Chapter 15: Rescued and Returned

                                                                       -Odd's POV-

"Virtualization." Jeremie said. I landed on the ground in the moutain sector. I immediately saw William, a buttload of monsters, and Dallas, trapped in a guardian. 

"You're too overprotective of her, you know." I told William.

"Attack." he said. He waved his hand over the guardian and it turned sky blue, which was wierd. Aelita tried making a copy of Dallas, but the guardian didnt budge.

"Guys, he's scanning through her memories!" Jeremie said.

"Without the scipizoa?" Yumi asked.

"He's not TAKING her memories, he's scanning through them." Jeremie replied.

"Einstien, can you just work on saving my girlfriend?" I said.

"Sure, Odd, thats what I've BEEN doing, Aelita make another copy and I'll make one too, so then we can try to confuse the guardian."

"Okay." Aelita said. A copy of Dallas was on the left side of the guardian. Aelita made another on the right side. The guardian started to change back to orange and started to shift until it blew up. Dallas woke up, a little confused.

"No!" William said.

"Odd! Devirtualize me, now!" Dallas told me. I nodded.

"Laser arrow!" I said, aiming at Dallas. she was devirtualized immediately.

"Retreat!" William said. He hopped onto a blok and all of the monsters followed him.

"Ok guys, i'm bringing you in now." Jeremie said.

                                                                   -a minute later-

Dallas stepped out of the scanner. She ran up to me and hugged me. 

"I am so ticked off right now." She said. "He took my bow and arrows."

"Dallas, do you remember anything else?" Aelita asked her.

"I've never been able to remember anything from before I was six."

"Then maybe XANA is after your memories from before then." Jeremie said.

"I don't get it, what are you guys talking about?" Ulrich said. Dallas sighed and I stifled a laugh.

"Nothing, Ulrich, and you guys, I'm going to be gone for a while." she said. She looked at me, and the message was clear: I've got to talk to you later.

"What? Why?" Yumi asked.

"...I've decided to see my parents...they're probably worried about me..."

"But what if they mention William?" Aelita asked.

"I'll tell them I already saw him, so there was no reason to tell them."

"Have you already told them?"

"Not yet. I'll call them later."

                                                                    -At the school entrance-

I was waiting with Dallas for her parents to come. She was unnaturally quiet.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked.

" don't think our relationship is going to work." She said. "I mean...when we get William back, he's going to get overprotective of me...and I just...don't want you two to fight over me."

"Oh." I said.

"But we can still be friends, Odd."

"Yeah I know." she smiled and kissed me on the cheek. A car pulled up. Mrs. Dunbar got out and ran over to Dallas.

"Is it really you, dear?" she said. Dallas nodded.

"Yeah, mom, it's me." Dallas said, hugging her mom. Then Mr. Dunbar got out of the car. He smiled and hugged Dallas too.

"My little girl came home..." he said.

"Dad...don't embarrass me!" Dallas said. She had tears running down her face.

"Come on dear, lets go home." Mrs. Dunbar said. She and Mr. Dunbar got back in the car. Dallas turned  around and hugged me. Then she got in the backseat of the car. She looked out the window and waved at me as they drove off. I waved back.

"Bye Dallas..." I said, and walked back to school.

------------------------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------------
