chapter 36 - the song i wrote for you

omfg im so proud of enhypen! my baby nikki and jungwon made it!! but im so sad for k and daniel T^T specially k.. he deserves to debut. but i dont regret having sunoo debut.

and guys omfg!! hanbin, kyungmin, geonu and Nicholas's part on into the iland is everything i needed 😍

suiran's pov.

"i hope you're all having fun tonight!" aoi spoke through the mic making the college students cheer loudly.

they seem to be partying and as i can clearly see, a few alcoholic drinks are passed around.

i turned to the staff as she sneakily passed me a guitar. the girls kept talking to the crowd as i secretly made my way to one part of the stage that would eventually rise up later.

i sat down with my guitar rested on my legs as a few of our staff came close to fix my mic that was rested on my cheeks and also the amplifier for my guitar.

finally after a few minutes we were finished.

i took in a few breathes to relax my system.. in all our time as idols. this was the first time we get to release solo songs. and the fact that i wrote this, scared me.

it scared me that people won't like it but most importantly... im scared that my feelings would get all over and I'd end up messing the whole song up.

"i hope you guys are ready.. i present you~ Soomin's first ever original!" i heard hashiro's excited voice making me snap out of my thoughts.

cheers erupted as spotlights was suddenly directed to me as the platform slowly rose up.

i dangled my foot over the edge, before slowly starting to strum down my guitar.

third person's view.

the crowed slowly quietened, listening in anticipation as they swayed unconsciously to the acoustic.

"i bet its's going to be full of love!"

"you think she wrote it for her boyfriend?"

"how lucky would he be then?"

"haven't you heard? i heard they broke up already!"

"what? after years they decided to split now?"

"the reason wasn't known tho"

"i hope that's not the case"

"yeah! i wouldn't want soomin chan to be sad!".

hayato stared intently, as he listened to excited students for the 'love song' suiran wrote.

he looked beside him seeing his companions almost drunk. even inomata was losing herself for a bit.

ryuiichi had became a little bold, wrapping his arm around inomata's waist bravely, slowly swaying her.

she seemed to love the way he swayed her gently, finally loosing himself from the stress of practically raising his brother.

yato kept noticing nezu secretly communicating with their roommate as she ran around the stage, stealing long glances their way.

he is seriously whipped.

he noticed their senpai had dissapeared a few minutes ago. knowing that the boy was relatively popular in the media. he thought that maybe he'd also perform later? but he shook it off his mind.

his gut churned hearing the first words that left her mouth as she sung the verse.

taeyeon -fine (english cover by ysabelle cuevas)

"on a ripped piece of paper i, threw the last of my tears away and now its all clear, something bout you~". those lyrics confused her fans but also confirmed the assumption some of them had.

"you and i were one of a kind but now i know it was all in my mind but how could you tear my heart in two?" her voice was soft, almost cracking but her sad gentle smile made everyone's heart feel all her pain.

the boy who caused it, stood there. memories of them kept flashing through his drunken mind making him hiccup and choke on his own sobs that he made sure to contain.

wearing his baseball cap, he tugged it down. making sure that his redden eyes was not seen by her.

his heart was swelling and he had the urge to leave before he broke down but he stood there.

listen to her, you deserve the pain. he thought.

"will you be fine?
even tho i know you wont be mine.
still you fill up my days i can never erase your face~" she sung with a broken smile as she thought of the past  month that she kept returning to the coffee shop just to catch a glimpse of him.

the same goes for him.

"will you be fine?
will i be pretending im alright?
like a fool i believed you and i could stay the same~ ITS NOT FINE~" This unknowingly brought a small smile through his face.

knowing that she hasn't moved on gave him hope that he could still fix everything. im sorry for breaking my promises sui..

"they come rushing back, painful memories we had. so im faking a smile~ c-could i ever be the same again?" he felt his heart clench hearing her voice choke up her sobs as her eyes watered up when it connected to his hooded eyes that seemed emotionless under the cap he was wearing.

he wanted to just snatch her off the stage, to comfort and hug her, to kiss her tears away whilst rubbing her back, to say how sorry he was.

he'd go down his knees again if he had to.

her face scrunched up seeing his still figure, face as emotionless as ever. i guess he's fine now, probably had someone new already,she thought in dissapointment before smiling bitterly at him."i gathered my pride set all this feelings aside~ I'm not scared anymore! im letting you go~" she sang almost shouting at him as she hit her notes perfectly despite being on the edge of bursting her tears out.

"our last goodbye, looking back at 'us' just one last time, but wherever you are i hope you're doing fine~" she sang softly.

this completely broke him. he couldn't take the pain anymore, turning around he grabbed a bottle of soju beside him before making his way back their dorm room.

sui smiled at his retreating figure softly.

this is really goodbye to us huh?
