days 17-20

The water beneath the cliff had frozen again and it had become bone chillingly cold overnight. Paired with fierce winds we were unable to light a fire to keep warm. Parker's sponsors continued to send him food but Finnick and mags hadn't sent us anything. We ate the warm food and held the warm dish untill it had no more warmth to give. I spent most of the day moving around trying to stay warm. I didn't go searching for the tribute like Avon and Parker because if the temperatures dropped any more they would probably freeze under the shelter of all the trees.

Towards the middle of the day a pack of wolves emerged from the tree line. I watched them as they walked around. It seemed like normal wolf behavior but I needed to trust the process. A boy emerged from within the pack and pointed at me. He began leading the pack to me in a sprint and I armed myself. I held my trident in both hands as the boy pulled out a knife. It was a distraction and the wolves could to much worse damage than this little knife so I went for the wolf instead of deflecting the blade. Luckily my swift movement allowed me to avoid the blade. There were seven wolves not counting the one I just killed or the boy.

I swung my trident in a circle around my body taking out at least five of the wolves. The last two guarded the boy. I could throw my trident at the boy killing him but then I would lose my only weapon and I would get attacked by two wolves.  The only other option I could see was running so that's exactly what I did.

I stumbled and tripped over myself and fell. My trident fell out of my hands and rolled a few feet away leaving me completely defenseless. The wolves pounced on my back pinning me to the ground. The boy came over to face me and laid in front of me to have a quick chat before he took my life.

"No boyfriends to save you now." He said getting up in my face.

"I do the saving around here." I replied trying to wiggle my arms free from the wolves laying ontop of me.

The wolves weren't pinning my legs down so I moved them into a split position and pushed upwards with my arms that I managed to bend forwards. The wolves fell off my back and I ran forward to get my trident. The tribute was getting up when I stepped ontop of him and ran over his body.

I got my trident and this kid pulled an entire sword out of his pants. It was clearly a one handed weapon but he was using two hands so his swings were wildly inaccurate. I swiped most of his swings away but the fight wasn't going anywhere. His wolves had retreated.

As the fight progressed he realized his mistake and began using the sword with one hand. Now the fight was even. I was mostly defending because he had the superior weapon in this situation. I just had to wear him out.

It felt like we had been doing this all day when Avon and Parker came out of the woods and saw me fighting. I shouted at them to stay away and the boy I was fighting took this chance to land a large gash in my leg. I staggered but kept going.

I noticed that the sword was beginning to be to heavy for the boy so I took my first swing at the boy and chopped his arm off. His screams filled me with horror as I watched the color leave his body. His cold severed hand on the ground still holding the sword. I struck again with my trident and this time standing him in the chest. A cannon fired and I began sprinting towards Avon and Parker.

My mind was clouded as I ran to them. I couldn't see from the tears running down my face and I ran right past them and collapsed. Avon imedeately came to help me but when I finally sat up Avon and I noticed that Parker was acting different.

He was smiling as he adjusted his clothes and looked down at us. We quickly stood up as he pulled out a knife.

"We're in the final three and I know you won't kill eachother. I could just kill you now but that wouldn't be much of a show for the capitol. This whole things a game after all so why don't you go run off and hide and I'll hunt for you in the morning." Parker said.

I was shocked. Parker had build up all this trust just so he could kill us. Why couldn't I have seen this coming.

I took avons hand and ran away from Parker into the woods. Once we were far enough away I began talking.

"We are going to go to the right then into the woods. After that we will go left until we get to the mountain. Once we get there we'll leave one of our weapons or coats behind. Once we do that we should retrace our steps. If my reverse Psychology works he will start left to right. we should be on the right side of the forest by the time he starts. After a few hours we should run out into the field and over to the cliff. That's all I have."

"Well it sounds like it will buy us a few days." Avon said.

We slept tonight knowing it might be the last bit of sleep we would be getting in a while. It helped knowing Parker wasn't hunting us down yet.

We slept till the sun peaked through the trees then we went on the move. We walked back to the tree line through the woods and saw Parker getting up. We hid behind a few trees and stayed dead silent for what felt like hours. We waited there until we felt he was deep enough in the woods not to hear us. Hopefully he would be in there for a while.

Avon and I ran across the field past the cornucopia over to the cliff and began climbing down. We spent the entire day safely climbing down onto the ice where we would stay. We were in a constant state of fear with adrenaline running through our veins. We might need to go a few days without food if we couldn't find anything on the surface of the ice. I remembered the ice had melted and there wasn't any way of surviving without a platform which there wasn't. Avon and I couldn't sleep at all tonight. We were truly terrified of what Parker could be planning.

"I cant believe what he did." Avon interrupted my thoughts.

"He tricked us but we should have seen it coming. We didn't make a mistake allying with him. We know the way he works now. You better than I." I said with a straight face as I looked out to the frozen water.

"So if it comes to it you want me to kill him?" He asked.

"If it comes to it." I replied.

"Would you kill me if it came to it?" He asked again.

If I wanted to make Panem believe I wasn't in love with Finnick I had to say no. I just have to play my cards right and it will all work out in the end. The truth was if it came to it I would kill Avon in a heartbeat. It would hurt but I would do it. I pondered his question. I would kill him and it would hurt me. It would hurt because I loved Avon like a brother. A brother I may have kissed a few times but he would never be Finnick.


"Avon I would never kill you and if that means I die so be it." I said as I stood and went over to Avon. I sat in front of him and grabbed the collar of his coat. I pulled him forward and kissed him. After that we slipped into a hug and I traced the words 'not real' on his back.

The next morning we wandered around on the ice. Our stomachs were growling but we had gotten used to that. Most of our adrenaline rush had subsided after we had remained safe the first night.

Just as we thought we were safe we felt a rumble and the ice beneath us began to crack. Avon and I ran to the cliff and began climbing up trying to avoid the massive sharks biting at our ankles.

"That was an earth quake. The sharks are just angry!" Avon shouted as we climbed.

"I'm pretty sure it was a shark-quake!" I shouted back.

"Nope! Look up the rocks are falling and the sharks are clearly mutts!" Avon shouted.

"WELL SOMEBODY WANTS TO WRAP THINGS UP! I shouted at the top of my lungs. That comment was intended for the gamemakers.

We scurried up the cliff as fast as we could. Rocks were breaking off the cliff and falling all around us. I had been hit a few times by small ones along with Avon. The quake never subsided until we reached the top and climbed over the edge. There was no time for relaxation after our climb as Parker was running out of the woods that happened to be burning to the ground.

Just before I was about to begin running at him too, he collapsed to the ground. I wasn't going to take my chances in case he was bluffing so Avon and I sprinted as fast as we could to the only unbothered place in the entire arena. The mountain.

The forest had been reduced to smoke and ash as we ran through the coals. We covered our mouths and noses to prevent smoke inhalation. Parker probably wasn't so lucky. Once we reached the mountain we began climbing the rope I had left. We reached a ledge big enough for the both of us, by sunset and we cut the rope. We could use my other axe and slide down if we needed to but for now we were safe.

We stayed up all night again. We were about to get up and climb higher when the two of us noticed Parker was no longer where we left him. We armed ourselves and searched around.

"I see your looking for me." A farmiliar voice said as Parker dropped right in front of us.

I froze in shock and Avon took the first move. He took one of his nives I didn't know he still had and aimed for parker's heart but Parker quickly deflected it. Parker moved the blade and stuck it into avons stomach. He left the blade in and jumped of the ledge.

I imedeately went to Avon and helped him get comfortable. Tears were rolling down my face uncontrollably as I stroked his hair. I heard Parker shout back something like 'that blade was laced'.

"I'll be dead in the morning but please don't go." He pleaded.

"Never Avon, never." I replied. Avon smiled slightly and I brushed a tear off his cheek.

"Tell me a story." He requested.

I told him my favorite story. It was the one my father always told me. I told him the story of how my parents met. I told him just the way my father told me but I changed the names. Avon smiled every time i looked down at him as I told my story. For hours I spoke to him all the way into the night I repeated the same story so he would stay conscious.

"Parker's gonna get it next time I see him." I said after I finished my story for the thirteenth time.

"How so?" Avon asked barely a whisper.

"I'm gonna stab him in the gut twice and chop his arm off and stab him in the chest then throw him of the cliff." I answered.

"Why that way specifically?"

"That's how I killed all my other opponents and  he deserves it all for hurting you." I replied.

"Just say killing me. I'm already as good as dead." Avon said.

"Your not dead though. Your very much still here. I'll call you dead when you're dead is that clear." I said sternly.

"Get some rest." He said jokingly as he held out an arm for me to cuddle into him. I laid down making sure I could here his heart beat and went to sleep.

In the morning I looked beside me at Avon and slapped him awake. Thankfully he hadn't gone out yet. I could see him pailing as the seconds ticked by and I realized I was losing him.

"I love you Avon." I said pressing a final kiss to his lips as I pulled the knife out of his stomach.

"I love you too." He said before his head fell back and a cannon went off.

The cannon symbolized more than just Avon dying. It symbolized a piece of me dying too. It meant revenge.
