・Chapter 4 ・

Math Homework: What about m-
Author: Shhhhh, you're not important.
Yay, the author is FINALLY updated after *looks at the calendar* a lot of days... Anyways! The important thing is, I'm back and I am writing to you all. :D Going into in-person school is phew weird and I am grateful that I only have to go to actual school for 2 days a week.

Thank you SO much for your patience, your amazing comments, voting, and of course reading this book. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also, I am getting rid of chapter titles because I never know what to name them :P


(F/f) - favor flavor


"Mom, why do the people here treat you so badly. You're so nice." The little girl cuddled with her mom in bed.  They were leaning against the bed board reading storytime books. After finishing, the little girl sparked the question out of curiosity. Her mother sighed and closed the book slowly. The room was quiet and was only lit by the lamp. Her husband has been on a business trip for a week, looking for valuable jewelry. "Sometimes, people in life turn from you, but you got to be the bigger person and keep smiling. Remember that." Her mother smiled softly as her daughter rubs her sleepy eyes. "Ok, mommy..."  


6 days till Kareen Party

The next day when (y/n) woke up, Pakunoda was nowhere to found. The sleepy girl rubs her eyes and looks out the window. It was still a bit of clouds and the night's raindrops stream down the glass. Her feet step onto the rugged floor. Opening the window, the familiar scent of rain fills her nose. The abandoned city seems more lonely and dark with the clouds but despite this, she smiles, "What kind of questions should I ask Feitan today?" His grumpy face appears in her mind. Still smiling, she hurries down to the lobby floor where most of the troupe members sat without a second thought.

"Good Morning!" The room that was radiating with dark vibes and was mostly quietly suddenly lights up with sunshine. "Oh, (y/n), you're finally awake." Machi turns towards her, "You hungry? We got donuts." She holds up a bag, most likely stolen this morning. "Yes please!" A day starting with donuts is always a good day. "It's literally noon," Feitan mumbles out loud and turns his eyes away. (Y/n) rubs her neck, "Might have... overslept." She sheepishly smiles and adores Feitan from afar. Her pupils could have turned into hearts. "Your hair is all messy too." Pakunoda comes behind her and pats down her hair down, reminding (y/n) of her mother. "Oh Paku, thanks for last night." Pakunoda smiles and nods her head. (Y/n) observes the room. Looking around she notices somebody was missing. "Oh, where's the boss?" She asks. "He's in his room." Nobunaga answers and picks up an apple from the bag, "Probably reading some book."The lobby room was dark, the only light source was a dimmed lantern and the bit of light from outside. (Y/n) sighs with some warmth in her heart. 

"Anyways, (y/n), what flavor do you want?" (Y/n) excitedly bounce over to Machi and peers in the bag, "Uhh, (f/f)." Machi hands over the donut, covered in sweet frosting and sprinkles. "Yum, thanks, Machi! I call sitting next to Feitan!" "Oh boy..." Feitan rolls his eyes as (y/n) slowly yet shyly scoots over next to him, "You don't mind right?" She asks him, "Whatever." (Y/n) smiles and bites down on the soft donut. "Did you eat yet, Fei?" She covers her mouth as she questions him, "No, not hungry." It was a daily habit she does. She would sit by Feitan and ask if he has eaten yet. Most of the time, he doesn't eat breakfast. The troupe likes to watch her annoy him with her millions of innocent questions when she first gets up. They think there is no end to them. It's quite amusing to watch.

"Oh... You know," She takes another bite, "You should take off your mask from time to time." She looks over at him, "Why?" He asks with an annoyed voice, "Well, because, you have a handsome face and it's a shame that uh... you're covering it most of the time." Everybody went silent for a second until Uvogin, Phinks, and Nobunaga breaks the silence with laughter.

"OI, you here that Fei? You have a handsome face!" Uvogin begins mocking and smacking the ground. "(Y/n), doesn't he look more like a grump cat th-though!?" Phinks chuckle out loudly. "O-oh be careful. He's glaring at us." Nobunaga is on the floor with Uvo, laughing his guts out. Everyone watches with unamused faces as the three men laugh like clowns. All they could do is sigh and shake their head in disbelief.  "I don't get what's so funny," Feitan mutters underneath his breath, more grumpier than before. "Me too. All I said is he has a handsome face." (Y/n) agrees and finishes the last of the donut. They all laughed louder, their stomach was starting to hurt. "That's them with their horrible humor." Shizuki blandly says. Machi rolls her eyes, "Wow."

"Anyways..." (Y/n) turns her head towards Feitan with a cheeky smile. "Can I-" "No." (Y/n) left her jaw hanging with the unfinished question. Then her brows knit together, "I didn't even finish my question yet!" Feitan couldn't help but roll his eyes again. "You're going to ask me for my mask." (Y/n) clasp her hands together, "Come on! Pretty please. Just for 2 minutes!" "No, get your own mask." She leans in closer, "But your mask is unique. Nobody sells it!" Feitan looks away, "Too bad, I'm not being twinsies with you." She puts and lay her chin on his shoulders, "Just for a second?" "No." (Y/n) pouts gets bigger, "And get off my shoulder." Feitan moves his shoulder up harshly, "Hey! You're so mean!" "Is that so?" (Y/n) crosses her arms, "I will make you give me your mask on day." He cocks his brows, "Will I, though?" "Yes!" She pounds a dedication fist in the air, "No matter how long it takes!" Feitan sighs, "Sure..."

"We never see Feitan talk so much, but with (y/n) we get to hear his voice more." Shalnark points out. "That's because she asks him a bunch of questions." Bonolenov says. "(Y/n), why ask so many questions when you know the answer will be no?" Shizuku asks with curiosity, setting down her book and look up at her friend. "Well, because, uh... maybe one day he will give in?" She shrugs with a hesitant smile. "I mean, it sounds like you will annoy him until he likes you," Shizuku responds with a blank face. The sudden comment smack (y/n) in the face, "I- Uh- I-I don't mean to do it like that-!" (Y/n) stutters, doing waving her arms all over, "I just- want to- ... know him better! I-I don't mean... you know..." Her cheeks were bright red as a sense of guilt messed up her mind. She lightly bites her nail with her heart pounding in her ears.

Why does she like Feitan so much? He did nothing. He was never kind to her, but yet, her heart fell for him. Her heart wants to get to knows his better, but why is she trying so hard? Why is she trying to unmask his coldness so bad? Her brain fumes smoke as she tips over, covering her face, "I don't know anymore!"

"Oh, Shizu, I think you got (y/n) flustered." Uvogin smiles wickedly on the ground. Shizuki puts her hand up, "Ah, don't worry about it. You can do whatever your heart wants to." (Y/n) forms a crack between her two fingers, her eyes trails to the man beside her, who was looking down at her. His grey eyes are cold, but something insides him, burned brightly. "You're an idiot." He speaks suddenly, "Hey!" She sits back up again, "Can't you see I'm having a crisis over you!?" "Hmph." he simply ignores her yelling and turns away from her. "You're like, a grumpy cat." (Y/n) mutters. "Anyways can I get a hug?" She opens her arms wide, "Please?" "No." Her arms slump as she sighs a deep breath.

"Hey, guys! I found the list of all the people who are going to attend the party, including those strong nen users!" Shalnark calls out, catching everybody's attention. "Oh, I wanna see who's head I get to smash in." Phinks pounds his fist together walking over th Shalnark. "Psh, don't rub it in, cocky bastard," Uvogin mutters with clear envy, dragging himself over. "Come on, Feitan." (Y/n) hops off the big rock Uvogin has put into the lobby for more seating. As (y/n) and Feitan joins the group, Shalnark scroll through the list on a laptop, "Some of these people are rich too, selling jewelry and expensive antique items." He informs.

He goes down the list of photos of guests with descriptions about them. Going down, something made (y/n) heart twists with fear. Two faces she never wanted to see again. She gasps and puts her hand over her mouth. Feitan takes notice of this and glance at her. "What's with you?" Sweat rolls down her forehead and she stammers out, "W-wait Shalnark, go back up." "Huh?" Shalnark and everybody else turns around with concern faces, "Go back up." Shalnark turns back around, "O-ok then"

"Oh my..." She rubs her eyes, making sure she's seeing that right. Her eyes read the names over and over rapidly. "Read those two names out loud." Shalnark brings his face a little into the computer, getting a closer look, "Mira (l/n) and Richard (l/n)."

(Richard is your father's name)

"Woah, they have the same last name as (y/n)." Machi squints her vision, leaning in to see. "That woman is quite beautiful, is she your mom (y/n)?" Uvo asks, unaware of her who that woman was to her. (Y/n) freezes, looking at those faces. Those scummy faces.

"What are you doing!? You remind me so much of your dumbass mother!" "(Y/n)! Respect Mira or I'm throwing you out, understand!?" "You are so stupid! I can't believe this! Are you really Richard's daughter!?"

"I-I..." She stutters out. Her brain feels queezy, "(Y/n)?" Phinks calls her name quietly. "They are horrible people." Was all she can say, "Bad, bad people." She hugs herself for some warmth, "I hate them...I..." (Y/n)'s eyes darts around the room, "Need to get some fresh air..." She immediately turns around and heads out. She runs out of the abandoned hotel, running away from the freezing darkness of her childhood.

The troupe stands there in shock, "Is she going to be alright?" Nobunaga asks everybody, resting his hand on the hilt of the sword. "She talked about them being bad people. Are they connected to her?" He continues, looking at the door the girl ran out of. Pakunoda steps in, "Richard (l/n) is her biological father, and Mira (l/n) is her stepmother. Mira mentally and sometimes... physically abuses her after her mother was forced the leave." She crosses her arms and looks away, "It has been haunting her for... quite a while now..." They took a moment to process the information. "She never told us any of that," Korotopi says, speaking for everyone except for one particular man. "She has told me, but not as much." Feitan stares off into the distance behind the glass doors. "Says right here Mira's a powerful nen user. A manipulator who can manipulate hair." Phinks smashed his hand together, "I'll make sure I'll rip them both to shreds." He grits his teeth and stares at his hands that took thousands of lives. Even though he shows no mercy to his enemies, this is something he can't get past without feeling sympathy for (y/n). "You must really care for her, Phinks." Shalnark giggles, "Just like a big brother." "Shut up!" Phinks's cheeks glow red, "Aren't you angry too! They both treated her like shit!" Nobody said anything, but all of them pitied her and felt the need to avenge her. "Alright, that's enough." Machi yells out, "Somebody's gotta go after her, or she will get her hurt somehow."

"Feitan, she likes you the best, and you're quick so you should go." Nobunaga turns to Feitan, reasoning with him. Everyone looks at him with serious faces. The room was quiet and dark, nothing like before when (y/n) was there enjoying her donut, annoying the hell out of Feitan. Feitan thought for a moment and sighs, "Fine." He turns to walk towards the door, "This is because you all are annoying me, not because I care deeply for her." He quickly disappears, chasing after the distraught girl. 

"He will learn how to love one day." Phinks shakes his head. "You're talking about a torturer, Phinks." Shalnark smiles, searching for more information on Mira, "Let's just hope that he finds (y/n) quickly."

((I'm still kind of hesitant about writing PTSD so if you are an expert on this topic, feel free to give me some feedback so I can better my knowledge. :)))

Thank you for reading! 
