Chapter Six || Wise Girl much?

Annabeth Chase is walking along the pavement, accompanied by her best friend Piper. It's a brisk autumn morning and the breeze isn't so gentle. The cold wind was smacking against her face and whipping through her hair.

Piper had showed up at her door this morning, to double check that she's alright after yesterday's events. She had told Piper about the messy interaction with Percy over a FaceTime call last night. Of course her friend had mocked the way she cared for him, but deep down Piper knew how guilty and upset Annabeth must be.

She had known Annabeth since she was only five, they had met on the first day of Kindergarten. Even she was surprised that the friendship had survived so long but she was grateful that it had.

As the pair walked onto the grounds of Goode High, Piper quickly spotted her soulmate and boyfriend, Jason. He was surrounded by his loud, often irritating, friends, Percy, Grover, Leo, Travis and Conner.

That group made up most of the more popular boys at Goode. Of course there was the group with Beckendorf (Silena's soulmate), Frank, Will and Nico, but they were less popular and mostly just admired because they were friends of Percy and Jason.

Annabeth's goal was to walk past this group as quickly as possible without being noticed, as to avoid any awkward interaction.

But while trying to walk past them, Piper drifted from her side and began to walk over there. Piper turned when she noticed Annabeth hadn't followed and beckoned for her to follow, but she firmly shook her head.

There was no way she was going near Percy after yesterday. Plus, what if Drew or Rachel saw, then they would definitely get ideas.

Piper walked over to Annabeth's side and gave her a disappointed look, before gripping her arm and practically dragging her over to the group of boys.

"Pipes! Let go. Are you insane?" Annabeth whispered through clenched teeth.

"Yes, now follow me, I just want to talk to Jason for a few minutes before school starts, it's no big deal."

"No big deal for you."

"It should be for you either! Now come on, socialise."

Piper had said that a bit too loudly for Annabeth's liking. They had probably all heard that conversation.

Piper placed herself next to Jason, letting go of Annabeth's arm and grabbing his. As mad as she was about this situation, she had to admit that those two were cute together. After all, they are soulmates.

Annabeth turned to glance around at the group, just to see what's going on.

Percy was directly next to her.

Couldn't Piper have gone to the other side of Jason? She knew what had happened. She comforted her when she was upset. She had teased Annabeth for feeling bad for Percy. She- wait. She had totally done this on purpose.

"Hey Pipes!"

Travis had noticed their arrival and shot a wide grin and a wave in Piper's direction.

Percy paused his conversation with Travis and Conner and turned to see what was going on. When he saw Piper, his face broke into a grin and he looked as if he was going to say something, then he saw Annabeth and his face fell. Then Annabeth saw that and her face fell.

Annabeth quickly turned to face the floor.

Luckily Conner decided to speak.

"Hey, who's the other girl?"

"Oh! This is my friend Annabeth." Piper responded before flinging her arm over her friend's shoulders.

Annabeth shot him a small smile to fill the silence.

"So, me and the boys were discussing that maths exam last week." Travis started.

"Yeah, we totally flunked it." Percy added.

"Well, you probably didn't Pipes." Jason added. Piper let out a big smile, but tried to hide it.

"I did alright but Annabeth did way better than me."

She hadn't planned on bragging about her test score, but she was pretty dam proud of it. She had gotten 98% overall, the highest in her class.

"We get it, she's smart." Percy said under his breath. But he had said it just loud enough so she could hear it. This was definitely about yesterday.

"What score?" Grover said, curiously.

"It doesn't matter." Annabeth started. The last thing she wanted to do was make it seem like she wanted to brag. Like she was trying to say she was better than them.

But Piper interrupted.

"She got 98%!"


"Oh come on, that's brag worthy. Stop being so humble."

Annabeth decided to embrace the exclaimes of "What!?!" And "For real!".

She even got a small smile for Percy and a nod of approval, which somehow meant more than anything. Maybe this meant he wasn't holding a grudge?

"What did you get Perce?" Grover asked.

Percy sighed. "I can't even say dude."

"Oh come on..." Jason protested.

"It's awful I'm telling you!"

"It can't be that bad." Annabeth said, trying to make him feel a bit better. He seemed to actually be upset about his score. He wasn't joking around.

"Gods, I only got 22%..."

"That's better than last time!" Jason said, enthusiastically.

"What happened last time?" Asked Piper.

"We don't talk about last time." Said Percy, shaking his head at Jason.

The bell rang to indicate that it was time to get to your first lesson. Piper walked off, hand in hand with Jason, so Annabeth stayed a good few feet behind.

She saw Percy walk up to her until he was right by her side. Oh my gods if Rachel or Drew sees...

"Uh, sorry if this is a bit weird but I wasn't thinking about what I said yesterday-" He started.

Oh shit, he wants to talk about it.

"You just seemed upset so I'm sorry if I annoyed you."

"Oh no, it's not your fault, it was just something else. It's fine"

"Oh okay. Just making sure it wasn't me. I tend to annoy people."

After that he promptly walked off. Annabeth checked her surroundings, not a Drew or Rachel in sight.

She reflected on what he had said as she walked to art class. He really cared about how she felt. She knew she shouldn't be surprised but she had always seen him as a jerk, who knew he could actually be nice.

She enjoyed talking to him. He was easy to talk to and seemed interested in what she had to say. She just wished that Drew and Rachel would leave her alone and go back to whatever pit they crawled out of.


It's her phone.

She picked it up. A text from her dad. He never texted her. He barely knew how to work his phone. Was this an emergency?

The message was blunt and simply said:

"When you get home from school I will be there as I've gotten a few days off work. There's someone I want you to meet."
