Chapter 4

Marcus' POV

I heard Ciara talking to someone on her phone. It was probably Lucus. She fell asleep and I thought about what she said back at the rest stop. Was it true she didn't want me to bother her or find someone else?

I sighed and pulled up at her house. I gently shake her and she wakes up. She looks around and got out the car when she saw where we were. She ran back to the car confused.

I had my head on the steering wheel mad at myself. She walked over to my side and opened the door. She pulled me out and I groaned. I finally let her pull me out. She kissed me and then pulled back.

"I'm sorry Marcus. I didn't mean what i said back at the rest stop." She said. I smiled and kissed her again. "I'm sorry too. I had no right to yell at you. I know you didn't want me to be worried." I said. I pulled her into a sweet kiss. The kiss started out slow then it got heated.

I pulled back and got the bags out the car. Ciara just stood there dazed and blushing. "Babe don't just stand there. I need some help." I said. She blushed even more and came to help. I chuckled and walked inside the house with her following.

She led me to her room and we sat our bags on the floor beside her bed. "Ok were gonna leave tomorrow morning." She said. I nodded and layed down on the bed. "Marcus get up and take a shower." She said laughing. I groaned and rolled off her bed.

I pulled out my clothes and walked to her bathroom. I got in and took a shower washing everywhere. I got out and dried off then I put my clothes on.

When I got out Ciara was already dressed.

We are walking to get food then to the mall. On the way there we took snapchats and musicallys. When we got in the mall a bunch of girls ran over to me pushing Ciara out the way. I heard a cry of pain and I looked around. I saw girls beating Ciara up.

Before I got to Ciara she stood up and punched one of the girls. The other girls ran away and then I ran to Ciara. She kissed me and we walked to the food court. Once we got there Ciara got a salad and a small coke.

She turned around and I gave her a look. "What?" She asked. "Why aren't you eating any real food? You had salad all last week." I said. She shrugged and got her food. I ordered a hot dog and fries with a small coke too.

After I payed and got my food. I sat down and started to eat. Ciara looked up at me and I looked back. She shook her head and laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. She pulled up her camera and turned it towards me. I laughed and wiped my mouth.

"I guess you didn't get that I'm vegan. Did you?" She said. I dropped my food and looked at her. "You never told me!" I said. She laughed. "I was dropping hints." She said. "Oh" I said. She started laughing then stood up and threw her empty bowl away.

I did the same and we went to different stores. She went in Victoria's secret and got bras and panties. I thought of an idea and smirked. "Marcus please don't get me kicked out of here. I really love this store." She said. I sighed then nodded. We continued shopping then went to the hospital.

"Hi I'm looking for Zach Alayia please." Ciara said. "Room 163." The woman at the desk said. "Wait. Ciara can I get a picture with you? By the way you look stunning." She said. Ciara looked shocked then nodded. "Thank you and sure." Ciara grabbed the girls phone and took a picture.

"I'm Lydia by the way." She said. "Nice to meet you Lydia. I shall see you around right?" Ciara said. Lydia nodded and smiled. Coats gave her a hug and went running to the elevator.

"Marcus. Remember when I shut you out of the elevator?" Ciara asked. I nodded and laughed. "To be honest I ran up the stairs and it took a long time too." I said. She giggled and the door opened.

We walked out and found room 163. We went inside and I saw a little boy in the bed. I looked over and saw a middle aged woman. She stood up and walked over to me.

"Hello miss. My name is Marcus Dobre." I said holding out my hand. "Why you are a gentleman. My name is Demi Alayia." She said shaking my hand. She walked over to Ciara and hugged her. Ciara walked over to me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Mum I have something to tell you." She said. Her mom looked up waiting. "Marcus and I are dating." Ciara said. She jumped up and clapped bring in us both in a hug. "Ciara?" Someone groaned. We all turned around and saw that Zach was awake.

Ciara ran over and hugged him. "You kept your promise." Zach said.

Ciara's POV

"You kept your promise." Zach said. "Of course I did bud. I wouldn't not keep it." I said kissing his forehead. He nodded the frowned. "Who is he?" Zach said pointing at Marcus.

"My boyfriend Marcus your gonna like him. Plus you get to spend a month with me after I graduate in two months." I said smiling. He cheered and the doctor walked in. "Well he can leave now. He is alright. See ya little man." The doctor said.

Zach waved and the doctor took everything out of him. Zach jumped up and ran into my arms. He snuggled into my chest and closed his eyes. "I love you Cici." He yawned. "I love you too Zachy boo." I said kissing his head.

He fell asleep and I smiled glad I was back with my little bother.
