
Harry doesn't come to see me till the next morning, he has a empty expressions and his words are cruel sounding.

"You can come out, but Liam and Zayn are coming over to work, so stay in here and away from Zayn, got it?" I sit up and nod. I met Liam at the party and he seems nice, he had a Guy with him too, Niall I think, he was really nice, rather hyper though, I think they are dating.

Harry quickly leaves the room. I sigh and get out of bed, I make my way downstairs to get some breakfast, I run back up to the library to grab a few books for my long day in my room.


I have been in my room for a good 4 hours before the door opens, Revealing someone I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing again.


His hair styled into the same quiff it was the other night, the smirk is present also, I set my book down and look up as he comes closer to my place on the bed.

"Nice to see you again, Sexy," he says sitting down practically on my lap. I move away from him till my back hits the headboard.

"You shouldn't be in here," I whisper softly look down. He chuckles a bit and inches closer so he was looming over me. I gulp and look up into his golden brown eyes.

"I wanted to see you though, its not fair Harry keeps you all to himself,"

"I think its perfectly fine," I do to, I may not know what my feeling are for him or my situation but I much rather have him here.

"Well lets change your mind," he whispers back, he then grabs my hands and pins them above my head, then places the other one at my stomach and starts to explore. He leans down and kisses me, I don't do anything I just lay there and close my eyes hoping for him to finish quick.

After About 5 minutes of his hand roming my body and him trying to get a reaction out of me, he's pulled off of me by the back of his shirt. My eyes shoot open and I see a infuriated Harry pushing Zayn towards the door shouting at him.

"Get the hell out. NOW!" I still haven't moved for my place on the bed when he turned around after Zayn is gone, to face me, I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Don't. Move." He commands through gritted teeth as he walks out of the door only to return a minute later with a pair of keys. He walks over to the black door and put the key in the slot. When it is open he turns to me.

"In. Now." His tone is the same as it was Before he left. I comply and hurry to the open door. I enter with him at my heels, he closes the door behind him I hear it lock. Its pitch black in here.

All of a sudden the lights turn on, It is dim and barely lights the room, but its enough to see the larger bed in the middle of the room pushed up against the wall. Harry leads me to it and makes me sit. He then walks over to the table on my left. He sets the pair of keys down then walks back over to me. I look at the table and see various of items that I can't make out.

"Stand up," Harry commands, I oblige, he take a step closer to me before speaking.

"Now, I'm going to ask you 2 questions, if you get them right, you won't be punished, if you get them wrong, something comes off," I nod in understanding.

"Are you a good boy, Louis," Harry looked me directly in the eyes as he asked.

"Y-yes, Daddy," I spoke softly, he took another step forward and grabbed the bottom of my shirt.

"I don't believe you," he states, in one quick moment he rips my shirt off my body, I feel exposed as he stands there staring at me, I wrap my arms around my body, trying to bring some type of comfort.

"Why did you let Zayn kiss you?" Seriously, he is really asking me this, 'Because I couldn't stop him if I tried. It was better to just let him do it and get it over with quickly.' Of course I didn't say this.

"I don't know," is all I manage to get out. He grips the waistband of my sweats.

"Wrong answer," he then pulls off my sweats in one quick movement.

"Lay on the bed," I comply, he then goes over to the right wall and I see chains and different kinds of rope hanging from pegs in the wall. I close my eyes and breath deep. When I reopen them Harry is standing over me with 2 pairs of handcuffs and 2 red silky ropes in hand. He grabs my wrist and imprisons it in the cold metal, he then cuffed the other end to the bed post. He repeats his motions with my other hand. Harry then went to the end of the bed and crawled in between my legs.

"Since you can't be a good boy you have to be punished," he tells me as his hand go to the top of my boxers.

"Please Daddy, I'll be a good boy, I'm sorry," I try pleading with him but he just smirks a bit at me.

"Its to late for sorry," he then ripped off my boxers and climbed of the bed. Wrapping the red cloth arond my ankles and hooking the other end to something on the bottom of the mattress. I felt vunrable, I pulled a little on the handcuffs, but nothing happened, I turn to see Harry grab something off the table and settles into his previous spot between my legs. I saw he had a green thing in his hand, I couldn't really see what it was because suddenly I felt something slip into my entrance. I squirm a bit as Harry positions what ever he is pushing into me. Harry then stands back up and just looks down at me. That's when I see the small controller in his hand, then I realize what is inside of me.

A vibrator.

This is his form of punishment? I have never used one before, and before I can think anymore of it, he turns the dial up, and Oh God, it feels so good but so wrong at the same time, I let out a string of moans and as each one rolls off my lips he turns it up a notch. My member is now laying on my stomach and begging to be touched. And then everything clicks.

He wants me to Beg. He wants me to tell him to touch me. Well fuck.

I try to hold in my moans as I figure it out, he doesn't like my silents and turns it up to the Max. I can't take it anymore.

"Daddy! Please...please," I plead with him, he smirks and goes in between my legs again.

"Please what, Babe?" He asks innocently.

Kinky bastard.

"Please," I pull harder on my restraints, "Please," I beg, he just sits there and looks at me with a mischievous glisten in his eyes.

"I don't know what you want until you tell me, Boo," Asshole.

"Ffffffuuuuccckkkkk," I scream throwing my head back, I look back at Harry and his face is filled with shock, probably because I have never cussed in front of him. It is quickly replaced with that evil smirk though.

"Just tell me what you want," he says. I sigh heavily,

"You fucking ass, I want you to get rid of this ache in my dick," I snap at him and the shock returns to his features. Then his lips form into a straight line.

"What did you say?" He ask sternly. Shit. I choose to ignore his question, going back to begging.

"Daddy, please," my voice is soft and light. He doesn't say anything, he just takes my length in his warm hands and start to pump me, I groan because it feels so good! He stops and I open my eyes I didn't even know I closed.

"Under no circumstance are you aloud to come," I groan again but reply.

"Yes, Daddy," I breath out. Harry then leans down and licks a strip down my balls. I buck my hips up a bit and and feel his warm mouth wrap around me member, he then beings to bob up and down. I moan loudly.

"Fuck, Daddy can I please come, please," I manage to get out. He releases me and I whimper as my member hit my stomach.

"No," he says simply. I am going to regret my next words.

"Please, Daddy? I'll do something for you, I bet your hard as a rock right now aren't you? Please Daddy let me come and I'll do something for you," I pant out, I can see the Shock once again on his face. Didn't see that coming did you, Harry? He doesn't say anything just nods and engulfs me once again, after a few seconds I'm releasing into his mouth and he swallows. He leans over me so his face centimeters from my own. With out taking his eyes of me he uncuffs my hands and moves to my feet, when I am free to move I pounce on him, crashing my lips to his, I then pull the end of his shirt over his head till its off and I'm working on his trousers. I get the buttons done and rip them off. I feel his hands grab my bare bum and only then realize as he's taking it out that the vibrater was still inside me. I feel oddly disappointed once it is gone. I let the lust fill me as I drag his boxers off with my teeth, I don't know where this confidence came from but I'll take it.

I lay him down on his back and kitten lick the tip of his manhood. He lets out a animal like growl atfter I tease him a bit more. I finally take him in my mouth, I began to suck him harder and he moans, low and slow. I begin to deep throat him and that's when he comes undone. Without warning he shoots into my mouth. I pull back slowly, letting his softened member go, I swallow and then lick my lips, the confidence still in me I lean over him and kiss his neck.

"You taste so good, Daddy," I whisper in his ear, he groans again and it snaps me out of high. I scramble back till I almost fall of the bed. I look down at myself then quickly cover my lower half with the blanket. Shit, fuck, shit! That did not just happen! I look up to see Harry just sitting there staring at me with a puzzled expression. I blush and look back down.

"I'm sorry,Daddy," I whisper, not sure why I am apologizing.

"Why are you apologizing, Boo?" he asks. I shrug and feel the weight on the bed shift. Harry pulls me up to my feet and leads me out of the room, locking the door, then entering the bathroom, he walks over to the jacuzzi and turning on the water, he pores in some bubbles then gets in, He pulls me down with him and I am sat in his lap. We don't say anything, just sit there, his arms around my waist, my hands absentmindedly playing with his fingers. After a good half hour, Harry stands up, taking me with him, he wraps me up in a towel and does the same to himself. He then goes to my room and turns off the light, drying himself off he climbs into the bed, waiting for me to do the same. I dry off and slip on a clean pair of boxers before joining a naked Harry in the comfort of the sheets. He wraps his arm around me again and lays us down. I close my eyes and try to forget about what happened. Harry, of course, has other plans.

"Oi, Boo, the rest of your punishment will happen tomorrow," he says just as I was drifting off. Wait the rest? WHY?

"But, why Daddy," I ask, sleep lacing my voice.

"Because, you said some pretty naughty things earlier and good boys don't call me a 'fucking ass' so you are being punished again," he states simple.

I huff.

"Fine," I mutter as I drift off again, tomorrow is going to be interesting.

***So that was kinky. Ok not much else to say. There most likely will be a smut in the future, but I want votes and more reads first! So do that. K Bye -Jade***
