"Hello?" A small voice groaned.

"Louis! Louis! Are you there?" I cried. 


"Can you please pick me up, I don't know where I am, I don't know how to get anywhere, I just got robbed, Tom drove here and deserted me! People are coming after me! I'm calling from a telephone booth, My Calvin Klein ripped! Please Louis! I'm scared! Help me?"

"Harry, can you tell me what you see?"

I took a look around the area.

"I see a Mcdonalds, an... auto repair-"

"What the name of the auto repair?"

"...Larry's Auto?"

"-Okay, Go inside the Mcdonalds and wait for me in there,"

"Okay-" and Louis hang up.

About 20 minutes later, I spotted a bright green car with a tiny boy inside. That would be Louis.

I ran over and across the road and hopped into the backseat of the car.

"Oh! Thank God you're here! Because I lost all my things and I couldn't call Father bu-" I started rambling when I noticed that there was a girl sat in shotgun who greeted me with a deadly look. I mirrored her look right back at her.

"Hazza, this is Eleanor,"

"Eleanor, This is Harry,"

I didn't even spare her another glance, and looked out the window.

Halfway through the ride home, the two in the front started discussing something about a certain author and was debating about whether he was a good guy or not.

"That man is ridiculous! He doesn't even have one unique thought in his brain!" She retorted.

" I think there's some merit in learning forms straight off," Louis argued back.

"Louis! Please! He's taken their minds at the most fecund point!" She waved her crazy hands in the air "It's just like what Hamlet once said, "To thine own self be true" She quoted.

"No-uh, Hamlet didn't say that" I shook my head glaring at her.

She gave me an offended look.

"I'd think that I'd remember what Hamlet said," She started laughing, giving me a sarcastic frown. "Accurately," she added..

"Well, I remember Mel Gibson accurately," I gave her a sarcastic smile. "-And he didn't say that. The Polonius guys did,"

Louis took a took in the rearview mirror and gave me a cute grin. He looked back at Eleanor who was shooting daggers right at him. Louis' smile disappeared.

Louis stopped at an unfamiliar house, and Eleanor got out and slammed the car door.

"I'm going to walk Eleanor to her door. Please, stay out of trouble," He turned to face me.

He left and ran right up to Eleanor. I could see the silhouette of it all. Louis chased after Eleanor and held her tight. They hanged for a while before Louis kissed her on the lips. 

What was Eleanor doing with him anyway? What did she see in him?

He dresses funny, He listens to the same music everyday, and he's not even that handsome. He just like a slug that hangs around the house the whole time.

 "You know what would be really cool? I looked over to Louis in the driver seat. Louis raised an eyebrow.

"If we went to go get some fast food,"

 "Why is that?"

 " Because I haven't eaten even all evening, and I'm sure father and his crew hasn't either. Don't You think it'd be nice to get them some food? "

 "Well I suppose that's not a bad idea," 

 Once we got home, I spread the fast food all across the table. Everyone went to go snatch a little of something. It was like a wild jungle there.

I watched as father grabbed a big meat patty and shoved it into his mouth.

 "No father! You're supposed to be eating greens! Salads and stuff. I handed the burger to a man beside him and handed father a burger. Father rolled his eyes at me.

I let the crew settle in and eat. I went into the living room and started watching Looney tunes with Louis beside me.

The phone rang.

"Hello!" I answered.

 It was Louis' mum.

 "Oh hey! Jay!" I face Louis a snobby look

 " No, he left a few days ago. I think he's probably around campus. Try calling them! Bye!" 

I hung up faced Louis.

"Why aren't you going to your mum's for spring break?"

 "The woman's crazy!  She doesn't even care about me, she just needs me to be there to show off," Louis complained.

 "Well then, how are you going to spend the rest of the holiday?"

 Louis shrugged

 "Maybe just walk around campus or something,"

 " Don't! That's so lonely! Just spend it with us. We'll keep you busy! " I suggested. 

 "Can't believe I'm listening to a sixteen year old who still watches cartoons,"

 "Hey! Bugs Bunny is funny!"


"First thing I do is... turn on my blinker," Niall talked to himself.

Liam and I were sat in the backseat of the car as we watched Niall trying to learn how to drive. He looked back at us to try and talk. The car nearly went into the other lane.

"Watch the road!" Liam yelled.

"O-kay," Niall turned around tried to get a bit steadier on the road.

"Then, I look in my mirror," He hesitated. He looked back into the mirror to make sure there weren't any cars around.

"I glance at my blind spot," He announced.

"I nearly kissed Tom," I wondered out loud.

He took a peek to the right and took the car with him accidently driving into the other lane at the same time.

"You're head! Not the whole car!" Liam yelled.

"But, he nearly kissed me too," I sighed.

"I swear to God Niall! You can't drive for shit!" Liam added.

Niall rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Liam,"

"Doesn't that mean he's sort of into me?" I cocked my head a little.

"Guys, I could have had sex with him!" I screeched.

Both boys looked at me.

"With who?" Liam asked.

Of course Liam wouldn't know. I barely even caught up with him these days. Apparently, he had been talking to the Malik guy again. Which reminds me, I need to talk to him about that.

"Tom," I sighed.

Liam tried holding in a laugh. 


"What?" Niall glared at him.

"Are blind or something? Tom is a ruler! A straight line! You probably traumatized him for the rest of his life! I've never seen any white boy that straight before!"

"Yeah... but," I muttered the same time Niall said

"Uh uh.. no way, not even,"

"Yes even!" Liam replied with.

"Well... he dresses like a male in his fifties, only ever talks way too much about football, and talks like a total punk," Niall huffed.

"Oh my gosh, I feel like such a bone head," I closed my eyes tight. I just embarrassed myself.

"Niall! You're getting on the highway!" Liam screamed.


"Turn right! Turn right!"

Niall turned right with all his power and thrusted us all. Fortunately, we were all wearing seat belts.

Niall started panicking and turned on the window wipers. Cars were honking behind him. 

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh NO!"

"What do I do Liam!"

"Go straight! Go straight! Go straight!" He yelled.

"Like Tom," I grumbled.

"Relax, it's fine, take a deep breath,"

An old couple drove passed us and stuck the middle finger at us.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"Okay! Now go to the right!" Liam yelled.

Niall did what he was instructed to do. And thankfully, we were safe and sound by the time we reached school. I hugged both of them and thanked Liam. 


After school, I went home. I needed to catch up on my school work.

"Harry, come in here," Father shouted.

I did as told, and entered his office.

"Harry, what is with all these parking tickets and driving tickets," He groaned waved the tickets in the air.


"You are not driving that car until you find someone who is responsible to drive with you,"


"Don't start with me now!"

I groaned as I left his office. Who was a responsible adult who I could drive with that had nothing to do in his free time?

"You've got something on your chin!" I stated as Louis sat there reading his book on the environment or something.

"I'm trying to grow a beard, Harry," 

I gave him a look. That beard wasn't growing very well. It was just like Louis. Short and stubborn.

"I hope you don't drop any coffee anything in that chin,"

"I can't tell you how much I enjoy these little chats of ours, but in the interest of saving time, how can I help you?" Louis sighed looking up at me.

"Okay," I took a seat in front of him. "I have a permit and all, but father says I can't take the Jeep without a licensed driver, and since you do nothing with your life and all I thought maybe you could-"

"What are the chances of you shutting up and getting your way?" His blue eyes stared into mine.

I squinted my eyes and laughed.

"Slim to none," I giggled as he did too. "Come on!" I dragged his hand and led him to the car.

He hoped in the seat while I sat in the driver seat.

"We can just circle around the neighborhood," He suggested.

I started the engine and drove away.

"If I ever saw your doing something that wasn't selfish, that would be slim to none," Louis peeped.

"Oh, that's good enough for me," I shook my head.

