CF 24

Sie: i think this chapter will be a short one.


"I'm gonna do it." Shinichi chanted to himself as he was few steps away from Shiho's room, he starts taking two steps-- "Nope! I cant!" He frustratingly stopped from his track and turned away but stops once again.

He planned to talk to Shiho again to prove that he does feel for her, he's now taking Kaito's advice.

But now, he admit it- he's kinda scared, though he doesn't want to back out either.

"I can watch this all day.." Kaito said while grinning, silently watching Shinichi walking back and forth.

"Me too.." Heiji agreed who's on Kaito's side, holding a bowl of popcorn.

Heiji finally convinced someone to join him watch his favorite actress' show and that's Kaito, that's why he has a popcorn but it seem the scene they're seeing right now is more entertaining.

(Sie: and Shinichi called you his friends. เฒ _เฒ 
Kaito: โ•ฎ(โ”€โ–ฝโ”€)โ•ญ
Heiji: (๏ฟฃฯ‰๏ฟฃ;)ย  ย  )

Kaito and Heiji almost laugh as Shiho's door hang opened and Shinichi almost fell out of shock and run quickly towards the library.

"What are you guys doing?" Ai asked while looking up on these two idiot who's faces are flushing red from trying to stop their laughter.

"N-nothing.." Heiji managed to answer, biting his lower lip so hard but his lips is forcing him to let it crawls up a little.

"Pff.." Kaito didn't answer and turned around, letting out his wide smile and almost cracked up but just like Heiji- he stopped it using biting his lip.

Ai's forehead crinkled but didn't bother to ask further more question, she's not in the mood.

She passed them while thinking,

'Should i call the mental hospital for a reservation for two person?'


"Stupid, stupid, stupid.." Shinichi was banging his head on the table at the library, books shattered on the table- he was supposed to study yet, Shiho was occupying his mind.

"You're just going to prove that your feelings are true! How can i be so coward?! I did confessed! I shouldn't feel this way, ugh." He told to himself.

He did confessed but that doesn't mean it will make it easy for him to prove to her that he was serious.

"Well, love is more than mysterious than any case we solved in the past Shinichi."

"Heiji.." Shinichi gazes up at his tan friend.

"Yoh.." Heiji greeted as he lift his hand up, his signature grin pasted on his face. "I suppose your mind is pretty occupied for you to study huh?" He noticed to books before sitting at the edge of the table.

"Am i that obvious?" Shinichi gave him a small smile.

"Whoever is in your position will be just react the way you do, so don't worry.." Heiji replied as he lifted a book and stares at the cover.

Shinichi sighed. "Why it is so hard to please a girl?"

"Ask me something I know, I honestly don't know what to say about that." Heiji shrugged. "Like what I said, they're the most mysterious and complicated living organism in the world."

Shinichi smiled as Heiji chose those words intentionally to light his mood up- and it's working.

"Have you, felt this way?" Shinichi asked in low voice.

Heiji think for a while before answering. "Well, I don't think I experienced whatever is happening on you right now- the closest opposite sex I have a potential in romance is Kazuha.." He grimace at that thought,ย  it's not that he doesn't like her that way- there's a possibility but, Heiji thought that he should let himself enjoy his teenager life and meet more girls or even other people so he can widen his circle and will have a big possibility to have a girl on his life.

Because just like Shinichi, Heiji drowned himself on detective stuff to focus on what normal teens must do.

"Kazuha? Oh, you're childhood friend- right?"

"Yep! Just like you and Ran- ops.." Heiji bit his cheek inside as he let out those words.

Shinichi manage to give him a small smile.

"It's okay.." He said with a sighed. "Do you.. Do you think that im doing this right?" Shinichi hesitated since from the start, should he let himself completely fall for Shiho? Should he tell his feelings for her? Should he fight for her?

Every damn time, he's hesitating just because of one person who he keeps waiting.

"Hn.." Heiji doesn't know what to say first, he's thinking what would Kaito say in this kind of situation- and then, what he thought was the past, present and future thingy of him. "You know, some idiot told me that- no matter what happened in the past, doesn't matter in your present because it will affect your future.." He stopped, thinking that 'is he doing this right?' "I mean, sure- Ran is important since she's not just a friend, but your bestfriend- but soon enough, she be hurt too if she knew what's going on.." You can do this Hei! "But, think about this- if you let your brain decide, not only Ran will suffering from your lies that you still feel for her- you too because your heart's dictates other name, beat for other person, and lastly- Shiho."

Everything what he said is right, not only Ran will get hurt but him also, its not that easy to act like you love someone if yoh doesn't anymore- but there's one thing that Heiji was wrong.

"I don't think Shi will be hurt, she d-dumped me, because I know- she believes that i and Ran are for each other."

Heiji sighed but smiled. "Oh come on dude, open your eyes for once- dont be so oblivious just like in the past, if there's one person who's gonna hurt the most in your situation? It's Shiho.."

Shinichi stared at him confusingly.

How- why, what?

Shinichi can't create a question in his mind, it's just confusing him.

Heiji shook his head while grinning. "Just remember what i said, okay? You may hurt a person or some people with your decision but i guess its okay as long as itsย is right, it's better to hurt them with the truth than comfort them with a lie. "


Why did i decided to write this fanfic?

A: Because,i noticed the other fanfics are shortly written- rushed scenes and hard to understand (All the fanfics i red of AiCon), and that's why i created this one- not rushed but not slowed develop as well, focus on romance (like for god sake- its a fanfic,and if i want more scene of killing people then id rather watch DC series) with Shinichi and Shiho so i can make my readers happy.

No offense on other authors, i might not done reading or still not adding your stories on my library- and im not saying its not good, its just not satisfying my self, probably because im a writer myself and i have different things in mind.

The good thing is, if your story is still in my library even if im not satisfied that means your story made an impact on me.

If you're offended then, have a cookie. *hands you a cookie* Happy?


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Lol, as if im posting in my instagram account.

