Aloha guys! ((:

I'm currently bored. And have nothing to do, so I decided to make a authors note. :/

Did you guys get the new Wattpad update? I kinda wish I didn't updated it. Because I like the last update better. :( I feel like this one is kinda confusing. And is a little to much, kinda overwhelming. I'll get use to it tho!

I got around five more weeks until school starts. I'm excited, yet I don't want to go back to school drama. :/ and I'm totally not looking forward to waking up early. hahaha

I want Starbucks ugh. Starrrrrbuuuckkksss! I'm craving Starbucks right now, there Starbucks commercials are killing me lol.

I just want to do something! Like go to the mall, or maybe the movie theaters! .....or Starbucks, Starbucks is good to.

I have 5.99k right now! Almost to 6k! (:
Please don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite songs! Need some support.♡

Bye bye! x
