August /15/

I've been trapped here for three days.
At least, I think I have.

I've been trying to measure the time by how often I fall asleep. I know, it's not very accurate, but I mean, what other options do I have? It's not like I can just ask them, "Hey! I know that you're keeping me trapped here and not letting me see the light of day, but could you tell me the date and time, please? Thanks!"

My hair's getting longer. All of it. I don't know why, but it's just growing a lot faster than usual. My nails are, too. I have to scratch them on the walls so I don't snap off the whole thing.

They left me a note. Tomorrow we're doing a colorblind test. I don't know how exactly they'll go about doing that, but that's not really my problem. Hey! Maybe when we do it I can claw their eyes out! Haha.

I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I don't know why that is. It's not like I have anything to do in here.
I wish I did have something to do. Even sewing.

Do you know how hard sewing is? It's like, you sit there for hours stabbing yourself in the fingers with a needle and then, if you're lucky, you might make something that looks good. I tried it a little bit and it was awful every time.  I don't think I'll ever be able to sew. Luckily I can just get

Oh my gosh.

I forgot his name.

I can't remember my brother's name.

My brother's name is Todd. He is 14 years old. Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd. My brother's name is Todd Moore and he is my younger brother.

What are they doing to me?

I'm scared.

Jessica Moore
