Not alone


"Take a look around for yourself..." Naomi replied in a quiet tone, she seemed strangely scared?

I sat up and tried to see what she was talking about, I couldn't make much out it was really dark, I could see a few desks and saw that there were a few large gaps in the wooden floor.

"What?" I asked confused, "Where even are we?"

I looked over to my side expecting to find Naomi, but found my self looking at only the wall, I then looked forward and saw her standing a few steps away from me.

"What's up, Naomi?" I asked as I approached her slowly, before tapping her on the shoulder. She seemed to be looking at a notice on the wall, I took a look for myself...

"Heavenly.. host... elementary..?" She said in a panicky voice, she was scared stiff as was I.

" let's just try to open these windows!" I said trying to be hopeful, although it already burned in my chest, this wasn't going to end well.

We were unsuccessful, the windows did not open, after trying and trying they just wound up being like decorations on the wall. That's when we really began to worry. Naomi grabbed my hand and that made me really happy, I was so glad I was with someone as strong willed as her.

We just stood in silence for minutes, hours I don't even know but it felt like forever, the silence was almost deafening. I had to say something...anything! before I went insane...

"Let's not give up hope! How about we try and find the exit out of here?" I said while faking a smile, I had to keep my spirits up, if not for my sake then for Naomi's at least.

"Ok..." She replied she was acting really different.

As soon as we exited the door of what seemed a class room we encountered a hallway, it was lighter than the classroom with a flickering light just above our heads, it was better than nothing.

After some time walking through the unearthly halls, hand in hand we walked into something we would rather not have seen. It was a girl laying on the ground, blood pouring from her head, her eyes were wide open and red, she had tear stains all over her face, with blood coming from her mouth, with closer inspection it seemed her tongue had been cut out, and her head was cracked open assuming she had a blow to the head with a giant hammer. I was terrified.. no... frantic, I couldn't speak nor could I back away, I was paralysed with fear, who would do something like this!?

"Agh..AHAHAGHHHHH" Naomi screamed at the top of her lung before falling back.

I was shook out off paralysation by the screams of my best friend she was more important than anything, immediately I ran over to her side and gripped her hand.

"We have to get away from here okay?" I said to her softly.

"G-GET AWAY" She yelled with wide eyes, she was clearly horror stricken by this experience.
