Chapter 17

2 weeks later...


Today's the day Jungkook is coming back! I'm so excited. These whole two weeks, I was missing him. I wasn't even able to call him once as I was busy with tending to Taehyung's needs. To be frank, we have grown quite close. We have this tradition of going late at night to eat ice cream on Mondays and Fridays.


"Taehyung, come on! I want my ice cream," I called him as he chuckled and walked up to me. "Ok, princess," he smiled brightly as he took my hand in his and we walked through the dark streets to our shop. We called it our shop because we always had to go together there. Cute, I know!

"What ice cream would you like, May?" Taehyung asked me sweetly as he got his wallet out. "Vanilla please!" I replied with a smile. "Two vanilla ice creams please," Taehyung said to the woman behind the counter. I took my ice cream and sat on one of the stools as Taehyung did the same.

I stared out through the big glass wall of the shop and stared at the night sky. The stars were twinkling brighter than usual. It looked so stunning. "Not as stunning as you," Taehyung said. I turned to him in surprise as his brown orbs stared deeply into mine and then I turned bright red. I should really keep my thoughts to myself.

I watched as Taehyung leaned in, close to my face. Was he really going to do what I think he's going to do? I slowly closed my eyes and waited. I opened to them to find him, licking the melted ice cream off of my cone. How embarrassing! I looked down with embarrassment.

"May, you could just ask if you wanted a kiss," he chuckled. "H-hey, stop laughing!" I replied, annoyed at his amusement. With that, I got my ice cream and dabbed some onto his nose. "That's what you get for licking my ice cream!" I exclaimed with a giggle. "Oh you are so gonna regret that, May," he said as he reached out for me.

I gave out a mischievous giggle and got to my feet, sprinting out of the shop. He was not too far away as he kept calling out for me but I kept running until I got stitches. I grounded to a halt. Oh no, I can hear his footsteps. I turned around to find him smirking as I was bent over, panting.

"Look, Taehyung, time-out. I'm tired," I breathed out. He only laughed and slowly inched his way closer. "Nooooooo!" I screamed as I tried to push him away. "There's no such thing as time-out when I'm chasing you," he stated as he began tickling me.

"Hahhahahahaha-stop-hahahahah-Tae," I tried to form words as he wouldn't stop tickling me. I was rolling over on the pavement as he had his hands on my sides, kneeling.


I'll never forget those times. I feel that we are close friends.

"May, Sir has called everyone downstairs," a maid pulled me out of my trance. What could their uncle want? I made my way downstairs to find everyone seated and I slowly took my seat. Their uncle sat at the head of the table as always and began to speak.

"When Jungkook returns, he will have some news to share with you all. The decision that he has made with my help, will change a lot of things. You guys will probably be uncertain of what I am talking about, but when he comes, everything will make sense." I sat in my seat feeling anxious. What could possible change everything? What decision has he made?

As if on cue, the clatter of suitcases could be heard and I turned to see Jungkook enter. But with Lisa as well. What's going on? Before I could make sense of anything, everyone rose from their seats and showered Jungkook with hugs. Of course the rest of the maids just stood there and watched. I could hear Rapmonster asking Jungkook how it went and Suga smiling warmly at him. Taehyung seemed absolutely ecstatic once he saw Jungkook. Jimin and Jin both hugged Jungkook as well while J-hope asked him if he was okay. They bond so beautifully.

I watched as Lisa placed her handbag down and sat on one of the seats. His uncle then made his way towards Jungkook and talked to him in a whisper that I could not make out. He nodded in response.

"It's nice to see you all again," Jungkook began as he smiled as everyone. I felt the slightest bit heartbroken when I realised that the smile he gave me was genuine, nothing like the love he used to show me before. "I wanted to tell you the news I had. So here it goes. Me and Lisa are married." He said. My heart dropped. My head felt dizzy. My eyes became wet. My world came crashing down. Am I dreaming?

I quickly wiped my tears as I saw how Lisa wrapped her arm around his shoulder and he held his arm around her waist. This cannot be happening. I blocked everything out until the noise around me grew louder. Everyone was astonished.

"Now, I understand that this may come as a shock to you all, but here is why. Me and Lisa were close ever since we were younger and the business trip that I went on, only made us closer. During that trip, me and uncle talked and he agreed to allow me and Lisa to get married. As uncle would probably have said to you earlier, it does change a lot of things. Of course, if I'm allowed to marry, it must mean the rest of my brothers are allowed," as soon as he said that some maids gasped while the brothers were rejoicing. "This means that the maids have a choice. They can stay here if they want, but if they choose not to, their master has to agree to allow them to leave and only then can they leave." Everything he said made me want to throw up. Although I was given this chance to be free, I still felt hurt. How can he leave me so quickly?

"However, if a maid is allowed to leave, it means that you will start a new life in Korea. You will be allowed to meet your family but you will have to tell them the excuse that we have made for you so that no one is suspicious. One more thing, if a maid chooses to tell everything, they will be sure to never live the life they want to, am I clear?" Jungkook's uncle states as the rest of the maids nodded.

One thing I got out of this was, I needed to talk to Jungkook. Everyone got up to congratulate Jungkook and Lisa. I watched from a distance at how happy everyone was. The maids, they got a chance to be free. The brothers, they got the chance to get married and live their happily ever after. Me, I lost the love of my life and felt trapped even when I got given this chance.

My heart still hurt, watching how he openly showed his passion towards Lisa. I refuse to believe any of this. How could he have moved on so quick? He told me, he would fight to get me back from Taehyung. What happened to that?

I watched as Jungkook eased out of all the hugs he received as he smiled to everyone brightly. He gave Lisa a kiss and made his way to the elevator. He was going up. This was my chance!
