x. fourth dimensionally (reprise)

➩ π•€π• π•Ÿπ•˜ 𝕀𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ: 𝕨𝕖 π•žπ•’π•ͺ π•Ÿπ•–π•§π•–π•£ 𝕑𝕒𝕀𝕀 π•₯π•™π•šπ•€ 𝕨𝕒π•ͺ (π•’π•˜π•’π•šπ•Ÿ) 𝕓π•ͺ 𝕀𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕀 π•’π•Ÿπ•• 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕗π•₯

HAVING TO SLEEP in the same space that night again together considering there was only the two small beds in the shop, Amanda woke up to her partner's arm still tucked beneath her head. Figuring she must've fallen asleep before him and he didn't have the heart to move it away, she sighed in content to kiss his forehead. He woke up to turn his gaze towards her and kissed her properly. "You know, I could get used to this," Marty mentioned, his eyes barely open with a grin prominently on his face over awaking to the vision of her in his arms.

"Sh, you're ruining the moment," She whispered to hide into his chest as he softly kissed her head with the pairing of his own laughter. Eventually the couple stepped out of bed to get dressed to have Amanda look around to the shop for to find their friend missing.

She looked over to Marty confused who seemed to do the same. "Doc?" Both called out, wondering where he'd run off to.

Hearing the loud pair of horses from outside, they exchanged a look to one another before following the noise. Seeing Doc had wrangled up several horses, he smiled down to them from where he sat in a carriage they were all tied to. "It's time to start testing." Not helping to laugh over the scene, Amanda stepped in along with Doc to have Marty follow behind them.

Going over to the cave where the Delorean had been, the scientist fashioned the reigns of the horses tightly in his hands while Marty sat on the hood of the car along with him to help control the horses. Noticing him taunt her over wanting to sit on the hood instead led for Doc to laugh between his associates. "Amanda, could you read out the speed from inside."

Seeing him grinning over finally getting his way, Marty shot her a wink. "Finally winning a round for once."

"No, I just couldn't wait around hearing the two of you taunt each other over the spot," Doc spoke suddenly with a brow raised. Surprised over him admitting to this he nodded to himself pridefully. "Did say there was a lot of this in the future after all."

Smiling over this, Amanda willingly listened for once to now sit inside the time vehicle. The trio were now riding past the canyons with the Delorean as some makeshift carriage with the horses pulling the vehicle at its front. Considering this was a hell of an experience, the young girl couldn't help herself to laugh from inside as she called out the speed to Doc every now and then from the tiny window inside.

Looking out to the early morning sky in the stretch of land ahead of them left Amanda somewhat grateful to enjoy the image from the safety of inside the car. Considering it almost seemed too picturesque to put into words, it was hard to not make light out of their being here despite of what was actually going to occur in the next few days.

The calm held within the painted desert landscape was something none of them had ever come to experience along with the fact it was in a period of time they'd never think of having the opportunity to visit. In spite of all the trouble their travels through time held, there were pockets of joy in the midst of all the chaos.

"24," Amanda yelled out again, feeling as if the speed wasn't going to be changing as much considering it had been around this range for some time now.

"It's no use. Even the fastest horse in the world won't run more than 35, 40 miles an hour," Doc said, but still continued to ride the horses with the Delorean for a little while longer.

β—‚ ❚ ⊱κ•₯⊰ ❚ β–Έ

ARRIVING BACK into town after tucking the horses away into their stables, the duo went over to the saloon. Jerry beamed over to them arriving inside out of familiarity and surprise to point to Marty specifically over the confrontation that ensued the last time he was here. "Hey, Chester! I done won out, the boys still alive," He mentioned over to the owner on the other side before turning back to them, "Quite a spot you got yourself in, Mr. Eastwood."

"Well, I live to tell the story," He explained to have him nod understandingly and motioned over to the couple with a nod, "We need your help with something actually?"

Chester came beside Jerry instead to relieve him out of his own suspicions towards the questions. "If you need help you can go ahead and ask me then."

Noticing the tension brewing, Amanda raised her hand to take the lead and look to the men confidently. The bartenders eyed her confused for her behavior as Marty only smiled beside her and remained silent to properly give her the floor to speak. "We need the strongest liquor you've got," She told them, being straight forward with the request.

The men laughed over her asking this question to have Amanda be offended over them thinking it to be a joke. "Porcelain doll like yourself? What do you need liquor for?" Chester asked amused.

"Hey now, give the girl a chance," Jerry assured him to eye the young girl with a nod out of confidence for the way she seemed familiar to the bartender, "Have a feeling she knows what she's doing. Not very often a woman like that has got much gumption after all."

She smiled over him sticking up for her continued on to explain herself. "It's for our blacksmith friend."

Chester immediately sunk into a less light-hearted tone over the explanation and recalled the last time their friend had liquor. Though from the determination and tone making this out to be of great importance, he handed him the bottle beneath the counter towards her as she smiled over his help. "Only because Emmett is a friend of ours and you don't seem half bad yourself, Mrs. Eastwood."

Marty snickered over the automatic assumption as she glared at him before correcting the men. "Actually it's Miss. MacLaine. Thanks, boys." Wrapping his arm around her waist, they walked out of the saloon successfully with the liquor in hand.

From the previous day, the same men in the bar looked to the couple leaving amused. The public display of affection that was natural for them was more of foreign territory in this period of time, something neither of them though to be aware of. "Biggest courtship for a philly I'd ever done see."

Looking Amanda over beside him, he turned to take her hand swiftly. Kissing it fondly, she shook her over the charade Marty was playing to fuel their laughter. "Who wouldn't?" He responded to them confidently, thinking the girl beside him to be everything if not worth all the amount of attention he could give. Taking his arm again to hold him, Marty held out the doors to the saloon open with the laughter still audible from outside.

He looked down to her over the previous exchange with the bartenders out of interest. "Look at you, a total social butterfly. Would've never guessed it," Marty teased.

"People always preferred me over you, let's face it," Amanda joked back, sneaking open the doors of the blacksmith shop to have him follow behind. Raising a finger to him especially over the comment made about to the two of them by the bartenders. "But I could do without the assumption I'm married to you. You also don't make it any less better being discreet."

Marty leaned into her with a smile over this. "You're already secretly planning the wedding, admit it."

"Better get yourself out of your dreams, blue."

Laughing along with her, Doc saw the pair entering to unveiled the Delorean from the sheet it was hiding under. Holding up the bottle, Amanda handed it over to him. "Bartenders said this is the strongest stuff they've got."

He nodded to take the bottle from her as Marty stepped into the driver's seat to the start the car. "Alright, try it Marty." She leaned against the side of time machine, seeing it wasn't starting even as Doc poured the liquor into the funnel of where the gas container should be. The engine began to somewhat sound as if it were struggling to start, having Doc and her turn towards the back of the Delorean in surprise. "Give it more gas."

Marty did so, inevitably leading for this to be a bad call as the Delorean suddenly blew out smoke from underneath. Heading over to pick up the piece that had fallen out, Amanda looked over to the Doc in surprise. He heaved deep a sigh of disappointment to take it from her hands. "It blew the fuel injection manifold. That's strong stuff alright," He explained to hand it back over, "It'll take me a month to rebuild it."

Stepping out of the car to say this, the teenagers looked over to him in disbelief. "A month? Doc, you're gonna get shot on Monday!"

"I know! I know! I know!" He stopped Marty to say and continued to walk away from the Delorean. "I wish- Wait."

Doc turned around from beside the window of the shop. "I've got it! We can simply roll it down a steep hill. No, we'll never find a smooth-enough surface." He turned back to look out the window again, the play of ideas out loud not seeming to end anytime soon. "Unless- of course! Ice. We'll wait until winter, when the lake freezes over."

Amanda aughed in disbelief over the suggestion. "Winter? Doc, what are you talking about? Monday, remember, that's three days away?" She reminded him.

He nodded, shutting his eyes to think again. Worrying over Doc not being able to find a solution to this had both teenagers assume the worst. The idea of him being incapable of thinking through a proper plan made the idea of going back home again to be impossible. "Alright, alright. Let's think this thing through logically. We know it won't run under its own power and we know we can't pull it," Doc laid out, "But if we can figure out a way to push it up to 88 miles an hour--"

The train whistle from outside interrupted his, ironically enough, train of thought to have Amanda look over to the sound distracted. Doc did the same along with her to have her put together a crazy idea. "You don't think?"

He shook his head to snap his fingers towards her. "It's our last shot," He said to grab his things and head out once again, "Grab your hats you two, we're heading out to the train station."

Marty laughed under his breath over them being able to come up with this. "Started to feel like we were running out of options," He admitted.

Deciding to not mention she was feeling the same to only worry him, Amanda tried to take his hand to lead him along. "C'mon, we should get going. This'll work out, I've got a feeling."

Nodding silently in agreement, he intertwined his hand in hers easily. Continuing to chuckle under his breath in amusement, however, Amanda looked over to him again. "You always worry about me that much?" Not responding to this, she assumed there was some explanation to follow. "You were feeling just as lost, it was obvious. Doesn't hurt to admit it too."

"Well, you're too emotional for your own good. Someone needs to be the rational one of the pair." She kissed the back of his hand softly to continue to lead him along. "Now let's go, blue."
