Chapter 2

We've been on the road for two hours and I'm already getting tired of Crimson's complaining. It takes two days to get there and he's already complaining!

    "Will you stop already? We're going to CA to become War Wielders and you're complaining about the road being too rocky? You're going to have a rude awakening if that bothers you. Being a War Wielder is about helping people and making sacrifices for the better. It's an honor to become a War Wielder, and you just don't care." When I'm finished he just stares at me. Not that I can blame him. Usually I don't have an outburst like this, but I'm so tired of hearing him whine about how bumpy our carriage ride is.

    Once he realizes that he is staring he composes himself and says, "Well they should attend to this road better."

    "Really? They don't have enough money to do that. The monarchy doesn't pay the villages enough. If you want the roads in better condition then why don't you petition your father for that. You clearly weren't paying attention during the villagers petitions." I can't believe what I'm hearing. Usually he doesn't complain this much, so something must have happened. I blow out a breath. "What's wrong?"

    "What do you mean? Everything is fine."

    "Come on Crimson, do be like that. Everything isn't sunshine and rainbows and you know it."

    "Fine, you wanna know? You're right, it's not sunshine and rainbows, but you don't understand. You never will. You're pampered and get whatever you want. I bet you begged you father to be betrothed to me. You probably just want power and you will do anything to get it."

    I am furious that he thinks that. I want out of this betrothal as much as he does. "You think I want my life to be like this! I don't want my father to control my life! I want to take control of it and my life might look good through your eyes, but when you're actually living it, it's horrible." I can picture all the things my father has done to Amber, because of me. Mother doesn't even know because my father has kept it from her.

Crimson stares at me in shock. He probably would've never guess that. "What do you mean?" he asks.

"Never mind. Forget that I said anything." I can barely look at him. I can't believe I said that. Why would I say that to him?! "Oh... look, the carriage stopped. We should probably go into the inn." I blatantly try to change the subject, hoping he will go along with it.

"Yeah, okay." He lets it go, and I sigh in relief. I really shouldn't have brought that up, but that's me. Always running my mouth.

We both step out of the carriage and walk into the inn.

The inn's main entrance is nice and cozy. There's a fireplace to our left with furniture and animal fur. To our right is a dining place filled with people and laughter. The room is bright with lit torches scattered around. In the dining room a bunch of people are playing lively music. I am surprised to see that the castle picked this inn to house us. I would have expected a more sophisticated place, but I am glad we stopped here.

Crimson must have seen my shocked expression because he said, "The owners are very discreet whenever we come here." That made since, they wouldn't want a bunch of people trying to see the Crown Prince of Dalphina.

    Once we were checked in, Crimson and I went to our separate rooms. We were going to leave early in the morning so we could reach the Academy before sunset. Although I was sitting in the carriage all day, I was exhausted. I went straight to the bed and laid down. I hope Amber is okay. My eyes slowly drift shut.


    "Would you please get in the carriage, my lady." The footman was trying to help me into the carriage, but it was such a fine day. The sun was up high in the sky and there were a few clouds, but just so it wasn't too hot.

    "You know, the day is too beautiful to be stuck in a carriage all day. I think I would like to take a horse instead." I said with a smile. I almost never get to ride and today is perfect riding conditions.

    "You're right, Ebony. I think I will do the same." Crimson says coming up beside me. I look to him with surprise. He wants to ride instead of going in the carriage? I try to hide my smile but he sees it and smiles right back. By then I can't contain it and it turns into a big grin. "What? Riding a horse sound great."

    "It's just not quite what I expected of you, Your Highness." Two stable boys bring horses for each of us, already saddled and everything. "Thank you."

    Crimson and I get on the horses and start on the trail. I can't wait to go to CA, I get to meet new people and be on my own for a while.

    "Want to race to the next lake, it should be at least a mile from here," I ask Crimson.

    "Why? I would beat you even if I didn't try," he says to me. I just roll my eyes.

    "We'll see about that," I say right before I kick my horse to gallop.

I ride as fast as I can. The tree branches flying in my face while I try to dodge them. I can just see the lake, when all of the sudden my horse stops, and Crimson rushes by. I try to make the horse go again, but it's like it's stuck.

I look down and see red sparks around the horse's four legs.

"I told you I could beat you," Crimson says when he reaches the lake.

"That's not fair, you used magic," the horse starts to move once again. When I reach the lake I get off the horse to let it drink.

"It is fair, you never said we couldn't use magic," Crimson has a smirk on his face, and I just shake my head with a small smile on my lips.

"Touche. We should wait and let the rest of the group catch up, tomorrow should be when we reach the Academy," I say while taking a seat underneath a tree.


I know this is a weird place to end the chapter and it ends abruptly, but I hope you like it. It seems like they're getting along, I hope it stays that way. Next chapter is when they should reach the Academy, like Ebony pointed out.

- Caty
