1919 New Orleans, Louisiana

CALLISTA LOOKED OVER TO THE SPOT NEXT TO HER, AND FOUND HER BOYFRIEND NOT THERE. She climbed out of bed and found the balcony doors opened. A small smile escaped as she saw Kol leaning out, shirtless, and with a contemplative look on his face.

The heretic went to the original vampire and hugged his torso from behind. "What are you thinking about my love?" She questioned pressing her face into his side.

"How life is so much more beautiful with you in it."

Callista still after all these years felt herself go giddy from his words, he truly was a poet when he wanted to be. Kol turned and circled his arms around her, easily picking her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his torso and snuggled her head into his neck. Before the couple could go any further their door was slammed open. Callista slid away from Kol, "What is it Marcellus?" She questioned seeing his alarmed face. When he turned old enough he was turned into a vampire.

"Klaus killed Papa Tunde's sons and now he's on a rampage in the city."

"So?" Kol questioned causing Callista to slap him on his arm. She looked back, "Ill come with you, Kol will make sure he doesn't come here."

Marcellus nodded and quickly left, leaving the two to say goodbye. Callista quickly started to get changed while Kol groaned, "My love, why do you feel the need to protect my brother when he makes a mistake?"

Callista rolled her eyes, "Because he is your family." As she was about to leave Kol grabbed her hand and kissed her before leaning back and putting her hair behind her ears, "Be careful darling."

She grinned and quickly left, both having full faith in her because she was a heretic.

Callista and Marcellus were paired together to head towards Lafayette Cemetery and try to find him while Klaus and Elijah went to another part of the city. As they walked in Callista immediately felt something was wrong and from the corner of her eye saw the witch with a stake. Without thinking twice she used her magic to fling Marcel out of the gate and lock it with her magic. She ignored his screams to let him in as Papa Tunde came out with a knife.

"I understand you are hurt, but from witch to witch this isn't the way. This is both our homes," Callista tried to reason but it was no use he flung her back with his magic. The girl went to do the same but the witch with the stake stepped out behind him, and then another, and then another, and then another, and soon the whole coven was there.

"It is time to destroy the abomination!"

Callista in that moment knew she was dead, the girl looked out towards the gate where Marcellus was throwing himself at the gate as tears streamed down his face. She smiled at her brother as the moments of her life flashed before her, her moments with Marcellus, her moments with Klaus and Elijah, her moments with Rebekah, and finally her moments with Kol, the love of her life.

Marcel watched in disdain as his sister smiled, right as the sun filtered down onto her, making her glow. Her heart then flew out of  her chest and into the hand of Papa Tunde. The young vampire fell to the ground screaming in pain for the loss of his sister, his savior, and the Mikaelson's angel.

The vampire crawled into the abattoir where he found the whole family gathered, he couldn't look up as he beat his fist into the ground.

"Marcellus? What's wrong? Where's Callista?" Elijah questioned stepping forward. Marcellus looked up, pain and vengeance on his face, "they killed her," he whispered at first before standing up yelling out, "They killed her! The coven killed her!"

Kol felt as if his heart was ripped out a hundred times, everything inside of him was shattering as he felt like an earthquake went through his entire being and he began to cry. "No!"

The vampire looked at his siblings who all looked distraught, he didn't know how to handle it he fell to the ground shaking, he was crying non-stop, Rebekah tried to comfort him but he pushed her away, all he wanted was his Callista, his daring, his love, the girl he was going to ask to marry him tomorrow at the party.

It felt like the earth was crumbling at the loss of Callista Emrys, and Kol Mikaelson was crumbling with it, so he did the only thing he could do. He shut off his humanity. It didn't work fully he still wanted vengeance. He looked to his brother and stood up yelling harshly, "If you didn't kill those stupid cretins she would be alive!"

"You think I don't know that!" Klaus roared back as tears threatened to escape. Marcel still was on the floor coming up with a plan in his head and he looked to Rebekah knowing she would help.

The next night after the party all the Mikaelson's put on a mask of acting unaffected by the loss of Callista. But Kol was affected and he was going to make a weapon to destroy Klaus like he did to him many times, he was drinking through the city not bothering to think about bringing Callista back. But Marcel was. He stood next to Rebekah in the cemetery, they met a witch at the party who was willing to consecrate her.

"So if she is consecrated she can come back," Rebekah asked as she tried not to look at her dead friend. The red head Genevieve nodded, "You will need a strong witch but it's not impossible."

After that they also called on Mikael. Marcel blamed Klaus for everything. Klaus was the one that started the war with the witches, a war which killed his sister. And in that moment Marcel promised he would be the one to eventually finish it, and bring Callista Emrys back to life.
