Arrival of a Strong Ally

"Destruction magic huh" said Caesar.

Azumi dashed towards Caesar.

She grabbed Caesar and tries  to slam him down, but Caesar released a powerful energy in his palm, causing a strong explosion.

"This power is great! However it's still lacking on power. Looks like there is still something missing" said Caesar.

Azumi falls on the ground, heavily injured by point blank range explosion.

"Azumi!" Both Ash and Zaldo cried.

All of the sudden, Ash began to feel a pain in his chest.

Ash: What's going on..?! My chest hurts and my body feels heavy.

He then saw that his cursed magic is reacting to Caesar.

Ash: Don't tell me..?!

Caesar's magic is also reacting.

"Ahh... now I know what's missing..." said Caesar as he glanced at Ash.

Ash couldn't move from his spot.

"The last piece... your magic" said Caesar.

Caesar tries to grab Ash, but Zaldo came out of knowhere and tries attack him.

"Take this!" Zaldo yelled.

But, Caesar blocked his punch with his palm and made another strong explosion.

"Zaldo!" Ash.

Zaldo was also down.

Behind Ash, there stands Caesar.

"It's over, I won" said Caesar.

He grabbed Ash's arms and tries to break it.

Ash cried from the pain.

"After I'm done killing you, the "last piece" will finally be mine and my unlimited power will finally come" said Caesar.

Out of the blue, someone crashed between Caesar and Ash, and it send Caesar away.

"Who is it this time" said Caesar as he gets back up on his feet.

As the smoke clears, the person's identity was revealed.

"Looks like I found where the problem is" said Accel.

"Who are you?" Ash asked.

"I'm just somebody who's passing by" Accel answered.

Caesar teleported in front of Accel and tries to create another strong explosion within point blank range, but Accel slapped his hand and the explosion was directed upwards.

"Hey, Hey. That's rather a rude greeting" said Accel.

"Don't get cocky, brat" said Caesar as he launch another attack.

Accel moved to the left side, successfully evading Caesar's attack.

Caesar: He's fast!!!

Accel moved away from Caesar.

"Caesar, you are hereby, under arrest for spreading chaos all across the different dimesions" said Accel.

"What are you talking about" said Caesar.

"It's my duty to recover those books and take them under custody, including you" said Accel.

Caesar laughed as he heard that last sentence.

"You must be crazy, saying those things like capturing me, when I'm this powerful." said Caesar.

Accel sensed something from above, and when he looked up, he saw a huge building about to fall on him.

"What the-!" Accel.

"Die!!" Said Caesar.

Zaldo suddenly grabbed Azumi and Ash and dashed away from the battlefield.

"What the hell is going on!" Zaldo yelled.

"I don't know either.. but that man, he has the same aura as his..." said Ash.

"What do you mean?" Zaldo asked.

"No.. it's nothing... maybe it's just my imagination" said Ash.

Zaldo successfully got away from the falling building.

As the smoke clears... Ash and Zaldo looked at the battle.

The building crushed the entire city square.

"Don't underestimate me" said Caesar.

As the dust was gone.. Caesar was surprised that Accel survived.

"Maybe it's time to get serious too" said Accel.

Caesar tries to unleash the power of the overlord.

While Accel shuts his eyes and tries to focus.

"Overlord magic: Ultimate destruction" said Caesar.

Accel opened his eyes.

"Buster Form: Mode 1" said Accel.

To be continued...
