Honestly a weak kick like that could never hurt me , whoever that guy was , he is extremely weak. It would only take me a single punch to knock him out 

Ryueen:"Hear that you blond shit, you are fucking weak kukukuku" 

Hosen:"Hah this is  the one time I have to agree with the skinny guy with period hair" 

Shinohara:"Stop boasting, like you could ever defeat him!"

More defects started to shout at him but Sudo stayed quiet because he had seen Ayankouji's strength when he had fought Hosen 

Clearly even after watching Ayanokouji fight they hadn't learnt anything, honestly even a Chimpanzee is smarter than them 

Random 3rd year:"Nagumo tell him that you will beat him!" he shouted 

But Nagumo didn't say anything because he knew that what Ayanokouji had said was the truth, it had only taken him one punch to get knocked out. It was the biggest shame of his life and he refused to tell anyone about it 

Gikara:" Alright back to the video everyone" he said, not because he wanted to help Nagumo, no  it was because he was running out of time 

" Yes, he is the student council vice president, and he helped me a lot by allowing me to join" She Said

" By allowing you to join, you mean you got rejected from president Horikita?" Ichinose Nodded

Andou:" Wait Honami-chan you got rejected?!" She asked with a shocked expression 

Minamikita:"But you are in the student council now?" 

Gikara:" You will get all if your answers if you keep watching the video"

"That wasn't a finalized Decision, he is still reviewing my application form, but Nagumo-senpai approached me and told me that I'm going to get rejected because the president isn't going to accept people below class A, and he promised me that he'll let me join when he becomes the president " Said Ichinose

Chihiro:" I see , Nagumo-Senpai accepted you into the student council" she said

Honami could only give them all a weak smile in response 

Snake:"But didn't Katsuragi also get rejected?" he exclaimed 

Arisu:"Fufu he got rejected because he didn't deserve it , look he is no longer in class A along with his little follower" she said

Katsuragi didn't have anything to retort to that so he just ignored them 

"Seems like this school is really a hierarchy after all" I said, followed up by a nod from Ichinose

Then Kushida and Her friends Arrived with our group of Class B Students, and we went Shopping In Keyaki Mall, with Kushida was a boy named Hirata Yousuke along with a girl clinging into his arm named Karuizawa Kei, along with other girls Matsushita, Satou, Inogashira and Mori. It surprised me how much they spent their points without a care in the world, namely Karuizawa Spent a Total of 60.000 Points just for clothes, I picked up some clothes as well with the help of Matsushita, she had good taste in fashion if I am being honest. We spent the rest of the time in Pallet Cafe before heading back towards the dorms. We bid farewell and headed to our rooms, it was......fun

All of the Gyaru girls of Class D were ashamed of themselves, well except Matsushita because she had saved her points

Kei was also a  bit sad, but she needed to act like the Queen of the class to perfect her act, seeing that Kei was feeling down Kiyotaka gave her a head pat to cheer her up which worked instantly 

Honami was feeling a bit jealous seeing their interaction, but she reminded herself that they are just friends Kei noticed her expression and gave her a wink and mouthed the words 'Good luck', which made all of her jealousy go away 

I pondered over what happened at that incident, Nagumo huh? I should be careful around him, it seems that I did something to anger him. Could it be a setup for him to come and rescue Ichinose so he could get closer to her? It seems likely, considering what he told Ichinose about, I might've made an enemy out of someone undesirable

Nagumo:"Of course you would never want to make an enemy out o-" before he could speak the before continued 

Well no matter what, if he becomes a hindrance I'll crush him like the insignificant bug he is

Everyone felt chills down their spines, hearing his dark and cold voice which was completely different that his usual monotone one

No one could speak anything and they just sat there while sweat dripped from their forehead 

Ryueen:'K-kuku that's that monster that I want to defeat' 

Arisu:'Fufu looks like you are finally showing your true colours'

Nagumo:'WTF WAS THAT?!!?'

Koenji:'I-impossible! Me, the perfect existence is feeling INTIMIDATED!?!!'

DiscountGami:'NO I REFUSE TO LOSE TO YOU' he thought while barely keeping himself from shaking

Amasawa:'AAANNNHH~ Just listening to him gave me an orgasm'

With those thoughts in my head I fell asleep

I woke up and checked the clock, it was 4:30 AM, along with..

"It's May 1st" 

Everyone was still too stunned to speak and some of them hadn't even registered that the video had ended

Gikara:"Alright that's it for this one, I would have asked all of you how it was but we are running out of time because Author-kun's daughter has gotten a cold and he needs to go and take care of her"

x x x 

That's it for this one

Lemme know how it was 

I didn't really proof read it no there will be grammatical errors , please point them out for me so that I can correct them 

Yea I have to go to college in like 10-15 days so I'll try to post as many chapters I can till then , cuz after that I wont have time for a couple of weeks 

And Its not my fault if the chapter sucks, blame Gikara for that because he kept rushing me 

Senpai~ out 
