20 - How Many Birthdays

How many days have passed
Since I last felt you
How many lives were lived
While I waited for you
And stopped living mine
How many birthdays
Did you celebrate
Or was it did I celebrate
Without you
Waiting for you
To return to me
To return to us
How can I still breathe,
How can I still see,
How can I still be,
Without you here inside of me

Pain is an eternal thing
It comes with the war
The moments
We lived together
Now a fleeting memory
A reminder that pain was not always ours

I will wait for a soul
To return home
Without the body
Fire burning
Chaos ruling
My world without you

I will wake one more day
And sleep one more night
My punishment for not
Loving you
Hard enough,
Long enough,
Strong enough,
Before this life stole you from me
