Final Record - A

"So, where do we go from here, Levi?"


When you opened your eyes the sun was starting to set. Your head was throbbing and your mouth was dry. You rubbed your temples to relieve the pain, but it didn't do much. 

"X, how long are you going to sleep?", Mikasa asked you. You flinched, when you saw her standing right in front of you. "Mikasa! Jesus, since when have you been standing there!", you shrieked. She chuckled, seeing your shocked reaction. 

"You shouldn't skip training to doze off under a tree.", she scolded you lovingly. You closed your eyes again and leaned back: "Cut me some slack. Commander Erwin has been ordering me to run a lot of errands lately, I think I deserve a nap now and then." Mikasa pinched your cheek, it was a habit of her around you. 

Eren and Armin came running towards the two of you. "Mikasa! X! Come on, we have to run a few more laps or else we aren't allowed to have dinner!", Eren said. "Who cares.", you grinned, as you closed your eyes again, ready for that sweet nap. "You are smiling a lot lately.", Eren remarked cheerfully, "I didn't know you could actually smile this much."

He took your hand and pulled you with him. "Noooo...", you yawned, pretending to limp behind him. 

In the end you gave in to their nagging and joined the training. 

"Five laps left.", you thought to yourself when someone touched your shoulder from behind. 

"Jean-Boy!", you said with a bright smile, "It's good to see you, buddy!"

He made a tortured face. "Please drop that name already.", he begged you, "I don't mind you calling me that since we're friends, but that idiot (Eren) also started calling me that recently." The both of you ran beside each other for the rest of the training.

"Sorry, sorry. I will stop.", you apologized with a wink. Jean gave you a flick on the forehead. "Ouch. What was that for?", you asked him as you rubbed your forehead. When you looked at him, you felt at ease. Jean became one of your best friends in the Survey Corps, since he seemed to understand you the most and shared the same sentiment with you. You would also never forget what he did for you during that time when you and Jamie were imprisoned. 

 "Thank you, Jean.", you suddenly said during the run. 

"For what?", he asked oblivious. You just smiled back at him. 

"Hey, what I've wanted to ask for a while now: How is has your friend been lately? I remember, when the two of you returned he was in a really bad condition. I forgot his name again though..." - "Jamie?" You tilted your head and thought about something funny Jamie recently told you, making you chuckle. "You sure laugh a lot these days.", he commented...worriedly

"He is doing great. The military gave him the best medical care one could ask for. He returned to med school and is currently top of his class (He's literally a top guy as well, but whatever.) and he wants to specialize in emergency medicine. Commander Erwin personally talked to the principal and asked for him to be accepted into medical school again, after his abscence. Once he finishes, he plans to join us. Lately I have been teaching him how to use the 3D maneuver gear and actually, he's not that bad. At least he didn't get tangled up the last time we trained.", you said proudly, a stiff smile seemed to be stitched on your face, "They promised me, to leave him be after all of that." 

Jean was giving you an uncertain smile. "That's great to hear." 

You continued running silently next to each other for a while.

His eyes widened when he remembered something he wanted to ask you for a while now.

"About that tale of the Juniper Tree you've told me last time."

"What about it?"

"Was the boy happy after all?" 

[ You can read the tale here: ]

You were interrupted by Conny, who caught up to you.

"Don't slack off, guys! Think about the dinner!" 


Your clothes were still drenched in sweat when you entered the bathroom. You dropped them on the ground and entered the shower. The cold water was exactly what you needed after a long run, so you let out a content sigh. You carefully massaged the shampoo into your hair while humming. 

My mother, she killed me

My father, he ate me

My sister gathered all my bones

Tied them in a silken scarf

Laid them beneath the Juniper tree 

Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird I am.    

You closed the tap and took a towel from the shelf nearby to dry your hair and then your body afterwards. When you looked into the mirror, you eyed the details of your face. Something seemed off. You brushed your teeth and put on some comfy clothes. You looked into the mirror again. Something was still not right about the image you saw. You put on that friendly smile you always had lately.  

You smiled. You stopped. 

You smiled. You stopped. 

You smiled. You stopped. 

Each time your grin got wider, until your face got distorted. 

The mirror shattered in thousand pieces when you hit it with your fist, the shards cutting through the skin of your hand. Blood was running down your hand and falling into the sink. 

"What a mess.", you laughed as you walked to the cupboard to get some bandages. 

When you left the bathroom, Levi was sitting on the end of his bed. Nothing unusual, after all it was originally his room to begin with, before you moved in. And it was your bed as well now. 

"We need a new mirror.", you told him flatly, a blank expression on your face. 

"Tch. What did you do?", he asked to which you shrugged your shoulder. "I tried out punches Mikasa taught me and acidentally hit it.", you lied. He sighed: "Nevermind that. Come here." He patted the bed, signalling you to come closer.

You walked towards the bed until you stood in front of him. Drops of water ran down your face as you looked down on him. He looked up to you and reached out for you with his right hand. You rested your face in the palm of his hand and closed your eyes. Levi took your bandaged hand and kissed the palm of your hand gently. "Please be more careful with your body." He finally embraced you with both of his arms and pulled you onto the bed. 

The scent of him surrounded you, it was a hint of his sweat, but mostly he smelled like fresh linen. As you laid in the bed, he brushed through your wet hair with his slender fingers. "Did you shorten them?", he asked with a frown. You nodded:"They were starting to get in the way. I only trimmed the end though."

"I prefer long hair.", he said.

"Okay, Levi. I will not shorten them more than this."

He pulled you closer and kissed you. It started out playfully, but it soon became more passionate, until he pushed you over to the side and was on top of you.

"I want you.", he said, his eyes sparkling dangerously with lust.

He looked at you longingly, while you wondered what expression you made, you couldn't tell any more. Leaning forward, he placed gentle kisses on your neck, sending tingles down your back. 

I want to kill you.    

He was much gentler when he slept with you compared to then, his hands touching you as if you were fragile, adjusting to your pace and calling out your name sweetly. Everytime he finished, he kissed your forehead lovingly, it bacame a habit. Then he would embrace you tightly in his arms and you two would fall asleep. He stopped calling you brat as well.  

You could hear his heartbeat clearly, since your head rested against his chest. Levi was sound asleep, but you were still awake. His heartbeat resonated in your ears, seemingly getting louder with each throb. You carefully lifted your injured hand and inspected it closely, not wanting to wake him up. What expression were you making? Was this stupid smile still taped to your face?

"Was the boy happy after all?"

Your eyes teared up.

"I wonder."
