
This chapter (+beyond) is not edited.


Eleanor stood beside Bella at the ticket booth as they waited for the employee to hand Bella her tickets. She could hear the boys talking not too far from them and wondered if they were arguing. From the look on Mike's face, El could tell he was intimidated by the sixteen year old.

"Come on, El." Bella said, and the two began to walk towards the boys. "Well Jess bailed, and Angela's got the stomach flu, so it's just us tonight."

"Great." Mike said, shooting Jacob a glare. Eleanor rolled her eyes and started to walk inside the movie theater.

The theater was quite full and the only available seats were down by the front. Eleanor told the group to buy whatever they wanted and that she'd hold the seats for them. She knew this was going to be weird for her. It was obvious both Jake and Mike liked Bella.

The three arrived just as the theater grew dark. Eleanor sat beside Bella and Jacob, while Mike sat on the other side of Bella. She looked over at Jacob. "I'll trade you seats if you want."

Jacob smiled with a nod, and the two switched seats. From the corner of her eye, Eleanor could see both Mike and Jacob had their hands on Bella's arm rests. Bella looked uncomfortable.

"Put both of your guns down or I'm gonna blow both of your freaking heads off!" The man on the screen yelled and Eleanor cringed. She couldn't believe how terrible the film was.

"I think I'm gonna get sick." Mike suddenly whispered, and bolted from his seat. Eleanor rolled her eyes as Bella got up to follow him. Jacob and Eleanor shared a look, before the two exited as well.

"What a marshmallow." Jake joked, and Eleanor chuckled. She had never really liked Mike that much.

"Bella, you know you should really go out with someone with a stronger stomach." Jake said when they caught up to her. "Someone who laughs at all the gore that makes weaker men vomit."

Eleanor watched as Bella laughed, awkwardly. "I feel bad. He probably has the flu that's going around..."

Jacob grabbed Bella's hand and she pulled it away. Eleanor felt awkward as the two shared looks. "Yeah, I'll give you two a minute."

She walked to the woman's bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. For some reason, seeing Bella and Jake together made her heart hurt. She missed being with someone, she missed Carlisle.

Everyday she was starting to hate missing him more and more. 

Eleanor took a deep breath, and smiled at herself in the mirror before she walked out of the bathroom. She gasped at the scene in front of her.

"Do you want me to put you in the hospital?" Jake was in Mike's face, obviously angry about something.

Eleanor rushed forward and put her hand on his arm. "Jacob calm down... you're burning up."

He frowned and his breathing began to pick up. He looked down at Eleanor in a panic. "I don't know what's happening to me. I-I gotta go."

He rushed out of the theater, with Eleanor staring after him. "That guy's a weirdo."

Eleanor shot Mike a glare. "This is coming from the guy who couldn't even sit through the movie. Shut up."


"Has he called you back yet?"

Eleanor and Bella were sitting on Bella's couch, playing a game of cards. Bella shook her head. "No, I haven't heard from him. You?"

"Nope." Eleanor said, popping the 'p'.

Bella sighed. "Anyway, do you want to go somewhere with me?"



"Bella, he's not feeling well. Let him rest for a few more days," Eleanor looked down at her cards. "And it's your turn."

"Please, El."

Eleanor stared at Bella for a moment, before she closed her eyes and nodded. "Fine."

"Great. Let's go," Bella stood from the couch and threw her cards on the table.

"Now?" Eleanor exclaimed. "But I was about to win!"

Bella rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk out the door. Eleanor grumbled under her breath, but followed her out the door anyway.

Bella drove down to La Push in a rush. It began to pour rain on their way there, causing Eleanor to complain to Bella even more about Washington's weather. They parked in front of the house, just as a man came out.

Eleanor narrowed her eyes and opened her door, "Jacob?"

His once long hair was now cut off and he wasn't wearing a shirt. He had shorts on, and was slowly trudging through the mud and rain.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." Bella said, and walked over to Jacob.

Eleanor watched their conversation. She could see Bella yelling at their friend, but Jacob only stood with a guilty look on his face. She stared at Bella with a sad expression, as her friend began to cry. Jacob said a few words and looked towards Eleanor in the truck. She just glared at him before he ran off.

Bella walked back to the car, soaking wet. "Bella-"

"I don't want to hear it."


"Bella where are we going?" Bella drove in the direction to the school. El had asked her where they were going a couple times but Bella kept ignoring her.

"Follow me." Bella instructed when they pulled into a parking spot at the school.

"Well obviously. How else am I supposed to know how to get there?"

Bella stayed silent as she walked up the path to the woods. She seemed to be in a hurry to get there, but Eleanor noticed her look around a few times, appearing to be lost.

"Do you even know how to get there?"

"No." Eleanor narrowed her eyes at her answer, "I'm trying to remember the way Edward went."

Eleanor continued to mumble profanities under her breath. The walk took a lot longer than Eleanor had originally thought. "Remind me to never come out here with you again. I am so out of shape."

Bella laughed as they broke through a small group of trees. Bella gasped and suddenly a smile lit up her face. "This is it."

Eleanor looked around with an eyebrow raised. The meadow was pretty, Eleanor admitted, but she wasn't sure why Bella found it so special. Bella walked towards a small patch of flattened grass and crouched down next to it.

"It's where he took me right after I found out he was a vampire." Bella explained.

"Ahh," Eleanor replied, and went to sit on a log beside Bella.

The two sat in silence for a moment. Eleanor felt chills down her spine and her hair on her neck stood up, much like the night after they first left. She stood up quickly, and looked around the area. "Eleanor?"

"Bella, Eleanor." Eleanor turned to see Laurent walk out of the woods on the other side of the clearing. He was in front of them in another second, causing El to jump back.

She composed herself. "Hello, Laurent."

The dark-skinned vampire smiled at Eleanor, "I didn't expect to find you two here. I visited the Cullens house, but it was empty. I'm surprised they left you two behind. Aren't you sort of pets to them?"

Eleanor scowled at him. "They went on a trip. They'll be back soon."

"Mm, where did they go?" He taunted, causing Eleanor to bite the inside of her cheek. He turned his attention away from her. "Do they visit often, Bella?"

She blinked quickly. "Yeah, absolutely. All the time. I'll tell them you stopped by. I probably shouldn't tell Edward though, he's pretty protective."

"But he's far away, isn't he? And Carlisle?" He looked at Eleanor.

"Why are you here?" she asked, changing to subject. It appeared that Laurent wasn't aware of Eleanor's abilities by how casual he stood.

Laurent sighed. "I came as a favor to Victoria. She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. She feels it is only fair to kill Edward's mate, seeing that he killed hers. An eye for an eye."

Bella grew panicked, shaking her head at the man. "Edward would know who did it! Eleanor would tell them. He'd come after you."

Eleanor squeezed her eyes shut. It wasn't like either of them would die. Eleanor could easily protect them. However, if Eleanor didn't have her powers and Bella said that, she'd kill her before Laurent could.

"Oh, but I don't think he would. After all, how much could you guys mean to them if they left you here unprotected?" He mocked Bella.

Eleanor gritted her teeth, as Laurent stepped closer to Bella. "Victoria won't be happy about me killing you. But I can't help myself, you're so mouthwatering."

"Laurent you helped us." Eleanor said, trying to stop him. "Why would you be helping Victoria now?"

"Don't be afraid." he said simply as he raised his hand above his head. He was now directly in front of Bella, and Eleanor stood to the side. "I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully, whereas I'll make it quick. I promise you will feel nothing."

He opened his mouth, baring his teeth and Bella visibly tensed up. "Edward I love you."

Eleanor snapped towards them, lettting an orb of energy rush at Laurent. He landed on the ground, and looked over at Eleanor in shock. "How did yo-"

She faced her palms together and let another orb of red energy form in between them. She smirked at Laurent's expression. "Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to leave."

He regained his composure, covering his shock easily. Laurent took a step forward, causing Eleanor to turn her hands, spreading her arms apart. The vampire's body was now paralyzed, with wisps of scarlet twirling around him. "Eleanor!"

Eleanor looked over at Bella. Her friend was staring behind Eleanor and Laurent and her finger was in the air, shaking nervously. She gasped when she saw the wolves emerge from the trees.

She closed her hands back together as she turned to face the wolves. They were huge, massive. She had never seen a wolf that big. The leader - a towering black wolf - stopped in its tracks, snarling at the vampire and Eleanor.

"I don't believe it." Laurent whispered. The black wolf was soon accompanied by six other wolves, all huge, but not as big as the alpha. The alpha barked at the pack, almost like he was giving an order, before stalking towards the vampire again.

Eleanor moved out of the way, but her hands were still ready, just in case the wolves turned on her. She walked backwards until she was by Bella. The girl glanced warily at Eleanor's hands. She would never admit that she was slightly scared of Eleanor.

A sandy brown wolf walked up next to them and stopped. It seemed to look straight into their eyes, like it knew who they were. It snapped out of the trance it was in quickly and continued stalking towards the vampire.

Eleanor lowered her hands once she realized they weren't in danger. The black wolf suddenly lunged at Laurent, but he stood his ground and pushed it away from him. The wolf flew back towards the humans and shook itself off before running forward again.

When Eleanor looked back to Laurent, she saw that he and the pack of wolves were gone. She pushed Bella into the other direction. "Get the hell out of here."


Dun dun dun

xx pleuvoirx
