Part Two: Olivia Sparks

I sat there drawing flowers on my paper waiting for my neighbor to join me. I don't know who she is but her name intrigues me. Olivia Sparks. I love it!

The bell rang... no Olivia Sparks... Huh.

"Welcome to my biology class!! Again. I am Mr.Dunham. As you all know. Everybody please get out a piece of paper and a pencil. I am going to give you 10 minutes to write about yourselves."

I turned the page so I had a blank canvas to write about... something not that interesting.

"Ready!" Shouted Mr.Dunham. "Go!"

I started writing,"Hi Mr.Dunham. My name is Clarissa Marie Bloom. I have a Dalmatian named Paul, like Paul McCartney. He's two. I have an older brother named Wyatt, but he graduated but he still lives with us. And a younger sister (by a year she's a sophomore in this school) named Jocelyn Cherie Bloom. I love all types of music, and I like reading and drawing. My favorite food is probably spaghetti. This is our 12th time moving in the past two years because of my fathers career. Which is okay because I probably wouldn't be close to Jocelyn, I'd probably be hanging out with friends like a teenager. But that's me."

So Mr.Dunham is a pretty cool teacher, I like him. He's like a Jack Black almost.

Now here I am in agriculture. Oh look at that... Olivia Sparks name tag sits right in front of me. Mrs.Anderson is our teacher.

A girl with short (like a Bob cut) black hair Sits right in front of me. She was wearing a Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt and smelled like cigarettes. She was pretty though.

Oh I need a cigarette badly.

I have naturally curly auburn hair and blue eyes, and I wear guy flannels and skinny jeans and cowboy boots, that's me.

"Hi! I'm Olivia! You must be..." she tilted her head to read my name tag,"Clarissa! Wow. That's really pretty. Welcome to-" she leaned a little closer and whispered, "hell"

"Thank you! I used to not like my name. Haha thanks for the warm welcome, you sit next to me in Biology you know."

"Awesome! I hate biology."

"Settle down children." Mrs.Anderson started teaching and all I could think about was hanging out with Olivia. Its been so long since I've had a friend!

Oh my god I'm being childish. I don't even know if we are friends.

Time passed on, and there was no communication between Olivia and I.

"Alright class! I'm done chitter chatting. You have 10 minutes left to feel free, talk, play on your phones." Mrs.Anderson walked away and went to her desk.

Olivia turned around,"So miss Clarissa. You seem pretty chill. You wanna hang out sometime?"

"Sure! When?"

"This Friday? Let's go to Chuck E Cheeses."

I laughed,"What? Chuck E Cheeses?"

"Oh come on it will be fun"

We swapped numbers and talked about our dogs, favorite movies, and video games.

I knew Olivia would be pretty awesome.
