Part IV

Douckk*** you wattpad going on and deleting all my hard work! It took me 3 hours to write that phone convo you bieatch*** all the freaking phone conversation really!

Bambi P.O.V

I opened my eyes groaning under the sheets reaching my hand and tapping countlessly on my night stand. I pulled the covers off and sat up in bed shutting my alarm off. I rubbed my face stretching my sore muscles, I got out of bed after putting my slippers on and opned my bedroom door headed to the bathroom.
I took my time brushing my teeth a wobbly with toothpaste smile spread itself on my face; nevertheless I had an amazing time with him.

It's just something about him, that aura that draws you completely into him. And the craziest thing is that you wouldn't want to get out of there.

I pat dry my face and went to the kitchen opening the fridge for my water bottle, gulping half of it in I turned the kettle on after checking there's enough water and skipped to my room changing and putting something for school on.

I made my hair and took my bag, after knocking on my mom's door and telling her that I'm off to university.

"Okay, Bambi sweety please get me some water before you leave my whole body is aching"

"Of course" I said getting her a few water bottles. "Okay take care of yourself, don't make dinner I'll prepare something when I get back" I told my mom.

"Thank you pumpkin" she smiled.

I took one last look at my appearance and braided my hair sipping on the last bits of my tea. Probably not a university outfit but I have until 6 PM lectures today need to be comfortable

"Bambi there's crissonate on the frigde, take a few" mom called.

"Really! Okay found them thanks" I said, taking 3 of them what can I say It'll be a long day.

I took a deep breath, sitting down I took out the book I was reading yesterday and was easily lost in it. Shortly Agnes pulled me out no matter how many times I told her not to disturb me while I read; I ignored her and continued reading until she finally stopped ranting about the new 'hot professor' as she likes to address.

"Okay! You're really ignoring me? Waw! This is really breaking me" she cried dramatically.

"Okay Agnes can't hear you I'm leaving, bye sweety! Call me when you get back or don't. Take care of yourself Agnes" I got up waving at her.

"Really! Friendship goals" she shouted at me. I smiled walking to the bus stop.

It was a fairly long day today, with a lot of math. #NoFun

I continued to read a bit more in the bus, before I reset my head on the window feeling lost in the day before.

My phone rang playing "Please Don't Say You Love Me by Gabriel"

I smiled picking up, "Hello?" I answered.

"Hi how are you doing?"

"I'm very good actually, just finished school on my way back"

"How was it? What's that sound where are you?"

"I'm in the bus"

"Oh okay, did you get a chance to think about it?" Harry asked for a moment I didn't know what he was talking about. "Or when?" He added.

"Oh that tattoo thing, not yet but.. the thing is"

"Tell me." Harry encouraged.

I huffed not knowing how to explain, "well the thing is I want you to go with me right.."

"But?" Harry asked.

"But, I don't want anyone to know about it"

"So I can't pick you up?"

"No" I answered matter of fact.

"Okay that can be arranged, there's no need to feel guilty about it"

"I do feel guilty I do! I already took more than I deserve Harry. I know I'm asking for way too much, and you're being so patient and kind with me"

"It's nothing, you deserve more than that" Harry said. I smiled, at his remark my eyes rolling at my surroundings.

"There's an old woman listening to Mick Jagger on her walkman next to me" I said, Harry started laughing. "How did she even find a recorded tape of Mick Jagger?"

"Hey! Don't poke fun! Who knows this might be you in 50 years time" Harry laughed.

"Excuse me Sir I won't be listening to no one on a bus! I'll marry a guy who can sing I won't need  recording devices. First thing on my perfect man wish list has a voice of an angel but still got a bit of raspe to it." I challenged, I got too caught up forgetting that I had perfectly, from my opinion, described Harry's voice.

"We'll see" Harry said.

"Yes you note that down"

"Notting" Harry said, I giggled.

"And you can't be bugging on my window unless you have expensive gifts such as luxury scratch cars and the like"

"Oh that's pretty pricey"

"Well duh! I could be naked"

"Ooooh that's a price tag right there"

"You can't see for free Styles. You want it you better work for it"

"Sounds like..." I immediately cut Harry off telling him not to go on with it again.

"I don't want you telling me what it sounds like, really don't want to know" I told him.

"Nope still sounds like a..."

"I don't want to know about it STYLES! Always killing my vibe man"

"Sorry your references are weird"

"Whatever!" I shouted.

He chuckled, "don't get made at me"

"I will when you piss me off!"

He chuckled, " does your face redden and your nose crincles when you get mad Bambi?" Harry asked.

"No!" I denied. Feeling my nose and forehead crunching. He chuckled, is that confirmation I hear.

"Tomorrow?" Harry changed subject.

I exhaled, "okay fine, I finish at 3"

"Hmmm... well I don't finish until 5 so I'll meet you at 5:30? In..... I'll send you the address"

"Okay. Do you have to go?"

"No I don't, not now anyways."

My stop came so I gathered my things and got off walking a few blocks home.  "So where is this tattoo shop what's it called?"

"I won't tell you" Harry responded.

"What? why?" I asked

"Because Its my treat Bambi"

"Harry It's my first one"

"Exactly why I'm in first place"

"It's going to be ingraved on my skin forever, I want to..."

"No I'm doing it, I want to have to do as much as I can with it....."

"Harry you're already coming with me, that's all I need."

"Okay, still..."

"Thanks, okay I just arrived home. I need to hang up. Oh God dad's home." I groaned.

"Alright I guess, are you just assuming your dad wouldn't like you talking to boys. Or did something happen?" Harry hit me by asking.

"No I actually, don't know. But I guess you can say something happened. He doesn't even like me talking to my cousins" I told him.

"Oh... Because like boys are always throwing themselves at you?"

"Hey!" He laughed, "Of course not, that's not it"

"You never had a boyfriend then?"

"No well I did like for two weeks and my dad found out he made me break up with him. I was totally alright with it thankfully but I hated how I felt around guys after that"

"So you're into girls now, that's safe" Harry said.

"Harry!" I attempted a glare he couldn't see.

"Its a joke joking!" He chuckled.
"On a serious note, so your dad wants a guy to ask him to take his daughter out on a date?"

"I don't know, he just wants me to be a good girl"

"Good girl? I can't relate to that. Good girl doing naughty things at the back of the library; a place I know for a fact you spend a lot of time in."

"I hate you," I said flat out.

"What! You do know that good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught"

"Sounds like a 5sos song" I smirked.

"You got me on this one. You're picking up" Harry whistled, making me giggle.
"So your dad isn't actually a bad guy he's just annoyingly old school."

"Yeah I guess so" I answered, nodding my head.

"So he defiantly wouldn't let you go out with a guy who has tattoos let alone take you to get one"

"That's right, aren't you the smartest. Maybe if we were in ulternate universe my dad would've liked you"

"Waw that's a way to push me off, I'm quite hurting now Bambi"

"Sorry, my dad would've loved you as Marcel"

"Is that supposed to make it up for me cause it didn't" Harry said, I laughed picturing him.

"Nerd Harry is really cute"

"What about your mom?" Harry asked, I could almost see him roll his eyes and huff.

"She's not hard to win over, I bet you can do it blindfolded. You've got ways right"

"I can think of something."

"Oh Gosh! Okay smoothly moving over."

"You can put me on hold till you get to your room. I have couple more minutes to spare"  Harry said.

"Okay, hold up." I slipped my phone into the waistband of my leggings rubbing my feet at the doormate.

"Hey mom!" I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey sweetcheeeks, your dad came early I cooked him dinner."

"You okay now? I told you to rest"

"I'm totally okay honey anyway, your cousin Mitch is getting married next week. We're going for the family dinner tonight do you want to come?" Mom asked, I was about to reply when dad pushed himself into the conversation unwelcomed haven't he noticed.

"No she's not coming you have university tomorrow first of all there's no need you can just come to the wedding" dad said.

I took a water bottle and muttered an okay going to my room. I took out my phone, "Harry?"

"I'm here love" he replied making me blush.

"I'll see you tomorrow now, I need to get some work done. Thanks for calling. Anything I need to do or prepare?" I said my voice low.

"My pleasure, yes sleep well and eat breakfast"

"That's it I thought it would be something massive. Okay"

"Do you know what you're getting?"

"I guess" I answered, taking my shoes off.

"Good luck, I'll see you soon"

"Bye" I said my voice soft as ever.

"Bye bye" Harry's voice put me at rest.

I took my clothes off after plugging my phone in the charger and drinking a bit of water.

I sat down to finish my work after getting in my pjs, not long until mom came knocking on my door telling me they're leaving. I got up to close the door after them as well as take a break from the chair.

I went back to my room decided to write a bit on my laptop and note what happened in my diary for the past couple of days.

I went back to studying, then went hunting for tattoo designs. I liked a bunch but now that I think about it I need to get it somewhere my parents will never find. I originally wanted it on my shoulderblade but the end of my back is pretty cool too, and also wanted one that's not that big. It's pretty painful they say, Agnes has a bunch of tattoos I went with her once and it was a hard experience that.

I slept at 11:30 PM that day, knowing that I need to wake up early tomorrow and revise for my test.

I felt dad opening my bedroom door a later hour at night making sure I was tucked he closed the blinds and turned the lamp off; or was I dreaming?

The big day

I took a shower quickly and got dressed for university after having a fulling meal of breakfast because Harry told me to, I'm being a good girl is all. I checked my appearance as always in the mirror before going out putting my hair up in a half up-do and picked up my bag ready to leave.

When I came back I was feeling unexpectedly tired, I slept and didn't wake up until I heard my phone ringing none stop. I got up rubbing my bare legs I had already just taken my jense off from how sleepy I was.

"Hello?" I spoke sleepingly into the phone, the song kept playing I huffed and puffed taking the call in sliding my fingers blindly on the screen.

"Did you slack on me,"
" love?"
"You there"

"Your voice sounds so fouckin hot" I found myself saying.

"Uhm.... thanks? You okay?"

" son?"

"Okay! Are you drunk?" He asked.

"Hmm" I hummed the phone slipped from my hand and fell on my lap so as my head. It rang again making me jump up, I cursed rubbing sleep off my eyes. I took Harry's call in looking at my alarm after a moment, "Hi! Harry what's up"

"Are you sober now?" Harry asked.

"I wasn't drunk? What made you think that, I was just asleep." I argued.

"Oh okay, you're late! Sleepy head"

"Oh God I'm sorry, I'm coming I promise 15 minutes I'll be there" I got up, I headed to the bathroom with my phone I placed it on the toilet seat and quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before quickly taking my sweater off hopping I won't face mom or dad in the hallway, I remember my phone entering the bathroom snatching my phone running to my room I threw it on my desk. Opening my wardrobe malfunction as it could.

I took something out quickly, "fouck!" I cursed. Pulling my trousers on, "stupid, why do you have to look good? Oh that's because you're stupid enough wow shocker" I poked fun of myself buttoning it up I took my bra off putting a clean one on. Packing up makeup I'll be applying on the way.

I took my phone and head to the door. "Bambi! Where are you going on Friday?" I heard Dad ask.

Shit shit shit!

"Important project arrangement, dad I'm already late. I'll be back early" I said putting my shoes on and running out the door for a Taxi. I opned my phone to give the driver the address to see that Harry's call was still connected I ended it immediately swallowing. Holy trinity! I shook my head, "Ms? Where to?" The driver asked.

"Oh yeah sorry. Here" I gave him.the navigator.

I leaned back and started to doll myself up.

Only 20 minutes later the car stopped I payed and stepped out. Looking around me, coffee shop? I texted Harry perplexed. Maybe there's a secret passage!

"Ummm... I'm infornt of Maggie's coffee shop? secret passage near by?"

"That really made me laugh, come in. I'm assuming you didn't have something to eat ?"


"Just come in,"

"Are you in there?"

"Yes! Now get in!"

"No! What if paps see us! I literally told dad I'm going out for a project"

"Bambi get your bum inside"


I replied shutting my phone, leaning  my head on the wall. "Did you just do that?" I heard Harry.

"Yup" I said, my eyes closed.
He groaned, and pulled me off the wall. "What? What are you doing" I asked, he did not say anything and pulled me ahead pushing his hair away.

We entered some place else, a minute later eerie silence, I looked around me all the creepy drawings made me cringe and hold on to Harry.
The dimmed lights made me jump at the big man who was covered from neck to toe with tattoos a long side a big beard I gasped holding on to Harry's bicep. I huffed when I saw the man clearly, that guy almost made me piss my pants. I saw Harry smile and pull me to another room, I was so caught up in the different designs displayed on the wall to notice someone was talking to me.

"Bambi!" I heard.

"Hmm?" I looked up at Harry.

"Max! Max this is my friend Bambi the one I told you about."

"Yeah, first one yeah." I nodded, I thought there's a Brian change of plans? Sweet... I hope this works well. "Okay do you know what you're getting?" Max asked.
I picked up my phone and showed him the design, he nodded. "Okay I'll get the tools, take a seat please. "Anything I can get you? a drink or something?" Max asked politely. His many tattoos distracted me, I smiled up at him swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Just water, thnaks" I said. That was Max's cue to leave. I rubbed my arm looking around, a clothe full of blood made my eyes peel and body shake.

"Hey you're okay," Harry soothed rubbing my arms.

"I know its silly," I smiled nervously. "Is... is that blood?" I asked frightened.

Harry looked at me, his posture raising, oh my! what if I made the biggest mistake of coming here. They're vampires? Harry trades women's organs! Prostitution? Where is the tattoo guy? He's taking too long! Harry smirked, I started to regret everything. My parents won't even find me! I'm so stupid! Psycho Harry is real? He did seduce me into this; Yes he did his charms worked good on me. Or maybe he's secretly a demon, no human can look this young and beautiful; I surly can't.

Oh My God I'm dead.

Hello beautiful readers, 2853 Words!!! 🌼🌻🌻
15th May, 2017 @ 20:59

Updating on 31st August, 2018 @ 1:04 P.M.
