Face Reveal

Sykkuno woke up in the same room in the same bed. All the lights were still on and everything was in the same place. Except for one person. The person Sykkuno trusted the most and believed in more than he believed in himself. Did Corpse leave again?

Sykkuno got up and stood beside his bed where Corpse had been helping him with falling asleep. It was hours ago. "Why do I keep waking up in different parts of the ship not knowing where I am or what to do..." Sykkunos brain didn't comprehend.

As he stood there wordering what to do, the door opens and Corpse comes in.
"I'm sorry Sykkuno, I didn't mean to leave for so long." Corpse explained that he went out to search for Red and he found him. Outside the window.
Sykkuno was in shock but he was happy that Red was gone.
"How did he even?" Sykkuno asked.
"I don't know and I don't care. The important thing is that now, we are the only ones here. We are alone, Sykkuno."
"Are we going to earth?"
"I think so. But we have to fix the navigation room. It's all broken and it might take a while to fix it."

Sykkuno is a very optimistic person. Even if someone really hurt him, he could find at least one good thing about it. Even now, he doesn't really panic. He has Corpse and they will find a way back to earth. It's going to be okay.

"Will you help me? Or do you still need to rest?"
"Of course I will help you Corpse. You helped me falling asleep before... And I feel much better now."
Corpse gets a little flustered and lookes down on the floor. He smiles as he says: "Did I really help you tho?"
"Of course you helped me! I'm super grateful, thank you."
Corpse lifts his head up and looks at Sykkuno. "We should go if we want to get back."
They walk out of the room. Sykkuno still has no shoes so Corpse offers to give him another piggyback ride. This time Corpse was feeling Sykkunos heart beating faster and faster, both of them could even hear it. Corpse sounds a little sad while asking if Sykkuno is ok.
"Uh... Yes... Yes I'm okay."

They go into navigation and see the disaster. How are they going to fix this mess? Corpse moved some glass away from him with his shoes and dropped off Sykkuno on the floor. "Stay here and wait, I'll be back in a few seconds." Corpse runs to get some cleaning stuff and comes back to clean the floor, so that Sykkuno could walk without hurting his feet.

"It's so sweet of you, thanks." Sykkuno felt a little weird but happy that Corpse cared about him.
"No problem... Sykkuno."
They started moving broken glass, the walls that had fallen down and a bunch of cables.
In the middle of cleaning Sykkuno got very quiet. He needed to ask.
"Yes..." Corpse was focused on putting together the control system.
"I actually always wanted to know something."
Corpse looked at him.
"Well... " Sykkuno continues "Do you remember that time when you almost showed your face to me? It seemed like it wasn't a big deal. But, you always hide it so well."
Corpse didn't answer immediately as he was processing what Sykkuno said. Then he puts his hand on his mask and pulls it down.

Part 6 coming soon
