Love Letter

I glance over at Cole, who's laughing with Lili. My heart sinks a little, but I re-draw my attention back to K.J, who was talking about the new Power Rangers movie.

"Yeah sure. Why not", I smile at him. We carried on and making jokes and laughing - just like we usually do before we went to shoot a scene.

I stood in place, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Cole staring but reverting his attention back to Lili. Shaking my head, I re-focused on the upcoming scene I had with K.J.

"Action!", the director called out, and K.J and I began to act out the scene.

"But, Y/c/n, I don't know if I can do this", Archie sighs.

"I know you can, Arch. If you freeze out there, red troop-adore, just focus on someone that makes you feel safe", I say as I fix his tie. He leans in and presses his lips against mine.

Cole's POV

Y/n looked so damn perfect as she laughed. Her beautiful smile flashed and her eyes glimmered in the sun light. Her scene of humor was so aspiring to watch - as she laughed at almost everything. My heart ached for her, but I could tell that she had no interest in me, but showed that interest in K.J.

As I watch the scene that they were filming, my heart sunk as I watch them kiss.

"Hey, Cole", Y/n smiled as she walked up to me. I smiled back and nerves tingled my body, almost numbing my mind. I have to tell her, it would destroy me if I lost her. I need to make her mine. Going back to my trailer, I grab my car keys and I drove myself down to the florist and bought Y/n a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Yeah. I'm about to tell someone I love them", I nervously reply, fingers twiddling with the zip of my jacket.

Your POV

A quiet, but audible, knock was placed on my trailer door. Slapping down my script and pushing my glasses above my head, I reached for the handle of the door and opened it. No one was there, and just as I was about to close the door, I glanced down and noticed a vase with a beautiful beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the step. I dropped to my knees and picked it up, its fragrance filling my nose, and my lips turned upwards.

As I took it inside, I noticed my name on a cute name-tag card and a letter behind it. Placing it on the bench, I picked up the letter, opening it up and reading it.

I cannot express how lucky I am to have you in my life - even if you're just my co-star. You make me feel so complete and when I'm talking to you, the world shuts out and suddenly, it's just you and me. You bring me joy and happiness and you've stood by me everyday, and even when I'm tired, you still manage to make me smile - and for that, I am forever grateful.

I love you, Y/n. I always have and I always will.


My lips curled into a big smile. Dropping the letter on the bench, I grabbed my flats and slipped them on, bursting out the door and running towards Cole's trailer.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?", K.J asks.

"To Cole's", I turn my head and smiled at K.J, whilst still running. I turn my head back and came to a stop as I finally reached his trailer. I knock on the door rapidly, and only stopped when he opened it.

"Y/n? What's wrong?", Cole asks. I cup his face with my hands and kiss him on the mouth. Cole smiles into the kiss and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I love you too"
