Chapter 13: Triple Dates

The classroom fell into silence as Chabashira-sensei gave some huge news and she kept silent, keeping the suspenseful silence. Ayanokouji could tell that she's being a little cruel and using the silence to keep everyone on their toes and waiting in anticipation for further explanation. Ayanokouji could see students like Sudou and others shifting their seats in anticipation.

"I'm going to explain this right now. Please refrain from asking questions until I'm finished." replied Chabashira-sensei.

"There's a new type of special exam called mini special exams. These exams are going to be short, lasting from a few days to two weeks maximum. The rewards of these exams are smaller than regular exams and special exams. The rewards can be class points, private points, or some other rewards that the school deems worthy. The exams contents varies, but it's not all going to be academic ability. It can be physical abilities, communication and teamwork skills, socialization skills, and many more abilities and skills that the school deemed test-worthy. In addition, the exams may also include individual abilities or class abilities. In the near future, mini special exams might include different classes or years. You'll find more information on the paper I've just handed out." explained Chabashira-sensei.

"What? A type of exam?"

"Damn, we're already busy with studying for regular exams. Now we this too."

"Working with other class, eh?"

"Testing our different skills?"

"Chabashira-sensei, why is the school testing all sorts of abilities? Why not focus on academic ability?" asked Horikita.

"Horikita, let me ask you a question. Would you hire someone with high academic abilities?" asked Chabashira-sensei.

"Yes, it would." replied Horikita, immediately.

"Would you hire another person with almost the same level of academic abilities, but the person is more sociable and willing to work with others than the other person?" asked Chabashira-sensei.


Horikita seems to be thinking about it. But, she didn't give her answer out and remained silent.

"Why would the school test all these random abilities out?" asked Hirata, breaking the silence.

"Do employers just look at academic abilities and grades?" asked Chabashira-sensei. Some people in class nodded, notably Yukimura. Others looked puzzled by the question.

"The answer is no. Employers look for other things for a potential employee such as work experience, physical and social abilities, decision-making capabilities, and many more things. In society, academics is important, but there's all things that a potential employer wants. The school is trying to emulate it for everyone. You can think of the school as a company, teachers as a manager, and students as employees. Students are a part of the company and have to work together to succeed. Employees sometimes have to work with other employees from different departments. It your case, different classes and years." explained Chabashira-sensei.

"One more thing, mini special exams are only in its testing phase. So things are subjected to change as the school is testing out the new exam." added Chabashira-sensei. "That's it for now. There will news when the first mini special exam is finalized and ready for the first years."

With that, Chabashira-sensei left the classroom, signaling the end of homeroom. The classroom erupted into chatter and whispers as each student were thinking about the new changes that the school has implemented and what type of exams are going to be in store for them in the future.

**Timeskip (lunch time)**

Ayanokouji was thinking about what he should do for lunch, but he suddenly received a sudden invitation from Azuma.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. Do you wanna grab lunch with us?" asked Azuma. Ayanokouji could see Karuizawa's group and Hirata. Hirata and Shinohara gave him a wave and a gesture for him to join them. Most of the other girls from that group seemed neutral and didn't seemed to care that Ayanokouji is being invited. Karuizawa gave Ayanokouji a quick glance before shrugging.

"I don't have a reason to refuse. I'm fine with it." said Ayanokouji.

"Let's go." said Azuma.

Ayanokouji and Azuma joined the group. Hirata gave him a greeting before a bunch of girls from the group took him away, leaving Ayanokouji by himself. Azuma, Shinohara, and another classmate, Sonoda, stayed with Ayanokouji. With that, the group left for the cafeteria. Sonoda has light-orange hair styled in a high ponytail. She wore a yellow ribbon with her ponytail with dark-orange eyes with specks of yellow.

Ayanokouji's group engaged in small talk as they made their way to the cafeteria. They purchased their meal tickets before sitting at a large table with Hirata's group.

Ayanokouji is still not used to the atmosphere, but almost everyone seemed focused on Hirata. It happened pretty much most of time when Ayanokouji is with Hirata and Karuizawa's group. Ayanokouji felt a little out of place in a situation like this, but then again, he's going to be the guy with 100 soulmates. So, Ayanokouji figured he better get used to a discussion like Hirata with girls focused on him and being the main subject in conversations.

Ayanokouji noticed that Sonoda seemed to be paying more attention to him. He caught her glancing at him from time to time with her eyes focused on him longer than most of the other girls. Every time they made eye contact, Sonoda would avert her eyes from Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji decide to ignore it and continue on eating.

Shinohara and Azuma chime in from time to time and talked with Ayanokouji. They mostly focused on the mini special exams and the whole idea of it.

After about 25 minutes, Ayanokouji decided to take out his trash and put back his lunch tray. Ayanokouji did that and was on his way to the table when someone called his name.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. Can I speak with you for a bit?" asked Sonoda.

"Sure." said Ayanokouji.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private."

Sonoda led Ayanokouji out of the cafeteria and into the busy hallways. She navigated Ayanokouji to an empty classroom on the first floor.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Sonoda?" asked Ayanokouji.

"Y-yeah. It's something that I wanted to tell you for a while. I-I didn't have the time to tell you." muttered Sonoda. She seemed to be a little nervous because she's averting her eyes from Ayanokouji. But, she managed to steeled her nerves and look at Ayanokouji.

Is this a confession? I highly doubt it. I barley made any contact with Sonoda. A romantic confession would be moving too fast and out of the ordinary.


"I-I'm sorry!" said Sonoda.

"What?" replied Ayanokouji. He was a little confused and wasn't excepting those words to come out of Sonoda's mouth.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm sure I caused you some trouble." said Sonoda, bowing her head.

"I don't what you mean." said Ayanokouji.

"It's about the misunderstanding with Mori. You know the taking your 'first time' situation."

"Wait. How did you know that?"

"Well, I was in the arcade that day and I heard Mori saying about doing it on your first time. So, I told Kushida-chan about it. S-sorry."

"I see."

"I didn't have time to apologize or talk to you about it because of the midterm. S-sorry."

"Don't worry about it. It was just a misunderstanding."

"B-but, I feel bad... I-i didn't apologize right away."

"Don't worry. It's not like anything happened because of it."

"I see. T-thanks, Ayanokouji-kun."

The duo stared at each other awkwardly in silence before Sonoda spoke up.

"The others are probably wondering where we are. Let's go back." suggested Sonoda. Ayanokouji agreed and the duo left the empty classroom and entered the cafeteria again. They made their way back to the lunch table. Shinohara and Azuma both gave Ayanokouji and Sonoda a suspicious look and they wondered what they were doing. They noticed that Ayanokouji and Sonoda were not present in the cafeteria and did not return in a normal amount of time. They both deduced that the duo had left the cafeteria by themselves without telling anyone. It seemed most of the group didn't seem to care about Ayanokouji's and Sonoda's absence, but something went awry.

"Hey, Sonoda-san. What were you doing with Ayanokouji-kun?" asked Matsushita. This question directed everyone's attention to Ayanokouji and Sonoda who just returned. Ayanokouji had hoped for no one to bring it up and get everyone's attention. Sonoda yelped in response as she realized how bad it looks and could lead to some misunderstanding. Ayanokouji was getting some stares drilled into him as Shinohara and Azuma looked at Ayanokouji in curiosity.

"I-it's-" started Sonoda.

"It's nothing. I had some business with Sonoda and it's been resolved." said Ayanokouji, interrupting Sondoa. He decided to get to the point and resolved the situation as quickly as possible.

"Really?" asked Satou, who looked at the duo suspiciously. Ayanokouji could tell that Matsushita seemed interested in him as she gave him a glance. Ayanokouji had a feeling that she was going to be observing for the time being.

"Y-yeah." said Sonoda.

"Guys, let's not pressure them. It's probably their private business, so it's not our business to get involved." said Hirata. His words managed to convince most of the girls to lay off Ayanokouji. Matsushita gave Ayanokouji one last of look before going to the conversation with Karuizawa and Satou. Shinohara and Azuma had a conversation with Ayanokouji. Luckily, it wasn't about him and Sonoda.

After a few moments, the group's conversation was focused on Hirata and Karuizawa.

"I heard you and Hirata-kun are going out, Karuizawa-san!" said Satou.

"Yeah! Is it true?" asked Shinohara.

That got the attention of every girl at the table as they eyed Karuizawa and Hirata. In Ayanokouji's eyes, Karuizawa is a typical gyaru with a mean and nasty personality. She seemed to become a leader of the girls in the class though. Ayanokouji wouldn't be surprise that she's dating Hirata, who was like a prince in the class.

"Yeah. Me and Hirata-kun are dating!" said Karuizawa, grabbing Hirata's arm and latching onto it. The confirmation surprised mostly everyone. But, since it was Karuizawa, most of the girls didn't glare at her and looked away.

The rest of the lunch period was about Karuizawa's and Hirata's relationship and their plans about dating. It seems like the girls are very interested in that kind of stuff and Ayanokouji has no interest at all. He has his own situation to deal with.

It seems like Karuizawa's position in Class D is elevated even higher because of her relationship with Hirata. She's truly became the leader of the girls.

**Timeskip (after school)**

Ayanokouji is walking out of the classroom by himself. He had some free time for himself and decided to go to the Keyaki Mall. Ayanokouji managed to survive another day of class, but he can see Hoshinomiya-sensei, giving him glances and there was no further incident.

Ayanokouji was on his way to the Keyaki Mall and was about halfway there, but someone's voice called his name.

"Ayanokouji-kun!!" called out Andou. She seems to have left her group and seemed to be approaching Ayanokouji.

"Hey, Andou." said Ayanokouji, giving her a wave. When Ayanokouji looked at Andou, she froze in mid-step and seemed to be blushing.

"Andou?" asked Ayanokouji. His words seemed to have snapped Andou out of her trance.

"U-uhh... sorry." said Andou, slapping her cheeks on both sides, gently with her hands. Her cheeks were a little red, but it seemed to have its intended effect: calming down Andou.

"I'm Ichinose Honami from Class B. Andou-san, is this your friend?" asked a girl. The girl was beautiful, probably the most beautiful girl that Ayanokouji had seen in the school. Ayanokouji wouldn't be surprised that she was the most popular girl in the school. The girl had long back-length strawberry-blonde hair with bright blue eyes. Ayanokouji also noticed that she has am extremely well-endowed figure. He managed to stop himself from staring too much at her monstrous portions that would put most girls to shame. Ayanokouji realized that she was the girl that got Hoshinomiya-sensei's attention and got her away from him before Chabashira-sensei dragged him into the guidance counselor room and exposed his entrance exam scores to Horikita.

"Yeah. This is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Class D. I met him a few times when he's exercising and with the swimming club." said Andou.

"He's in the swimming club?"

"No. He's friends with Onodera and he stops by the pool from time to time. So, when we're playing volleyball with the swimming club, I run into him."

Minamikita nodded his head and supported Andou's statement.

"H-hello, Ayanokouji-kun." said Shiranami, shyly.

"You know him too, Chihiro-chan?" asked Ichinose. Both Andou and Minamikita both raised their eyebrows in curiosity and wondered how and when Ayanokouji and Shiranami meet.

"Y-yeah. He helped me out a few times." said Shiranami. Ayanokouji knew what Shiranami meant and it's something that he shouldn't tell other people. Ayanokouji agreed with her and gave her a silent look, reassuring her that he will keep her secret. Shiranami had a relief face and shot him a thankful look which seemed to reinforce the idea that Ayanokouji helped out Shiranami to the rest of the group.

"Since you know mostly everyone, wanna hang out with us, Ayanokouji-kun?" asked Ichinose, cheerfully.

"Are you sure with someone like me?" asked Ayanokouji, a little puzzled by the sudden invitation.

"Yeah! It's a good opportunity to get to know you better."

"Honami-chan, you better not think about stealing Ayanokouji-kun for yourself.~" teased a girl with about shoulder-length black hair in a ponytail with a white ribbon. She also has dark blue-grayish eyes and had a mischievous smile and glint in her eyes. Ayanokouji had a feeling that she and Ichinose were good friends and that she's always the one pushing and teasing Ichinose around.

"Stop it, Mako-chan. Y-you're embarrassing Ayanokouji-kun." said Ichinose, looking a little uncomfortable and waved away the girl's teasing.

"Oh! I'm Amikura Mako from Class B. Nice to meet ya!" said Amikura, giving a playful wave.

"Let's go!" said Minamikita.

With that, the group which included Ayanokouji walked the rest of the way to the mall, engaging in small talk. Ayanokouji could tell that the atmosphere in Class B is quite friendly and warm. It seemed like Class B used teamwork and collaboration as their main strategy. They even included Ayanokouji in the conversation and acted like he was a part of the class.

The group entered the Pallet, purchased and ordered their drinks. The group found a table near the corner of the cafe and sat down.

"Ayanokouji-kun, we heard a lot about you." said Ichinose.

"Really?" replied Ayanokouji.

"Yeah. I heard about you from Kushida-san and others from Class D."

"Let me guess. They're all girls."

Ichinose laughed at Ayanokouji's guess as the girls in the group giggled as well. Ayanokouji wondered if he said something wrong. He knew that it's unlikely that most of the boys had contact with Ichinose and Class B and would say things about him. He deduced that some of his soulmates especially Kushida, who has lot of connections and generally friendly, must have meet and told Ichinose.

"Hehehehe... How did you know, Ayanokouji-kun? Aren't you a little playboy?~" teased Amikura. Andou glanced at Ayanokouji suspiciously.

"So, I'm right?" asked Ayanokouji, ignoring Amikura's constant teasing and it seemed like Amikura is trying to get a reaction out of Ayanokouji.

"You're no fun. But, yeah. I heard about it from Kushida-chan."

"I see."

"If you're wondering she didn't say anything bad, but I think I noticed something interesting.~"

"Don't tell him, Mako-chan." said Ichinose, interrupting Amikura. The other girls agreed with Ichinose which made Ayanokouji wondered what Kushida told them.

"Relax. Do you guys really think I'll tell him? He looks like he doesn't care." said Amikura. Apparently, it seems like Amikura was still trying to get a reaction out of Ayanokouji who didn't even look fazed.

"We'll, I hope it's nothing too bad." said Ayanokouji.

"Who knows?" said Amikura, chuckling.

That's my line.

Ayanokouji and the group spent the rest of the time on the Pallet engaging in small talk and without any awkward moments. Ayanokouji could see that Ichinose and Amikura are mostly the ones that led the conversation and Ichinose seemed to be the center of everything. Andou and Minamikita seems to be in a more supporting role and Shiranami looked like the little sister of the group. After about 15 minutes, the groups left the Pallet.

The group decided to go a recreation center. There were a bunch of indoor games: tennis table table, foosball table, ice hockey table, pinball machine, and other indoor games.

Ayanokouji is playing foosball with Andou. Shiranami seemed to be watching them and he noticed that she was focusing her attention on him. Ichinose, Minamikita, and Amikura seemed to be in section where there are some arcade machines. Apparently, these machines have older games such as Tetris, pong, pinball, and other old classic games.

"That's one for Andou!" said Andou, pumping her fists in celebration after making the first score. Then, it seemed like she mimicking a sports commentator as she went over her amazing shot that got her the first score in great detail. Ayanokouji stood there and watched her with a blank expression.

"Ayanokouji-kun, at least look interested. I'm making a debut here!" said Andou.

"I am very interested..." said Ayanokouji.

"You don't look like it!"

"... in you."

Andou was so shocked and surprised by Ayanokouji's sudden move that she stopped mimicking and stared at him with a flustered face with her eyes and mouth open wide. Shirannami, who was observing the game, also looked shocked by Ayanokouji's sudden actions and stared at him with a hint of surprise, horror, and admiration.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun..." said Andou, who was trying to continue talking, but is stammering and failing to form her words. She was beyond embarrassed at what Ayanokouji could say.

'I can't believe Ayanokouji-kun said something like that! In front of everyone and without any embarrassment! What do I do?' though Andou.

'Ayanokouji-kun just did something like that. It's something that I wish I have the courage to do. He's just like a role model to me. Maybe I should ask him for some help, but I think it's time to do it.' thought Shiranami.

"In you being a sports announcer. It seems very good and you might have a good future in that industry." said Ayanokouji, finishing his thoughts. Andou and Shiranami both stared at Ayanokouji, flabbergasted by his sudden change.

'Is he an idiot? Or am I the one? I guess I didn't wait until he finished before jumping the gun.' thought Andou. 'Ah!! But, I feel so happy when he said that. What's wrong with me?'

'O-okay.... Maybe I'm wrong with this. But, to think he could say something like that in front of everyone without embarrassment. Does he always have that face?' thought Shiranami.

"Ayanokouji-kun... you idiot." muttered Andou. Ayanokouji could sense a competitive and intense aura around Andou as she gripped one of foosball controller tightly. Ayanokouji could see that her knuckles are turning white and her hand is shaking because of her tight gip.

"Let's continue, shall we?" said Andou.

Ayanokouji and Andou continued their game and Ayanokouji lost the game with a score of 10-7. Before they started the game, both Ayanokouji and Andou agreed to whoever get to the score of 10 will be the winner.

"Good game, Andou." said Ayanokouji.

"You did good too, Ayanokouji-kun!" said Andou. The duo congratulated each other and it seemed like Andou have moved on with Ayanokouji's comment earlier in Ayanokouji's eyes. But, in reality, Andou was still a shook up by Ayanokouji's comment, but managed to hide it from our dense protagonist.

The trio of Ayanokouji, Andou, and Shiranami noticed some commotion by the arcade machines where Ichinose, Minamikata, and Amikura was at. They decided to join them and it seemed like Amikura and Ichinose were in an intense game of pong. The white ball seemed to be going in a fast pace as Ichinose and Amikura both fiddled with the control stick, moving their wall from side to side and sending the white ball back towards each other thus making the ball goes faster in every turn. In the end, Ichinose managed to hit the ball towards the corner of Amikura's side and managed to win.

"Damn it!" said Amikura.

"Yay! I won!" said Ichinose. Ichinose began jumping up and down in excitement, causing her huge assets to bounce up and down in every jump. Ayanokouji decided to avert his eyes and stared at the winning screen of the game than focus on Ichinose. It was a bad mistake because Ayanokouji could see Ichinose and her bouncing assets clearly on the reflection of the winning screen. Ayanokouji cursed at his luck and wondered if it makes him look a closet pervert that finds different and more discrete way to look at girls. Andou looked at Ichinose with a look of horror and a look of relief at Ayanokouji when he realized that he was looking away.

Yikes. She's a bit vulnerable isn't she? At least be aware of the people around you before doing stuff like this.

Minamikata cleared her throat and leaned in close to Ichinose and whispered something to her. After hearing that, Ichinose stopped jumping around and had a flustered expression with a look of embarrassment.

"S-sorry, Ayanokouji-kun. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." said Ichinose, scratching her cheek in embarrassment.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." said Ayanokouji, his eyes still locked onto the arcade's screen.

"At least, Ayanokouji-kun is a bit of a gentlemen about it." said Amikura, chuckling at Ichinose's carelessness. Minamikata agreed with Amikura's statement.

After a few moments, Ayanokouji looked away from the screen and back towards the group. Everything seemed to have returned back to normal, but Ayanokouji could see that Ichinose is still a little embarrassed after the incident and is trying her best to forgot about it and continue on with her cheerful attitude.

The group spent about 45 more minutes in the recreation center before Ayanokouji decided it's time to leave. He wasn't comfortable and used to the friendly atmosphere in Ichinose's group and decided to get out. It also didn't help that he was the only guy and person from a different class in the group and felt a little out of place.

"Sorry, everyone. But, I have some plans with someone." said Ayanokouji, making up a convenient and believable excuse. Andou squinted suspiciously at Ayanokouji.

"It's okay. It's nice to hang out with you, Ayanokouji-kun." said Ichinose, giving him a smile.

"Yeah. It was fun. Hang out again?" said Amikura.

"Sure." said Ayanokouji.

"See you later, Ayanokouji-kun." said Minamikita. The rest of the group gave Ayanokouji a last farewell and wave and he headed into the hallway of the recreation center which led to the exit. Ayanokouji took a few steps before he heard someone softly calling out his name.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun." said Shiranami. She was standing at the doorway of the recreation room and seems to be hesitant about something.

"What is it, Shiranami?" asked Ayanokouji. He could tell that she wanted to tell him something important but seemed a little hesitant and nervous about it. He decided to pressure her gently to try and get to the bottom of it quickly. He wondered if Ichinose and the others knew that she was gone and decided to speed things up before any troublesome thoughts appear in their minds if Shiranami doesn't return swiftly.

"I-it's I'm having second thoughts on the t-thing." said Shiranami, shifting uncomfortably.

"The thing?" asked Ayanokouji. He was trying to elaborate on what Shiranami meant but had a sneaking suspicion.

"Y-yeah. The whole l-love confession thing."

"I see."

"I-I already wrote the letter and I'm so s-scared. T-to put it in their shoe locker."

"You mean you haven't done it already?"

"Y-yeah. I was planning to do it today, but got scared. I'm so p-pathetic."

"Confessing your love is a hard thing to do. Not many people will do it face-on or even have the courage to do so. But you have it. Although you're nervous and fearful of rejection, you still continue on and are determined to see it until it's over. That's something most people lack. The courage and resolve to see something finish or until it's over. Don't mistake that as a weakness. If you lack the courage and strength, I can lend you some."

Ayanokouji decided to speak as truthfully as possible. He felt that saying something untruthfully or unhelpful would have the opposite effect on Shiranami and tried to encourage her as best as possible. Of course, Ayanokouji is speaking objectively, and he lacks any experience with romance. Shiranami seemed to have taken Ayanokouji's words at heart and she seemed less nervous after hearing them.

"T-thank you, Ayanokouji-kun. Y-you're always helping me out." said Shiranami.

"It's no problem." said Ayanokouji.

"I-I've decided... I'm doing it in 2 days."

"Decided already?"

"It's better to do it then regretting it later on."

"It seems that you've got your resolve back."

"A-Ayanokouji-kun... c-can I ask you for a favor?"

"If it's in my abilities."

"If I don't do it at that date, I want you to make me do it!"

"Wait what. You want me to force you to confess?"

"N-no! I m-mean if it looks like I'm having second thoughts on that day, I want you to motivate me or shoot me a t-text message. S-something like that!"

"I see. I'm fine with that."

"T-thanks again, Ayanokouji-kun."

Ayanokouji was glad that it wasn't something that would sound wrong in any context or is illegal.

"I-I better be going. T-the others are probably wondering what I'm doing. See you, Ayanokouji-kun." said Shiranami.

"Goodbye, Shiranami." said Ayanokouji. He watched Shiranami turned around and heard back into the recreation room, disappearing from his sight.

Ayanokouji left the recreation center and began walking towards the exit of the Keiyaki Mall with no plans or goals in mind. He wondered if he should return back to the dorms or go out to eat dinner. Before he could do anything, he heard someone walking up to him and calling for him.

"Hey, you! Ayanokouji!" said Manabe. She quickly closed the distance between her and Ayanokouji. Manabe grabbed Ayanokouji, roughly by the collar and dragged him into the nearest alleyway.

"Is this a mugging?" asked Ayanokouji, calmly.

"What?! Hell, no!" snapped Manabe. She let him go and glared at him. Manabe is pretty close to Ayanokouji and he could hear Manabe taking rapid breaths, indicating a shortness of breath and most likely, she ran up to Ayanokouji.

"Is there anything you want from me?"

"Yeah. It's about Rika."

"I see."

It wasn't that long ago that it was revealed that Ayanokouji was recruited to help Morofuji with her problem with talking to boys. It was kept a secret from Manabe and only Nanami knew since she was the one that set it up. Ayanokouji wondered what Manabe had to say about it and kept his silence.

"I don't approve." said Manabe, still giving Ayanokouji a glare.

"I see." said Ayanokouji.

"Is that all you have to say? What's wrong with you? Your fucking emotionless voice and stupid ass blank face pisses me off."

"I was born that way. Thanks for your concern."

"Fuck you! Don't give me that bullshit. Shit like that is not normal."

"You've been paying attention to me lately."

"Fuck off..."

Manabe still glared at Ayanokouji and he wondered the reason why Manabe doesn't accept it. He believed that there's a deeper reasoning behind it and decided not to push further into the matter, believing that he's really pushing his luck with Manabe.

"Anyways, I don't like it. But, for the sake of Rika and Nanami, I'll allow it. I'm still keeping a close eye on you, Ayanokouji." said Manabe, giving him a warning. "If you hurt Rika..."

"I know. I'll suffer the consequences." said Ayanokouji.

"Glad we're on the same page."

"If you don't mind me asking... why are you so protective of Rika specifically?"


Manabe glared at Ayanokouji after hearing his sudden question. The look that she gave Ayanokouji was a warning, telling him not to push in further.

"Fine... I'll tell you a bit because you're helping Rika." said Manabe after a moments of intense glaring. "Have you seen Rika? She can't up to herself and let everyone walk over her. Girl has no backbone."

"I suppose that's true." said Ayanokouji.

"Yeah. If she can't defend herself, then she can't defend herself for the rest of her life. Someone's gotta do it for her."

"Protecting your friends is respectable. Is that why you're so aggressive?"

"I'm not aggressive. It's just the way I talk. You know to be the strongest one in the room."

"That's an interesting way to talk and show your dominance."

"Exactly. I'm no one's bitch and some bitchy little princess."

Ayanokouji nodded as the duo fell into silence. Manabe seemed to studying Ayanokouji with a scowl in her face and seemed to be deep in thought. She mumbled something that Ayanokouji couldn't hear before backing away from Ayanokouji.

"Remember what I said. If something bad happens to Rika, you're dead." said Manabe.

"I know. It's not like I can win a fight against you." said Ayanokouji.

Manabe looked at Ayanokouji with a doubtful expression in her face. She misinterpreted Ayanokouji's words as in a mocking way and challenge to her. Manabe doubted that she could beat Ayanokouji in a direct fight due to the gender and height difference. But, something else told her that Ayanokouji could win regardless of the advantages that he has on her.

"Good. See ya." said Manabe. She turned around and left Ayanokouji alone in the alleyway without looking back or waiting for Ayanokouji's response. Ayanokouji left the alleyway after a few moments of Manabe, to give her space and to not create another misunderstanding. A girl and boy leaving an alleyway together after the girl grabs the boy and dragged him into there. Ayanokouji fixed his collar and smooth out the wrinkles, transforming it back to its original state before leaving.

Ayanokouji walked over to a vending machine and got a bottled water, free of charge. Ayanokouji noticed there was a girl near the vending machine with a bottle of juice. It seemed like she recently bought a drink and was drinking it here similar to Ayanokouji. The girl has reddish brown hair tied in a ponytail with sparkling violet eyes. The girl gave off a solitude and more of a lone wolf from Ayanokouji's perspective.

After about a minute of silence, the girl spoke up.

"Manabe really rough you off?" said the girl.

"What? How did you know?" asked Ayanokouji.

It's a public area. It wouldn't be surprising that a few people had seen it. Hopefully, it wouldn't cause me too many troubles later on.

"I saw it. You got off lightly, you know." said the girl.

"What do you mean?" asked Ayanokouji.

"Normally, people have slap marks on their faces when Manabe is pissed off at them."

"Ah. I guess I got lucky, you know."

"Still... pulling you into an alleyway. What is that girl thinking?"

"Sorry. Who are you again?"

"Oops. Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Nishino Takeko from Class C."

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Class D. You must be Manabe's classmate."


"Does she usually hit people?"

"Sometimes if they pissed her off or annoyed her. Honestly, it's a bit of a hassle having her as a classmate."

Ayanokouji noticed that Nishino isn't afraid to say anything that is in her mind.

"I see." said Ayanokouji. There was a few moments of awkward silence before Nishino put her empty juice bottle into the trash.

"I'm leaving. See ya around, Ayanokouji." said Nishino, giving Ayanokouji a nod before walking deeper into the mall. Ayanokouji decided to stay at the vending machine for a few minutes and finish his water before going back to the dorms.

Ayanokouji arrived at the dorms in about 15 minutes and found that Mori was waiting in the lobby. She called out to Ayanokouji when he entered the lobby and was on his way to the elevator.

"Ayanokouji-kun, are you busy?" asked Mori.

"No. I have no plans at the moment." replied Ayanokouji.

"Great! Wanna have dinner with me?"

"Sure. I have no problem with it."

"Let's go!"

Mori and Ayanokouji left the dorm together and walked towards the Keyaki Mall.

"Ayanokouji-kun, you don't mind if we go somewhere interesting for dinner?" asked Mori.

"I'm fine with anything to be honest." said Ayanokouji.

"That's good. I'm kinda of low on points, so I have to do this."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see. I'm sorry."


"It's somewhere that you usually don't take someone out to dinner."

"You mean a date?"

Ayanokouji corrected Mori on that which seemed to made Mori flustered and stammered a little bit. Mori had a cute, flustered face as she tried to give Ayanokouji her usual grin, but failed. It resulted in Mori giving Ayanokouji a cute, flustered smile which he found cute.

"A-anyways, we're almost there." said Mori, desperately changing the subject.

"Okay. Lead the way, boss." said Ayanokouji.

After a few more minutes, Mori and Ayanokouji arrived in front of a convenience store. Ayanokouji stared at it in shock and knew that it wasn't a typical place to go on a date. The convenience store music played as someone exited the store, carrying a plastic bag. Ayanokouji looked at Mori who looked away in embarrassment.

"I-i know what it seems, but I'm a little low on points." said Mori.

"Okay. I'm just a little surprised. It doesn't matter where we go as long as we're together, right?" said Ayanokouji.

"Y-yeah. T-together."

Mori's face seemed to be a little red at Ayanokouji's statement, but she followed Ayanokouji inside. They decided to grab some snacks and smaller items as appetizers, some items for the main course, and a couple of dessert items. Mori and Ayanokouji spent about 20 minutes shopping which is spent deciding what to buy and checking out the selection. Ayanokouji wondered if they looked like a couple out shopping. They decided to split the cost and Mori sent Ayanokouji the points after he purchased it. The duo left the convenience store and found an empty bunch near the convenience store.

The duo sat down at the bench and placed the plastic bags next to them. Ayanokouji pulled out some snacks from the bags and started to open the packaging. Ayanokouji has pulled out some rice crackers and chips. There were several different flavor of chips that Mori recommended and he decided to try it out. Mori and Ayanokouji both ate the snacks that they bought and Ayanokouji was surprised on how junk food is delicious yet so cheap. He also noted that buying too many will be detrimental to his health.

Next, they pulled out several items that will be considered their main course. Ayanokouji got some onigiri and yakitori. Mori had mochifuwa pancake and dorayaki and they traded one of their items for another. Ayanokouji took a bit of the mochifuwa pancake and an explosion of sweetness entered his mouth, the combination of powdered sugar and syrup. Mori was eating her dorayaki and was holding an onigiri that Ayanokouji gave her. The mochifuwa pancakes and dorayaki came in a package of two and they traded yet again and tried each other's food. Ayanokouji realized that he may have a thing for sweet items and decided to experiment again. After that, the duo ate their onigiris and yakitori. Ayanokouji had chose the unagi onigiri and Mori chose the tsuna mayo. Mori took out her soda and cracked it open before taking a long sip. Ayanokouji took out a bottle of juice and broke the seal of the bottle with a satisfying snap before taking a sip. Then, he set the bottle down next to him before focusing on his food.

As they were eating, Mori and Ayanokouji engaged in small talk about everyday life. As Ayanokouji is facing Mori, he could see the sunlight on her face and it seemed to brighten her face and figure. While they were talking, Mori gave out a cute laugh and smiled at Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji noticed on how cute she looked and their eyes met for a brief moment. Ayanokouji could see the affection and love from Mori's eyes and it was clear that she was having an enjoyable time with Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji couldn't deny that he was having a bad time with Mori and wondered if he will ever feel the same with any of his soulmates especially Mori. Mori's face grew red as the eye contact between them grew longer and Ayanokouji still have his expressionless face. Mori looked away and broke away from eye contact. The sun began to set and Mori's face became a shade or orange and red which complimented her blushing face.

"Hey, A-Ayanokouji-kun." said Mori.

"What is it?" asked Ayanokouji.

Mori seems hesitant to ask Ayanokouji about something and paused for a few moments before speaking up.

"D-do you not like hanging out with me?" asked Mori.

"No. I find it enjoyable. Why do you ask?" replied Ayanokouji.

"I-it's because... I never saw you smile or laugh whenever I'm around you. Or anyone else."

"Ah... it's not that I don't like you, Mori. I just... have trouble expressing my emotions."



Mori still looked unsure and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Ayanokouji decided to experiment for a bit and see the results.

Ayanokouji gently grabbed Mori's chin and gently tilted in his direction and upwards, so Mori is staring directly at him. Mori tried to avoid locking her eyes with Ayanokouji's, but Ayanokouji gently called her name. Mori looked up and locked eyes with Ayanokouji's eyes.

"Mori. I know it's probably hard for me to convey it, but I enjoy every moment with you." said Ayanokouji. Mori's eyes widened after hearing Ayanokouji's words and her face began crimson red.

"T-thank you, Ayanokouji-kun." said Mori, shyly. Ayanokouji nodded and let her go which caused Mori to immediately back away from him and stared off into the distance.

Very interesting. I've learned that my words are quite powerful and potent against my soulmates. It seems that they're easily susceptible to my words without any proof or backing. Of course, I can't be sure that it will apply to all of my soulmates, but it seems that it might have a big influence on them. I will need more time and experiments to see if my theory is right.

Ayanokouji decided to not keep staring at an already flustered Mori an extended amount of time and hr looked at instant yakisoba that he bought. They added the hot water when they bought it in the convenience store and left it in the bag for a few minutes to cook the noodles. He peeled open the corner of the instant yakisoba container which reveals a little strainer. Ayanokouji figured it was used to pour out all of the water in the container, leaving all of the noodles inside. Mori cleared her throat and nodded as she also looked at her own instant yakisoba container. The duo got up and poured all of the water into the grass. Ayanokouji figured it wasn't technically littering and is simply pouring some used water onto the grass. Then, the duo opened the top and it revealed a steaming pile of yakisoba noodles with some green onions, cabbage, and some meat.

Ayanokouji and Mori are their noodles without speaking and the only noise was the sound of noddle being slurped up. After a few minutes, Ayanokouji set down the empty instant yakisoba container. Finally, it's something that Ayanokouji was looking forward to: dessert. They decided to at the convenience store to buy parfaits and frozen yogurt. Conveniently, there was a sale for frozen yogurt. They bought a raspberry parfait and 2 containers of frozen yogurt: strawberry and chocolate.

Ayanokouji stared at the parfait longingly and he wanted to take a bite of it. Mori noticed it and looked at the 2 spoons that the clerk gave to them when they bought it. The clerk gave Ayanokouji a wink and finger guns, but Ayanokouji didn't get the subtle message at all. Instead, Mori understood what the clerk is implying and looked away, blushing.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun... w-want to share?" asked Mori, struggling to say it out.

"Really? Thanks." said Ayanokouji. Mori was shocked on how quickly Ayanokouji agreed to it without any hesitation or embarrassment.

'What?! Does Ayanokouji-kun likes dessert this much? Or d-does he want to share it with me?' thought Mori, panicky.

I wonder if it will taste like ice cream.

The duo quietly ate the parfait together. Ayanokouji enjoyed the taste of raspberry and how similar it is to ice cream. He was unaware of Mori's slightly red face and was more focused on the parfait. After a few more minutes, there was an empty parfait container and two used spoons in it.

Ayanokouji was filling a little full and looked at the 2 containers of frozen yogurt. Mori looked at it as well.

"I think we got a little too much stuff." said Mori.

"Yeah." replied Ayanokouji.

"Let's save it for later. I'll take the strawberry."

"Okay. Make sure to put it in the fridge when you get back."


Ayanokouji placed all of the trash and empty containers into the plastic bags before standing up and throwing into a nearby trash can. He returned back to Mori who was sitting there and fidgeting with her frozen yogurt.

"Ayanokouji-kun, thanks for today. It's very fun hanging out with you!" said Mori.

"Me too, Mori. It's not every day that I get to have dinner with such a cute girl." said Ayanokouji.


There was a brief silence between the two as Mori's face grew red. Ayanokouji decided to do what Eiichiro called a "pro gamer move" and it seemed like it worked on Mori.

"T-thanks, A-Ayanokouji-kun." stammered Mori, averting her eyes from Ayanokouji. "I-i'm going to go. D-don't want my yogurt to melt."

"Oh. I can go with you. I don't want mines to melt as well." replied Ayanokouji.

"T-that's okay. M-my dorm is higher than yours, so I-i should go quickly. B-bye!"


Before Ayanokouji could continue on, Mori quickly got up from the bench and practically bolted towards the direction of the dorm. Ayanokouji stared at her retreating figure which slowly grew smaller and eventually disappeared from his sight.

I guess she really doesn't want her frozen yogurt to melt. I get that.

Ayanokouji decided to walk back to the dorm, but keep his distance from Mori to not cause her any panic.

**Timeskip (2 hours later)**

It's around 9 PM and Ayanokouji is sitting on his bed, messaging some of his soulmates. Shinohara asked him if he's free tomorrow in the evening and that she wanted to continue her studies in his room. Ayanokouji checked the school forums and noticed some talks about the nearly completed buildings near the dorms and school. Ayanokouji wondered if they have to do with the new concept of mini special exam that the school has came up with. Ayanokouji closed his phone and plug into his phone charger before going to sleep.

**Timeskip (next day)**

Ayanokouji is waiting in the lobby. Last night, he received a message from Ichihashi asking if they could walk to school together. Ayanokouji agreed and they set up a time and place.

A few minutes later, Ayanokouji heard someone calling his name and he turned towards the direction. It was Ichihashi with Azuma and Onodera.

"Good morning, everyone." said Ayanokouji.

"Hi, Ayanokouji-kun. Let's go?" said Azuma. Ayanokouji nodded and the group left the lobby together.

The group engaged in small talk and Ayanokouji still noticed some few stares directed at them. Ayanokouji is still not used to the amount of stares and looks he gets and felt like he's getting more and more attention lately. He had a feeling that the number of stares and looks he's getting will be increasing in near future and it's been a common occurrence every time his number of soulmates increases.

Ayanokouji saw someone in front of him and he immediately stopped in his tracks. The figure that was just slightly in front of him is Hoshinomiya-sensei. He could tell if she saw him again, it might be a repeat of what happened last time. It spelt out trouble and he decided to hide out of her line of sight. The problem is that Ayanokouji is with a group of people and couldn't just run off like that without any suspicions or Hoshinomiya-sensei potentially noticing.

Hoshinomiya-sensei sensed something and looked around. But, when she didn't see anything, she decided to turn around. Ayanokouji could see Hoshinomiya-sensei's head turning and he wondered if he should make a run for it. Suddenly, he felt someone grab him and pulled him off to the side. Ayanokouji stumbled a little bit before allowing himself to be pulled away.

Luckily for Ayanokouji, the sudden interference saved Ayanokouji. Hoshinomiya-sensei ended up looking back at a group of slightly shocked and confused Class D girls.

'Hmm... that was weird. I swore that I sensed Ayanokouji-kun somewhere around here. Maybe I'm a little off today. Such a shame. I want to tease that boy a little more.' thought Hoshinomiya-sensei. She turned around and started walking towards the school building.

Ayanokouji was facing Andou, Minamikata, and Shiranami. It seems that Andou was the one that pulled Ayanokouji and put him out of danger.

"Are you okay, Ayanokouji-kun?" asked Minamikata.

"Yeah." replied Ayanokouji.

"W-what did you that for?" asked Shiranami. Her question directed to Andou who is still holding Ayanokouji's arm, tightly.

"Just thought I saw something off." replied Andou. She stared at the retreating figure of Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Ah. Thanks for that." said Ayanokouji.

"Don't worry about it. You owe me one."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Ayanokouji-kun!" said Azuma. She was walking towards Ayanokouji and the rest of the Class B girls along with Ichihashi and Onodera.

"Who are they?" asked Ichihashi, looking at Andou suspiciously. Her hand is still holding Ayanokouji's arm which Andou quickly let go.

"Hi Andou! Minamikata!" said Onodera.

"We should introduce ourselves." said Minamikita. The girls introduced themselves and they resumed walking towards the school building.

Ayanokouji was glad that he avoided Hoshinomiya-sensei for the time being, but he had a feeling that he would run into her in the near future and it won't be a pretty sight. Ayanokouji shook that thought out of his mind and continued on his way.

Ayanokouji entered the school with his group and walked towards Class D. He noticed that the friendly atmosphere of Class B seemed to be infectious and affected his own classmates. It's either that or girls liked talking to each other. Ayanokouji wondered if he has any guy friends at all.

I mean I know and interacted with Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi. Does it qualify us being friends? I'm not sure, but most of the people I met ever since the first day are girls.

I seems that the number of girls outside of Class D I meet is increasing. Since I made Hoshinomiya-sensei into my soulmate, the assumption of that all female staff members are not safe from my powers. Does that mean even Chabashira-sensei is not safe? All of my other senpais are not safe as well, thanks to Tachibana-senpai. It seems that all females are not safe and could potentially be a soulmate. They are at my mercy. So far, I have 12 soulmates. Let's see if my 100 soulmates are in this school.

"Ayanokouji-kun." said Andou. Ayanokouji realized that he was deep into thought and that Andou was calling for him.

"Yeah?" replied Ayanokouji, snapping himself out of thought.

"You're thinking about something, aren't you?" asked Andou, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh~ How do you know that, Andou? Seeing his face every time, aren't you?" teased Minamikata. Shiranami giggled at that and the Class D girls scowled and gave Andou a suspicious look. Andou blushed and denied it by shaking her head rapidly.

"You know. I couldn't blame Andou. I have a pretty handsome face." said Ayanokouji, dryly. Ayanokouji tried to make a joke by making a narcissistic remark similar to Koenji. Unfortunately, it doesn't bode too well due to Ayanokouji's serious tone and blank face.

At Ayanokouji's suggestion, Andou blushed at it and averted her eyes from Ayanokouji. Ichihashi, Azuma, and Onodera also blushed as they were also guilty.

'Yikes! Did I just get caught? I can't help it.' thought Andou, Ichihashi, Azuma, and Onodera, panicky.

Ayanokouji decided to ignore it as they approached Class B.

"See you later, Ayanokouji-kun." said Minamikata.

"Goodbye, everyone." said Ayanokouji. The Class B students gave Ayanokouji and the rest of the group a final wave before leaving towards their classroom. Class D is located towards the back of the school and the classrooms are alphabetized.

Ayanokouji and the rest of his soulmates took a nice and peaceful walk towards Class D, remising about their peaceful life. Ayanokouji had a feeling that things are changing.

In 2 days, the next month will be here and the moment of truth will decide Class D's fate. Will we get points based on our efforts and midterm scores? This will determine how Class D's fate and will to fight in the future. Private points are very important and used to purchase daily necessities. It is also a good incentive for students.

Ayanokouji entered the classroom with Azuma, Ichihashi, and Onodera and they all stayed near Ayanokouji's seat, engaging with their small talk. Horikita gave them a quick glance, but still kept reading and choose not to talk to them. It seems like something is troubling Horikita.

"You all should go back to your seat." said Ayanokouji. "Homeroom is about to start."

As soon as Ayanokouji said that, the home bell rang and Ayanokouji's visitors said their goodbyes before returning to their seats.

**Timeskip (lunchtime)**

Ayanokouji headed to the bathroom as soon as lunch started. He was holding in near the end of class and figured it would be better if he held it rather than go. Ayanokouji exited the bathroom and decided to go the cafeteria for lunch. He took a few steps before someone tapping on his shoulders. Ayanokouji turned around and saw Azuma standing behind him.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun! Let's eat together." said Azuma.

"Sure." replied Ayanokouji.

"I'll take you to my favorite spot."

Ayanokouji followed Azuma and it seems like she's taking Ayanokouji out of the school. Ayanokouji followed Azuma out of the school and they walked down the main path before going to a side path which leads to another side path. Ayanokouji wondered if Azuma is taking him somewhere isolated due to the empty paths and how far they are from the main path. After a few more minutes of walking, Azuma took Ayanokouji to a clearing where it looks like a park.

The park has a huge pond with some few small bridges that lead to the other side. The pond seemed to have a variety of fish and koi with other plants and vegetation such as lily pads that live near or in the water. Ayanokouji could also see other animals such as frogs, dragonflies, and other aquatic animals. There was some few small waterfalls that seemed to be small built rocky cliffs and surfaces. There were also small structures and buildings that seems to go with the theme of a Japanese garden. Ayanokouji could also see some few food stands, but no one at this park. It was similar to the park that Kushida took him earlier, but this place is even more isolated which Ayanokouji could appreciated.

"Wow. Good spot." said Ayanokouji after a few moments of studying the park.

"I know right. It's really quiet and beautiful around here with no one." said Azuma. She gestured at Ayanokouji and the duo approached some food stands along the waterside. There was an onigiri, soba, udon, and mochi stand. Ayanokouji and Azuma decided to go for soba with a side of miso soup and tempura along with some mochi for a dessert. The duo headed over to a bench that is next to the pond and took a seat.

"I'm surprised that you have points left over." said Ayanokouji.

"Don't be mean. I borrowed some extra points from Kushida-chan and have a little left." pouted Azuma. She was referring to the time that she managed to sell off some of the extra clothes that she bought to a second hand store.

"Itadakimasu." said the duo.

Ayanokouji ordered the nameko soba while Azuma ordered the tsukimi soba. Ayanokouji slurped his noodles and already could noticed the change in flavor and texture between soba and ramen. Ayanokouji choose the nameko soba because it had nameko mushrooms, scallions, and a more flavorful broth. Ayanokouji watched the fish and koi swim by and a frog that was on a lily pad snagged a dragonfly that zipped by.

"There are sakura trees over there. That's what a senpai told me." said Azuma, breaking up the silence and pointed at some trees in the background. The trees looked like every other tree which is as expected because spring and sakura season is already over.

"Let's see it together next time." said Ayanokouji. He said what he wanted honestly. Ayanokouji was curious on the sakura trees and cheery blossom. It's the first time for Ayanokouji to see it and he is madly curious about it.

"U-uh... s-sure. L-let's see it n-next year." said Azuma, with a slightly flustered expression. Her heart raced as the idea of being with Ayanokouji alone watching the cheery blossom together entered her mind. Azuma had heard from a senpai that there's usually some people over here during sakura season, but it's mostly empty during anytime of the year when it's not sakura season.

'Yes! A secret spot that only me and Ayanokouji-kun knows. Heeheehee.' thought Azuma, happily.

Ayanokouji and Azuma ate the rest of their food together as they talked about trivial things while the wildlife of the pond swam and interacted with each other. A caretaker of the park came by and offered the duo a small bag of fish food to feed the fish. Azuma and Ayanokouji stood by the edge of the pond and began throwing fish food into the water. Suddenly, fish and koi began to swim by the water's edge and close to the duo.

Some of the fish quickly lunged and gobbled up the fish food while others began bumping and thrashing at each other. They seemed to be waiting for Ayanokouji and Azuma to throw more fish food into the water. Ayanokouji and Azuma continued to throw fish food and Azuma squealed every time a fish thrash and splashed water everywhere. Azuma backed off a little bit every time that happened. Ayanokouji took a few steps back as well to avoid being wet. Then, the duo spent about 10 minutes feeding the fish and talking.

"We should be heading back." said Azuma, putting the empty bag of fish food into the trash can. Ayanokouji agreed and the duo cleaned up their trash before heading back to the school. The duo spent about a few minutes walking back to the school in silence before Azuma spoke up.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun." said Azuma. There was a brief moment of silence before she spoke up again. "Thanks for eating with me."

"I don't think that warrant your gratitude." replied Ayanokouji.

"But... I enjoy our time together. Are you okay? You didn't even smile or laugh."

"I have a hard time expressing myself, but I have a great time."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes. If I didn't enjoy your company, I would have denied your invitation. Thanks for showing me that. It's very beautiful and I'll come back to it later."

"Y-yeah. It's my spot after all." laughed Azuma. The duo picked up the pace as the lunchtime shortened after each step they took.

**Timeskip (after school)**

Ayanokouji left the school building by himself and decided to head back to his dorms to get some some time. He knew these Shinohara would be paying him a visit during the evening and most likely be eating dinner with him. He decided to save as much points rather than spend it eating out. He has already purchased some frozen and long-shelf life food during the first month as backup.

On his way back, Ayanokouji walked into a group of Class A students. He assumed they were Class A students because some of the students involved were Tamiya and Nishikawa. They were glaring at some of students: 2 males and a female.

"Hey! Why don't ya join our side?!" said one of the boys. "Your leader doesn't seem capable of leading."

"No. We already told you." said Nishikawa.

"You're making a big mistake." scowled the other boy. The other girl seemed to be in a glaring contest with Tamiya.

Ayanokouji was confused on why they were arguing in public and especially in the middle of the path. He noticed that most students were edging away from them and stuck to the side. It was too late for Ayanokouji who was about to run into them.

"Why don't you-" started Tamiya.

"Oh! Ayanokouji-kun!" said Nishikawa, abruptly and noticing his presence.

"Hello, Nishikawa and Tamiya. Just cutting through here." said Ayanokouji.

"Who's this? This guy is not from our class." said one of the guy.

"Where you from?" demanded the other guy.

"Class D." said Ayanokouji.

"Go figure. Get out of here, defect." said one.

"Ew! This is official Class A business. You're not welcome here." said the girl, giving Ayanokouji a disgusted look. She gave Ayanokouji a dismissive wave.

"I think you should get out of here, Ayanokouji-kun." said Tamiya.

"Sorry about that." said Nishikawa.

Ayanokouji decided it's time to leave and nodded his head. As he was leaving, he can hear parts of conversation between the Class A students.

"You actually know that guy?! Wow!" said the girl.

"Your time is ending. Katsuragi should be the leader and you know it!" said one boy.

Interesting. It seems that Class A is not united. That's why they didn't wanted me to stick around. It will be exposing their weakness and schism.

Ayanokouji continued walking towards the dorm, but ran into someone familiar. A purple-haired girl with 2 buns tied to the side.

"Hi, Ayanokouji-kun." said Tachibana, cheerfully.

"It's been a while, Tachibana-senpai." said Ayanokouji.

"Student council business. President Horikita gave me a day off."

"I see."

"Say, do you want to hang out?"

"Right now?"


"I don't have anything to do right now. Sure, I guess."

"Excellent. Let's go!"

"Take the lead, senpai."


Hoshinomiya-sensei POV:

Ah! I'm in agony! Pain! Suffering!

What's with this feeling I'm getting?! It only happens with Ayanokouji-kun.

I can't believe it. I like messing around, but I think I'm falling I love with that boy! I can't be!

First of all, he's my student. Second, I don't go for a serious relationship. Not at all. Having fun and being temporarily is much more interesting.


It can hide my pain. The pain of what happened in the past.

I don't want to be like her. Her. The person that ruined my dream because of love. Love is something that's ugly. That's why I don't take it seriously.

So, why am I feeling this way? Do I deserve love after all of those hearts I broke? Do I?! Or do I become as weak as her?! Someone that gave up on their dreams and made the wrong choice. Choosing love...


Ayanokouji POV:

Ayanokouji and Tachibana arrived at a shop in the Keyaki Mall. It seemed like a little antique shop, judging from the storefront. When they entered, Ayanokouji could smell of tea leaves. It was a tea shop.

Apparently, Tachibana shops here frequently as she began browsing the aisles and muttering to herself.

"I'm running out of green tea leaves. It doesn't look like they have that brand." muttered Tachibana as she checked out the products on display. Ayanokouji decided to keep silent and let Tachibana think and decide.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. What type of tea do you like?" asked Tachibana.

"I'm fine with anything to be honest." said Ayanokouji.

"That's not helping me at all." pouted Tachibana, cutely.

"Green tea."

"I see. Let's go with this one."

Tachibana grabbed a stand up pouch that is labeled as green tea. Ayanokouji is not knowledgeable about tea and their brands, but Tachibana seemed knowledgeable about it. He normally uses packaged tea bags and bottled tea for himself and other visitors.

Tachibana also looked at some other brands of green and red tea. Ayanokouji wandered off to check out the store and noticed there was other tea leaves on sale such as oolong, jasmine, and others.

"You seemed to be very interested in tea." noted Tachibana, walking back to Ayanokouji after a few minutes. She brought a basket and it had some pouches and boxes of various tea.

"Yeah." said Ayanokouji, checking out a small box of oolong and jasmine tea.

"You know what. I'll buy it for you." said Tachibana.

"What? Really?" replied Ayanokouji.


"Are you sure?"

"As sure I'll ever be."

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's a duty of an upperclassman to watch over their underclass man. Consider it as a gift for passing your midterms."

"Then, what's your favorite tea, Tachibana-senpai?"

"My favorite tea?"


"Green tea. Why?"

"I'll take a green tea."


"Because it's your favorite and we can drink it together whenever we have the chance."

'Finally I have a chance to be alone with Ayanokouji-kun. Me and Ayanokouji-kun alone drinking tea and spending quality time together.' thought Tachibana, giddily.

"I-okay, if you insist. But, I recommend this brand. The flavor is much potent and better than the others." said Tachibana, picking up a pouch of green tea leaves.

Ayanokouji looked at the price and realized it's more expensive than usual.

"It's pretty expensive. Are you sure you want to buy it for me?" asked Ayanokouji.

"Yes. I only want the best." said Tachibana.

"Thank you, Tachibana-senpai."

"Don't worry about it, Ayanokouji-kun. Let's go to the register."

Tachibana and Ayanokouji made their way to register where the store clerk greeted Tachibana personally.

"It's been a while, Tachibana-san." said the store clerk. It was an elderly woman who seemed to be running the shop. Ayanokouji noticed that there wasn't any employees around while they were shopping.

"Yes it has, Nakagawa-san." said Tachibana. She turned to Ayanokouji.

"This is Nakagawa-san, the owner of the store. It's a family owned shop." explained Tachibana. "Not too much business lately?"

"Yes. Not many people enjoy the wonders of tea. Thank you for your business." said Nakagawa-san.

"Your shop sells good quality tea around here."

"Tachibana-san, is this your new boyfriend? Finally got over your little crush with the President?"

"E-eh?! H-how did you-?! M-me and P-President...H-he's not my b-boyfriend! S-same with A-Ayanokouji-kun!" stammered Tachibana. She was caught off guard with the sudden question and topic. She blushed heavily as she denied it.

"Say what's your name, young man?" asked Nakagawa.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Class 1-D." said Ayanokouji, with a straight face ignoring the glances that Nakagawa is giving Tachibana and Tachibana's stammering and flustered expression.

"Tachibana-san, does younger men suit your liking?" asked Nakagawa.

"U-uh... I-it's not like that. A-Ayanokouji-kun s-saved me before." stammered Tachibana.

"I'm just joking around with you. But, I'm glad you're okay. Ayanokouji-kun, please take care of Tachibana-san."

Nakagawa said it a bit of lighthearted joking way and sounded like a grandmother giving her blessing and approval for her granddaughter's marriage. Ayanokouji decided to go along with it.

"Yes, ma'am. Tachibana-senpai will be in my care and I'll take good care of her." said Ayanokouji, solemnly. Tachibana gave Ayanokouji a cute glare that telling him to shut up.

Nakagawa chuckled as she began scanning the items and placing them into plastic bags. After a few moments, the total appeared on the screen and Ayanokouji was slightly surprised on the total amount of points. Tachibana pulled out her phone and placed it on the scanner. A few moments later, a green check mark was displayed on the screen and a pleasant music played. Ayanokouji wondered how many points did Tachibana has and how easily she made the purchase without any hesitation.

"Thank you and come back again." said Nakagawa, grabbing the receipt and handing it to Tachibana.

"See you next time, Nakagawa-san." said Tachibana. Ayanokouji said his farewells and the duo left the tea store.

"What's next?" asked Ayanokouji, a little curious on why they were heading towards the exit of the Keyaki Mall.

"Let's go to my room. I want to brew the tea that I bought." said Tachibana.


**Timeskip (15 minutes later)**

Ayanokouji entered Tachibana's dorm room and took off his shoes. He placed them by the doors before following Tachibana further into the room. Tachibana's room is decorated like a traditional Japanese home with a modern kitchen and furniture. They were some few bonsai plants in the living room and it smelt of cypress wood. The dorm room seemed very clean and suggested that Tachibana cleaned almost daily.

"Have a seat. I'll be with you once I get the tea ready." said Tachibana, heading to the kitchen with her plastic bags.

Ayanokouji took a seat on at the dining table as Tachibana is busy at the kitchen. He could see her getting water into a teapot, ready for boiling. Ayanokouji watched her work and prepare all necessary ingredients to make the tea. He watched her complete all of her task and admired the grace and elegance performed from each action. He wondered if that's what an upperclassmen is supposed to be like: elegant, graceful, and refined at the same time. It was obvious for Ayanokouji that Tachibana had practiced making tea and most likely tea ceremony.

Now that I think of it. This is my first time in a girl's room which also happens to be my senpai.

Ayanokouji heard a buzz from his phone that snapped him out of his thoughts. Ayanokouji pulled it out of his pocket and found a message from Yamashita.

Yamashita: Hey, Ayanokouji-kun! I got a proposal you!

Ayanokouji: What is it?

Yamashita: Wanna come to my room later? Let's watch anime together!

Ayanokouji: Wait, your room?

Yamashita: Yea! I gotta show you my setup and stuff!

Ayanokouji: I'm not sure if I have any points.

Yamashita: At least have a look! I might allow you to borrow it!

Ayanokouji: Might?

Yamashita: If I know you won't break or damage it.

Ayanokouji: Sure, I guess. What time?

Yamashita: Let's see.

Yamashita: How does 8 PM sounds?

Ayanokouji: Perfect.

Yamashita: See ya then!

Ayanokouji slipped his phone back into his pocket as Tachibana began making noise in the kitchen, indicating that she's about to leave the kitchen. Tachibana emerged from the kitchen without any tea.

"Tea needs a bit more time." said Tachibana.

"What kind of tea did you make?" asked Ayanokouji.

"Some green tea. I can make some matcha tea for you later."

"No, that's fine. I'll stick with green tea."

Tachibana nodded her head before Ayanokouji decided to ask something.

"Tachibana-senpai, are you okay? Is the guy that tried to sexually assaulted you earlier harassing you again?" asked Ayanokouji.

"N-no. H-he didn't try to even get close to me." said Tachibana, a little surprised that Ayanokouji brought that topic up.

'Ah! Ayanokouji-kun is so sweet and caring. I-i'm just so happy that I have Ayanokouji-kun to myself. Happy, shy, and embarrassed! Me being a third-year student and his upperclassman, I feel isolated and too far from Ayanokouji-kun. Especially when there's all those other girls. GAH! Why did I invite him to my room? Must be an instinct. I wasn't prepared at all. I should've clean the room before he got here!' thought Tachibana.

"That's good. Hopefully it means that you're safe." said Ayanokouji.

"I-it's all thanks to you." said Tachibana.

"I just happened to be on the scene at that time and anyone would've done what I did if they were in the situation."

"But... that doesn't change the fact that you saved me. Just accept my gratitude, you silly kohai."

"Yes, senpai."

The teapot became making loud boiling noises which signaled that the water is boiling. Tachibana excused herself and went to kitchen. After a minute, Tachibana came back with a tray with a steaming teapot, 2 teacups, and some few snacks. Tachibana set the tray on the table and elegantly poured the green tea into the teacups. Ayanokouji noticed that there's an already prepared tea cup for him which had his name written in beautiful handwriting. He wondered if Tachibana had already have the teacup beforehand which means she already had plans on inviting him to her room. He decided not to ask her and picked up his teacup. Ayanokouji blew on the tea for a bit before taking a sip.

Ayanokouji could already taste the difference between his tea and Tachibana's. The quality and taste of Tachibana's tea was far more superior and her technique trumps Ayanokouji's. Ayanokouji took a second sip before placing the cup on the table.

"Very good." said Ayanokouji.

"Y-you think so?" replied Tachibana.


The duo began engaging in small talk for the remainder of Ayanokouji's visit while drinking some tea. Tachibana tried to invite Ayanokouji for dinner, but he declined and said he has some plans. Tachibana reluctantly let him leave and Ayanokouji left the third year dorms. Of course, there's been a few glances at Ayanokouji, a first year coming out of the third year dorms. Luckily, nobody has spotted him coming from Tachibana's room or one of the girl's floor.

**Timeskip (3.5 hours later)**

Ayanokouji is on his way to Yamashita's room. He spent about 3 hours in his room with Shinohara. It seemed that Shinohara became dedicated and willing to study even with no midterms or exams incoming. The duo spent most of the time studying and reviewing some older materials to ensure that they have it memorized. They also had a 30 minute dinner break before going back to studying. Shinohara complained a little bit about studying too much, but ultimately dealt with it as it was the only time she can get some alone time with Ayanokouji. Before Shinohara left, she told Ayanokouji that she'll try to study and memorize some stuff they are learning right now.

Ayanokouji entered the 8th floor via elevator and made his way to Yamashita's room. Ayanokouji knocked on the door and a few moments later, Yamashita opened the door. She is wearing a wrinkled T-shirt and shorts, a casual wear. Her hair seems to be a bit of a mess on one side which indicates that she's been lying down.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. C'mon on it!" said Yamashita, opening the door.

"Thanks for having me." said Ayanokouji, entering the room and removing his shoes.

"No probs." said Yamashita, walking into her living room. Ayanokouji followed and saw something that Eiichiro would've called a "weeb" heaven. The room was a bit messy, but in the wrong areas. Ayanokouji could see some glass display cases in one side of the room that have anime figures and other anime goods. There was also a shelf next to the display cases that have mangas, light novels, DVDs, and other books. There were straight posters and stickers on the wall where the shelves are with various anime. Ayanokouji could tell that Yamashita seemed to care about that side of the room more because that side of the room is more clean that the rest of the room. He could see that the floor is cleaned and there's no trash there. The rest of the room is moderately cleaned, but Ayanokouji could see some trash and stuff left everywhere. It indicated that Yamashita was recently using them and ate dinner recently. The TV is already on and paused.

"So, what are we doing?" asked Ayanokouji.

"Let's watch anime!" said Yamashita.

"Isn't it already too late for that? Look at the time."

"I'll give you an anime to watch and you can one or two episode with me! And then, you can finish the rest by yourself if you want!"

"I see. Okay, do you have anything interesting to watch?"

"Let's see. How about some wholesome? K-on!"

"Okay. Why not?"


Yamashita made her way to the shelf and began looking through it. After a few moments, Yamashita came back with a DVD case. She went to TV and turned on the DVD player before inserting the disk into it. Then, Yamashita changed the TV's mode to DVD before the TV changed into life. Ayanokouji could see the anime where there are 4 girls and seemed to be in a band.

"Let's start!" said Yamashita, sitting on the sofa and patting the seat next to her.

**Timeskip (1.5 hours later)**

The ending song is playing as episode 4 of K-on was finished. Ayanokouji looked at the clock and decided it's time to leave. He didn't find the show too bad and full the premise interesting. It was nice to watch something that didn't wasn't involved heavily on romance, harem, or psychological which are what Ayanokouji watched. Yamashita called it CGDCT (Cute girls doing cute things) which made Ayanokouji questioned why it became a genre and why it was popular. But, he learned from Eiichiro to not question or critic certain things in anime too much.

"Hey, Yamashita. It's getting kind of late. I'm going to go back." said Ayanokouji.

"Sure. You want to watch the rest?" asked Yamashita.


"Hang on. Let me give you the rest of the series. There should be some OVAs and a movie with the DVD, so watch in order."

"Got it."

Yamashita quickly got up and headed to the shelf. She grabbed some DVDs from the shelf and placed them into a reusable bag. She also took the DVD out from the TV which contained some of the episodes that they watched and placed in back into the DVD case before placing that into the bag.

"Here you go! The entire series." said Yamashita, handing over the bag.




"If you damage or lose it, you'll pay."

There was a dark and intense aura coming from Yamashita and she had a smile on her face, but Ayanokouji had a feeling that if he did that, he was going to see a wildly different side from Yamashita.

"I'll keep that in mind." said Ayanokouji.

"Glad you know!" said Yamashita.

"Okay, thanks for having me. I-"

The doorbell rang which startled Yamashita. The duo were already in front of the door and Ayanokouji was about to put on his shoes.

"Who is this? Coming at this time of night." said Yamashita, frowning. She pressed the button of her intercom. "Who is it?"

"Hey, Saki! I hope you didn't forget what we have planned. Are ya opening the door yet?" said a familiar voice.

"Yeah! You didn't answer my messages!" said another familiar voice.

Yamashita's eyes widened as she realized what happened and that she forgot she made plans with other people and she invited Ayanokouji without thinking. It was a good thing that Ayanokouji decided to leave.

"Sorry Shiho, Nanami. I totally forgot." said Yamashita.

Oh no. I can tell this is not going to be a fun time for me.


Author's Note:

Yo! Sorry about not posting for a bit, everyone! I was busy doing other stuff and playing Minecraft for a bit. Not to worry, I'm still here. I'm setting up for next chapter which will finally be Volume 2 with some few changes. I decided to use the mini special exam to increase the amount of encounters for Ayanokouji's soulmates. Stay tuned to what I have in mind! I may take some exam ideas on some COTE fanfics. Let me know if you have any exams you want me to use or any ideas.

Another question: Nanami Yabu.

Is Nanami her first name or last name? I think it's her first name and I messed up big time because I'm making Ayanokouji call her Nanami. I only used the COTE fandom and apparently, the first name goes first rather than last name. Let me know!

Until next time, my dear readers!

