
"I was enchanted to meet you.
Please don't be in love with someone else.
Please don't have somebody waiting on you.
Please don't be in love with someone else.
Please don't have somebody waiting on you"

Enchanted | Taylor Swift


Bellamy's pov~~~~

I felt my whole world fall down as I watch Annabeth be taken away from me. I couldn't get to her in time, and I blame myself.

I was forced back to camp with the others, but when we arrived it no longer felt like home.

We were all out of breath and almost immediately everyone started blaming each other for everything.

"Got something to say space walker?" I asked Finn.

"Yeah, I told you no guns!" He pointed at Clarke.

"And I told you we couldn't trust the grounders" she replied.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Raven asked Finn.

"I tried but you were being too preoccupied making bullets" he replied.

"You're lucking she brought that Finn! We all could've died!" I spat.

"You don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot" Finn stated.

"Annabeth is gone because of this!" I yelled.

"You ruined everything" Octavia said to Jasper before walking off.

"I saved your ass!" Jasper yelled out to her.

He then walked off in anger back into camp.

"We'll if we weren't at war already we definitely are now" Finn said angrily.

He then looked Clarke in the eyes.

"You didn't have to trust the grounders, you just had to trust me" he added then walked off as well.

"Best unity day ever" I sighed.

Suddenly we heard a boom come from the sky. Both Clarke and I looked up and saw something coming down.

"The exodus ship?" I questioned.

"Your moms early Griffin" I smiled.

"Wait too fast, no parachute, they're gonna crash" Clarke stated.

We watched the exodus ship land as an explosion went off in the distance. I watched as Clarke crumpled to the ground.

"Clarke I am so sorry" I told her softly.


The next morning Raven, Finn, Clarke and I along with a group of Delinquents went to investigate the exodus ship crash.

When we got there it was clear to see that there were no survivors.

"Hey Finn, help me find a black box. It will explain why the ship crashed" Raven stated.

"Keep an eye out for Grounders! They'll want to retaliate from the bridge!" I warned everyone.

I watched as Clarke walked over to a pink, liquid. Suddenly Raven yelled out.

"Clarke don't touch that! That's hydrazine, and it's highly explosive in its liquid form" Raven shouted.

Clarke back away slowly and Raven picked up a small rock and then threw it.

"Fire in the hole!" She yelled.

A small explosion went off and then Raven told me to clear the area. I nodded and we headed back to camp.


Annabeth's pov~~~~

"I've missed you so much" Murphy said softly as he hugged me.

"I've missed you too" I cried.

I laid back against the wall and in that moment all I wanted was to close my eyes and for this to all be a dream.

I watched as Murphy slowly got up and walked over to our cell door.

"Annabeth, look" he whispered to me.

"What?" I asked.

"The cells not locked, let's get out of here" he smiled at me.

"Murphy I can't walk" I sighed.

"Yes you can, I know you're strong enough" He replied.

He quickly walked over to me and helped me stand up.

"I'm getting you out of this place" he told me.

There was no grounders around to see us leave and as soon as we left the village Murphy practically dragged me through the woods.

"We gotta go back to camp" I told him.

"You heard what Clarke said if I come back, I'll die Anna" he whispered.

"I won't let that happen" I said firmly.

I crossed over the bridge the fight was on and I stumbled back across my gun. I picked it up and we continued to keep going.

When we reached the camp gates conner and Octavia let us in even though I was with Murphy.

"Annabeth!" She yelled helping me into the drop ship.

"I thought I would never see you again" I cried.

"We all thought we lost you" octavia replied hugging me.

"Why's Murphy here? We should kill him!" Conner spat.

"No! If it wasn't for Murphy I'd still be stuck with the grounders" I explained to them.

Clarke came running in and was happy to see me. She however didn't like seeing Murphy here.

Suddenly I heard Bellamy's voice.

"Where is he?!" He yelled running into the drop ship.

He instantly stopped in his tacks as he laid eyes on me. I smiled softly and he immediately ran to me with a hug. He held me close in his arms as I hugged him back.

"How are you alive? I-I watched you get taken away" Bellamy said.

"You won't believe it but, Murphy saved me" I looked over to him.


Bellamy's pov ~~~~

I watched as Annabeth and Murphy looked each other in the eyes, she smiled and held his hand.

~~ Bellamy's thought's

*Please don't be in love with someone else*
I thought as I looked at Annabeth with him.

~~ Murphy's thought's

*Please don't have somebody waiting on you*
I thought as Annabeth looked at Bellamy.

Even though I had just got her back I still felt like I lost her.

"Everyone but Connor and Derek out! Now!" I demanded.

"We we're running from the grounders" Murphy stated.

"Did anyone see grounders?" I asked.

Everyone shook their head.

"Well then" I said as I pointed my gun at him.

"Wait! Murphy might be able to tell us things about the grounders" Finn suggested.

"Get out of my way" I spat at him.

"Finn's right. Murphy's fingernails were torn off he was tortured Bellamy" Clarke added.

"Murphy's telling the truth bell, the grounders and cruel and violent" Annabeth told me.

"Did you say anything to them?" I asked them.

"No, I kept my mouth shut" Annabeth replied.

We looked over to Murphy and he slowly looked  back up to us with a small smile.

"Everything" he sighed.

"Let him get better and then we will force him to leave again and if he doesn't, then we kill him" Clarke suggested.

"Now Annabeth let's get you cleaned up" Clarke said as she took care of her.


Bellamy left to work on the wall and I stayed with Murphy in the drop ship. Suddenly I started crying blood.

"Murphy?" I asked looking at him.

"Oh my- Clarke!" He yelled.

She answer at first but it wasn't long till both her and Conner came bursting in through the door.

"Clarke what's happening to me?" I freaked out.

"Murphy how did you escape the grounders?" Clarke asked him.

"Our cell door was left open and the one was there so we took off" he replied.

"They let you go" Clarke sighed.

Suddenly I started throwing up blood.

"Annabeth, roll on your side!" Clarke shouted.

Bellamy and Octavia then came into the drop ship looking all worried.

"Anna?" Bellamy asked stepping closer to me.

"No! Don't touch her, you'll get sick" Clarke stated.

"What is this?" Bellamy asked.

"biological warfare, Murphy and Annabeth are their weapon" Clarke stated.

"Did you know about this? Are you helping them?" Bellamy spat at Murphy.

"Bellamy! We had no idea" I told him.

Suddenly Derek started seizing and fell to the ground. It wasn't long till he stopped and Clarke ran over to him. He felt his pulse and then looked down.

"Is he...?" Bellamy asked.

"He's dead" she replied getting up.

"We need to quarantine, who were the first people to help you into camp" she then asked me.

"Octavia" I stated.

Bellamy immediately ran out of the drop ship so find his sister while Clarke helped Conner, Murphy and I.


"Now walking on your bad leg, it will reopen the stitches" Clarke explained to me.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Murphy help me get her into the hammock" she said.

He got up and both helped me to lay down. Soon Bellamy came back with Octavia.

Clarke checked her for any symptoms of any kind.

"She's all clear, but I'll put her on the third level with people who sent symptomatic" Clarke said firmly.

"What no! She'll get sick up there" Bellamy replied angrily.

"Maybe Bellamy's right Clarke, she could get sick" I told her.

She turned around to me as I spoke, but rolled her eyes and looked back at Bellamy and Octavia.

"Think of it as a way to keep her inside camp" Clarke suggested.

"Fine" Bellamy said as he walked out again.

"Octavia wait" Clarke turned to her.

"I need you to leave camp again" she stated.

I watched as Octavia smiled.

"This is a bad idea, what it Bellamy finds out?" I asked.

"It's okay I'll be careful" O replied.


Another chapter, I'm started to think I shout continued this book haha.
