Chapter 5

It was Monday, and exam day. No need to explain the mood of the teenagers.

All the exams for the day were handed out to the students, and they could choose which one to start with. Once they finished one, they turned it in and moved on to the next, continuing until they completed them all. Each test had a hundred questions; seventy-five multiple-choice and twenty-five argumentative.

Sigma had exams in basic languages (Japanese, English, French) and mathematics. Agatha, Dazai, and Chuuya had exams in natural sciences and political sciences. Fyodor and Nikolai had exams in Economics, Arts, and their respective main subjects; for Fyodor, it was Russian Literature, and for Nikolai, it was Interpretation and Theater.

On that day, throughout Japan, absolute silence prevailed. The country placed such great importance on education that during the exam week, there was a law not to interrupt students with excessive and noisy sounds to avoid distracting them. Well done, Japan.

In a session lasting between six and eight hours, depending on each student's main subject, Fyodor and Dazai finished in a record time of four hours and seventeen minutes, being the first ones done. Nikolai followed, fifteen minutes later. Chuuya finished exactly at five hours, and lastly, Agatha at five hours and forty minutes, and Sigma one minute later.

Who wouldn't want to be a genius like them?

The bell rang, and they all left together.

"Phew, I feel like I've lifted a weight off my shoulders," sighed Agatha. "Now, there are only four more to go."

"Hey, want to go to the cafeteria for lunch?" suggested Dazai.

"I have to go home to study for tomorrow's exams," Sigma excused himself.

"Come on, Sig-chan! Don't be a party pooper!"

"I'm not a party pooper; I just worry about missing the tests. And don't call me 'Sig-chan,' Dazai!"


Sigma twisted his mouth but eventually succumbed to his friends' requests.

They went to a café located under the ADA editorial agency building, the place where Dazai wished to work after graduation.

"What kind of books will you write, Dazai-kun?" Sigma asked with interest, once he had seated himself as far away from Gogol as possible.

"That's a secret," replied the brown-haired one, putting a finger to his lips. "And you, Sigma-chan? Where will you work after graduation?"

"Oh, well, I was hoping to work in a casino."

"A casino? Bor-ing!"

"Leave Sigma alone," protested Nikolai, "everything seems boring to you."

They ordered coffee and chocolate cookies.

"What will Nakahara-san do after graduation?" asked the gray-eyed one kindly, earning a murderous look from the redhead.

"That's none of your business," he snapped.

Dazai took his boyfriend's hand to calm him.

"Chuuya wants to be a graphic designer," he answered for him, "although he'd also like to be an accountant."

"Both options are good," commented Agatha.

"He can do both at the same time," added Fyodor. "What's your main subject, Chuuya?"

"Accounting," replied Nakahara, still glaring at poor Sigma, "but I'm also taking some design courses at an art school."

"Sorry, but I really have to go home," Sigma interrupted, nervous and uncomfortable under Chuuya's gaze. "See you tomorrow."

He quickly stood up and left the place, not even finishing his beloved cookies. The rest watched him leave until Fyodor reacted and elbowed Gogol, signaling him to go after the young man.

"Oh, right!" the Ukrainian reacted and awkwardly got up. "I'm leaving too. See you tomorrow!"

Nikolai hurriedly went after his beloved. Sigma, realizing he was being followed, got scared and almost ran away. The albino ran after him.

"Sigma, wait!"

"Just stop chasing me!"

"I wouldn't have to chase you if you weren't running away!"

"I wouldn't have to run if you weren't chasing me!"

Both stopped at the same time, exhausted, but Gogol caught his breath faster and caught up with the bicolor-haired one.

"Please, wait. I don't want to keep running," he pleaded, putting his hand on the other's shoulder.

Sigma slapped his hand away.

"What do you want from me?" he asked, panting from exhaustion.

"Nothing! I mean, if I want something, but it's not what you think! I mean, I don't know what you think, I mean, I think that you think... Well, I mean..."

"Gogol, I'm not understanding anything."

"The truth is, I don't either."

Sigma raised an eyebrow.

"So?" he asked, arrogantly.

"I'm sorry, Sigma," the Ukrainian apologized. "I swear to God it was never my intention to take advantage of you. I'm not like that. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Let's say I believe you."

"Can I treat you to ice cream?"

Sigma bit his tongue.

"Are you trying to bribe me with ice cream?"

"Don't you want it?"

"Yes, I want it."

Nikolai smiled, and even if he didn't want to admit it, Sigma could swear it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen in his life.

"Well, I know a very good place," affirmed the albino. "Shall we?"

"Go ahead. I'll follow you."

He knew very well that this could very well mean that once he turned around, Sigma would go in the opposite direction to escape from him. However, Gogol decided to trust that his friend wouldn't do that.

And even if he did, he would allow it.

If he wanted to conquer Sigma, he had to show him that he was a trustworthy person.
