Chapter 5- Complicated

"Where you going ?"


"Did you do your chores?"

"Yup , I'll see you mum!" Ariana called out to her mother.

She was on her way to see Atsumu , they had a study session together since they were both practically failing. Atsumu a little less then Ariana.


"Let's just call Kita , this is getting embarrassing." Ariana moaned. "And make him come all the way down here Ari, I dunno? Why cant we just ask ya bro." Atsumu answered.

"Because you fucking fan girl over my brother Tsumu." Ariana laughed "You wouldn't get anything done."

"Not true- okay kind of true. But Kita scares me sometimes ya know. I bet he's gonna be captain next year." Atsumu said to Ariana.

They stopped doing work at this point and were just sat talking about volleyball and people they knew. Atsumu layed his head on Ariana's thighs and sighed.

He wanted to tell him how he felt about her but the right words wouldn't come out.

"I really appreciate you Ari , thanks for making my first year of high school bearable." He said , cursing himself for not wording it right.

Ariana stroked his chocolate locks , "I really appreciate you too Tsumu."

Then silence.

A comforting silence

They were just enjoying each others company.

"Dumb ass, what the hell were yer doing?" Osamu said to his older twin. "Are you stupid or what , she clearly likes you bro."

"I dunno, ya think? She's never showed signs of it-"Atsumu answered whilst look up.

"Dumbass , have ya seen her act that way with me or Kayla or Rin? Stop being stupid." Osamu hung his body upside down off his bed to face Atsumu.

"Go for it , we've been in high school for like 4 months whats the worse that can can happen?" Osamu laughed before jumping down off the bed.

"That she doesn't like me back and I have to deal with Aran." Atsumu said, a shiver crept down his spine. He really didn't want to think of what Aran would do once he found out about his feelings.

"Pussy. That's why I get more than yer." Osamu laughed.

"Whatever Samu , wanna play some winning eleven?" Atsumu asked desperate to change the conversation topic .

"I guess...." Osamu replied standing up from the corner of his brothers bed and turning on the tv in the corner of his room.

1 month later

"If your tired of people mixing you up , just fucking dye your hair. Simple problem solved." Ariana stated to the Miya twins. It was a weekend and they were all hanging out at her house.

"Wait that's actually a good idea , why don't we book our selves in Tsumu?" Osamu asked his brother.

"Book ourselves in, jeez Samu that sounds fucking expensive. Let's just get box dye from the shops and do it ourselves." Atsumu answered.

"Are ye mad. If it ends up looking like shit of if I come out bald ,I don't wanna blame myself." Osamu argued. "This is why mum shouldn't have picked you up when she found you in the trash. Your so stupid."

Atsumu screamed. "WHATTTTT, I'm older AND smarter than you."

"Still a mistake though." Osamu laughed. Ariana had to grab Atsumu by his torso to make sure he didn't go feral on his brother.

"Fine, let's go get the stupid box dye. Are you coming Ari?" Osamu asked Ariana , she nodded gathering her belongings before heading to the door.

"Mum, I'm going to the Miya's, will I see you and Aran there tonight?" She called out. "Yes hun, I'll see you there for tea later on!" Her mum answered.

"Okay everything is sorted let's go." Ariana said to the boys.

"I'm going silver." Osamu stated.

"Why to look like an old man, sorry to tell you bro but you already look 30." Atsumu snickered.

"Well what colour are you going , hmm?" Osamu questioned.

"Gold." Atsumu said proudly.

"I think ya mean blonde you idiot. Calling it gold doesn't make you cool. Because you are not and will never be gold." Osamu smirked at his brother.

"I don't know what you mean but fuck you Samu." Atsumu hissed.

"Hmm , let me ask Ariana if she wants too." He whispered, just loud enough for only Atsumu to hear.

Atsumu was about to kick him , before the lady in the shop told them to either buy something or leave.

"Let's go pay." Ariana suggested. "Wait-" Osamu said, "I'm hungry let's buy some snacks."

"Yer always hungry Samu, is food the only thing you think about?" Atsumu asked genuinely curious.

"Yes." He replied seriously.

Next night

Tsumu <3 : FaceTime me I want to show u something

You (Ariana) : mmmhhm but it's late can u not wait

Tsumu <3 : it's literally 12 am and I know damn well your probably watching anime. Just pick up please xx

You: fine whatever, call me ig

Tsumu <3 : better pick up

You: of course I will

"Okay so what was so important that you had to call me in the middle of the night?" Ariana questioned cocking up her brow. "Holy shit your hair," she gasped. "It looks kinda cool...."

"Osamu said it looks like piss, but I like it. Makes me look cool and hot don't ya think." He laughed.

"Mmmm, i guess it does Tsumu. Also can't lie , I do get the piss thing...." Ariana giggled , whilst admiring his hair. "You suit it though Tsumu." She added on.

"You saying I suit piss? Nah I'm kidding." He laughed.

"Thanks Ari," Atsumu blushed. Her reaction to his hair was the only one he cared about. All of this was practically for her.


Next day

"What the fuck, why do you both look like shit!" Ariana yelled at the twins.

"He started it." They both pointed at each-other.

"You called me trash." Osamu hissed .

"Fucking scrub, you couldn't hit my sets. And anyone who can't hit my sets is trash and should be taken off the court." Atsumu spat.

"Fucking hell Tsumu, that was harsh. Please stop." Ariana snapped at him.

"Whatever , Samu just shut yer trap," he muttered looking down onto the cobbled path. They all walked in silence not knowing what to do or say.

*beep beep*

Rin :)) : I have the twins fight wanna see?

You: fuck off your joking , show me it rn

Rin :)) : 3 attachments

You: damn that's embarrassing for Atsumu, think he held back bc Osamu's younger

Rin:)) : Hmm idk looks like Osamu is just the stronger twin. Sucks for Tsumu ig loll. Ask Aran to tell you about it when he gets home. He was like nah imma close my eyes , if I don't see this doesn't happen lmfaooooo

"Who ya texting Ari?" Osamu peered over your shoulder, "according to Suna I won the fight Tsumu." He sneered at his brother smugly.

"I have the video wanna see ?" Ariana laughed. Atsumu grunted and looked away, he definitely did not want the girl he liked to see him getting his ass kicked by his brother.

"Send me it Ari." Osamu said with a smile. "Sure," she replied.

"Wanna play winning eleven?" Osamu asked.

"Sure." Atsumu answered.


*beep beep*

Ari ;) : hey tsumu, hope everything has been sorted out with you and samu! you better not be mad at me for saying you were harsh btw or I'd have to beat u up too <3

Atsumu chuckled at Ariana's attempt of comforting him. He genuinely thought she was the cutest person in the world.

You (Atsumu): thanks Ari, we good dw . Thanks for caring <3

Ari ;) : Always <3

This small but sweet sentiment from Ariana made Atsumu's heart beat faster in his chest and his cheeks grew warm. I need to make a move on her and fast! He thought.

"Fucking weirdo your not even paying attention." Osamu called throwing a pillow at his brothers head.

"SAMU LANGUAGE!" His dad shouted at him from downstairs.


*Around a year-ish later.*

"Oh wow! I can't believe you guys made it to nationals Aran, I'm so proud. Sorry I can't watch though, this is my first show and I can't miss it." Ariana apologised to her brother , meekly bowing her head.

"Hey , hey, Little A. It's all good don't worry." Aran said patting his sisters head.

"Thanks A ," she said pulling him into a hug.


"Tsumu, your joking? One of the best in Japan? I'm so proud of you! You better have a good time in Tokyo for me , during this camp AND nationals. I can't believe that your one of the best high school setters ,oh my god. My best friend is the best high school setter." Ariana squealed, she was so happy and excited for Atsumu.

"I'll miss you though..." she muttered to the floor before giving him a hug.

"I'll miss you too Ari," Atsumu mumbled into the hug.


"Well, I guess I'll see you in a few days Tsumu. Have a good time!" Ariana said to Atsumu as he headed over to the train station.

"Bye..." he smiled and waved to her , before heading out to catch the train for Tokyo.
