( 𝗙.) Hinata S. part 2

Pov change, time skip, location jump
─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

3rd person pov

"Oi, Kageyama," Hinata nudged the setter, gaining his attention. "Can you do me a favour?"

"If this involves your stupid love life, count me out," he grunted in annoyance. Ever since Hinata got a boyfriend, he had been pestering Kageyama about this amazing plan to get (m/n) jealous and seeing his reaction which was honestly, a bad idea.

"Please? Just help me make (n/n) jealous for oneeeeee day and I'll buy you lunch for a week!" the decoy pleaded, clasping his hands together.

"Fine, deal-"

"Shrimpy, I don't think that's a good idea. Have you actually seen (m/n)-san mad?" Tsukishima asked hesitantly, having faced his wrath first hand.

Being in the same class as the (h/c), he had encountered moments when the said male would blow up out of no where, mainly at shitty people in his class.

"I don't know who's taking my stuff but could you return them?" (m/n) asked, directing his words at his classmates. Someone, or some people, had been taking his stationery, textbooks, etc throughout the day and it was getting annoying.

In the class' defence, it was a lighthearted prank, just the typical 'I want to see how scary someone can be when they're mad so I'm doing stuff to annoy them'.

Since the start of the year, (m/n) had always been a sweet and helpful person. Greeting the class with an adorable smile in the morning and helping those that need help with schoolwork when he could. So naturally, they thought that he wasn't the type to get easily angered, but they clearly underestimated him.

"Asking again, whoever took my stuff, could you please return them?"

No one responded.

Personally, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi found this amusing. The calm and collected (m/n) loosing his shit. Figuratively and quite literally.

"Fucking hell, you guys are insufferable. This isn't funny, just give me my stuff back," he demanded, a dark aura surrounding his figure.

Immediately, those who took part in taking his things cautiously slid them back onto his desk.

"Thanks," he grumbled, his irritated expression still plastered on his face. He lowkey reminded Tsukishima and Yamaguchi of when Sugawara gets angry. It happens rarely but he sure is scary.

For the rest of the day, no one, including the teachers, bothered to him.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───


"B-but he was a guy! Why would he suddenly become a girl?"

"SHE GOES BY SHE/HER GODDAMMIT, YOU FUCKER!" (m/n) had to be physically restrained by at least 5 people from punching the classmate. One of which was Tsukishima, having seated nearer to the (e/c) male. And boy does he have to tell you, (m/n) was strong as heck.

The sheer memory of those incident made the bespectacled blond shiver slightly. And it was just some of the many times (m/n) showed his class how terrifying he could be.

Don't get him wrong, (m/n) was an amazing classmate, but if there was one person that Tsukishima feared, it would definitely be (l/n) (m/n), no doubt. Though, his ego and pride would never let him openly admit it.

"I'm just here to warn you, that boyfriend of yours is scary when he's angry so don't go too far with your little prank," saying this made Hinata and Kageyama question Tsukishima.

He had never been the type to warn them about their actions, hell, they thought he'd be the type to laugh at them when they fail or get into trouble.

"Whatever, you're probably saying that just to ruin the fun," Hinata rolled his eyes.

"If you say so," Tsukishima walked towards Yamaguchi with his bag slung over his shoulder, ready to head home.

"They really don't know the consequences, do they?" Yamaguchi smiled sympathetically, sighing at the freak duo's antics.

"Idiots will be idiots."

Timeskip, next day at school

"Sho! I brought us lunch! Wanna eat together?" (m/n) ran to Hinata's side with two bento boxes in his hands, eagerly waiting for his boyfriend's response.

"Sorry (n/n), I'm eating with Kageyama today because we're gonna practise volleyball later! Maybe next time?" Hinata asked (m/n), pulling out the puppy dog eyes card.

"Urm, of course! Take care alright?" (m/n) ruffled the orangette's fluffy hair affectionately before he walked back to his class to eat. He still held the two bento boxes, grip tightening ever so slightly.

No no, I'm not jealous, he needs to practise to improve his skills, yes, that's it.

"You alright, (m/n)-san?" Yamaguchi asked worriedly, patting the seat beside him to call the male to sit down.

"Sho's not eating lunch with me, I even made a bento box for him! Hnfbrndnwnf" he slammed his head straight into the desk while making some incoherent sounds.

"I'm sure he has his reasons right?"

"But the lunch I made!"

"Stop worrying, it's not like Hinata would break up with you just because he isn't eating lunch with you, (m/n)-san," Tsukishima pointed out. "Plus, you could save the bento box for his dinner or yours."

The blond quickly ruffled the (h/c) locks before excusing himself "to go to the bathroom". (M/n) was weirded out by the sudden affection but decided to brush it off as a sign that Tsukishima finally wanted to be nicer. I mean, that's the only reason right?

Tsukishima wasn't actually going to the bathroom, he was looking for that freak duo. Spotting the head of orange and black hair not far away, he shouted, "Oi Shimpy! King!"

Hinata and Kageyama turned around with scowls on their faces at the nickname.

"What do you want?" Kageyama asked.

"Just here to congratulate you on making (m/n)-san upset. He's being pretty sulky about not eating with you, Hinata," he said, directing his words at the decoy. At that, Hinata's head tilted to the side slightly, a frown surfacing on his expression.

"Now that he's upset, you can stop your prank, right?" Tsukishima glanced at the both of them.

"Nahhh, it's for the entire day and (n/n)'s visiting our practice today sooo~" Hinata said in a sing song tone.

"What he said, I guess," Kageyama shrugged.

"Idiots, truly idiots," the taller middle blocker sighed in disappointment. "Just, just don't make him too upset alright?"



I hope they're keeping to their words

Timeskip, volleyball practice

"Lead the way, Tadashi, Kei!" (m/n) walked in between the two friends. Before school ended, he had told them that he would hang around their volleyball practice to see Hinata and they, well Yamaguchi, agreed.

"Don't get lost, you klutz," Tsukishima snickered. He pinched (m/s)'s (s/c) cheeks rather roughly before turning to face the front, acting like nothing happened.

"Ow, Kei, you're mean," (m/n) rubbed his faced, pouting at he latter's action.

Yamaguchi laughed at their little exchange before patting (m/n)'s head gently.

"See! See! That's how you show affection!" (m/n) pointed at Yamaguchi, gesturing him to pat him again.

"Yeah sure, (m/n)-san," Tsukishima let a small smile slip past his lips.

"Call me (m/n) already!"


"Guys, we're here," Yamaguchi said. (M/n) halted at his steps and poked his head inside the gym. Looking around, he finally spotted his beloved boyfriend and was ready to run in for a hug but stopped upon seeing a familiar ravenette.

Hinata pulled Kageyama by the collar, whispering something in his ear with a smirk. Kageyama seemed hesitant but nodded anyway. The shorter male then pounced on Kageyama, engulfing him in a hug.

Thankfully, Kageyama caught him in him and latched his arms around Hinata's waist. Hinata giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek before jumping off to the volleyball cart, acting all innocent.

The whole ordeal had (m/n) frozen at the entrance of the gym, making Yamaguchi and Tsukishima worried. The poor boy just witnessed his boyfriend show affection to someone else, #brocken πŸ’”

Suddenly, (m/n)'s cheerful expression dropped into a stoic face.

Yamaguchi highkey prayed for Hinata and Kageyama to be spared but also wanted to know what (m/n) would do to them so he just kept quiet. Tsukishima just leaned on the door frame and sighed for the 75738374784th time.

I knew that they were idiots

"Hinata?" (m/n) called.

Fuck. the first years chorused in their heads.

"What were you doing?" his voice uncharacteristically sappy and sweet.

"You have 5 seconds to explain, Kageyama you too,"

They're so screwed

We're so screwed











"Done. Now, how shall I punish you two?" (m/n) cracked his knuckles with a small malicious chuckle. Hinata lowkey found it attractive but hE WAS GOING TO DIE-

The freak duo shuffled towards (m/n) and bowed repeatedly, not even making eye contact once.

"pFT- HAHZHAHHDHAHAHAH" Tsukishima wheezed loudly while Yamaguchi slapped his palm over his mouth to stifle the laugh that was about to escape him.

"*sigh* you guys are truly hopeless. Sho, I'm not cooking anything for you anymore. Kageyama, just don't participate in my boyfriend's stupid pranks again," (m/n) shook his head, closing his eyes because he didn't even want to see them"

"THANK YOU (L/N)-SAN!" Kageyama shouted, bowing one last time.

"(N/n)~ but your cooking is the best," Hinata pouted while complaining.

(M/n) shamelessly shoved Kageyama aside and moved to Hinata, smooshing his cheeks between his hands while asking, "What made you think that it was a good idea to make me jealous, you big adorable idiot."


"You better be," (m/n) let go of his boyfriend. "Now, let me spike at you. You're receiving all of them. Sugawara-senpai! Please set for me!"

"Alright! Let me warm up first!" the third year replied.

That snapped the rest of the volleyball club members out of their shocked state. With (m/n) being a common visitor of their practices, they had an idea of what type of person the male was. They were honestly too afraid to interfere, thinking that they might be killed by the (h/c)nette. Oh well, it was pretty entertaining to watch.

Tsukishima set his school bag down and frowned slightly. He had honestly expected (m/n) to go off on Hinata like he did with his classmates but of course, (m/n) just had to have a soft spot for his boyfriend. What a shame, he couldn't see the freak duo's doom.

"Whu- aCk! (N/n)! Don't spike so hard!" Hinata whined, rubbing his now burning red forearms.

"Your fault for making me jealous!"

"That's petty!"

"I know,

but that's your fault~"

for fandomkid12345

JFNEJDNS if you squint hard enough, you might see some kagehina bc its my comfort ship but HINATA X (M/N) FOR THE WIN CJSBXJWND lol

also, did you notice how tsukishima has a soft spot for (m/n)? he lowkey still fears him but some affection wouldn't hurt anybody :]

im so proud of you for making it through the day! get some rest and take a break, you deserve it. life can be hard but im glad you're here, keep going <3

from the carpark concrete,
seika/wonton :)
