
Lilith Swan

For the last two months, things seemed to be getting better. Bella started hanging out with Jacob again, and it didn't take a genius to see the puppy dog love radiating off him. However, now that he's fallen sick with mono Bella is starting to get angsty and I can only hope that her need for male attention doesn't get her into trouble. I could commend her for her determination, no matter how ill-placed it seems. It was like watching someone desperately cling to the sand slipping between their fingers, though after what I had been told her fear of abandonment wasn't completely irrational, if not a bit extreme.

I hadn't seen her much, though this doesn't surprise me. I had instead turned my time to my online assignments and hanging out with dad whenever he wasn't busy.  I know I'll start to miss him when I have to leave but that's a different problem for a different day.

I was sat looking out the window into the vast rain-soaked forest of Forks while dad and Harry geared up to go fishing.  He deserved it. ''Jacob please, call me'' she pleaded down the phone, surprisingly this was one of her shorter phonecalls as off recent and I would assume she had more to say if it wasn't for the small group of us in the living room. For a brief moment, dad and I shared a glance of concern and mild irritation on my end. ''Okay, we should be back around three'' he informed us. Though if Bella had herd him she gave no apparent reaction to his words, more concerned with the young boy ignoring her calls.

I nodded my reply and smile to both dad and Harry who, after smiling back went promptly to his fishing magazine. The sooner he leaves the more time he has to relax. ''Hey,'' dad started, finally getting Bella to pay attention with a look of frustration sweeping over his face. ''I don't have to go fishing today-" and although I could understand where he was coming from at this moment, I really wish he would have more selfish desires. He needs to look after himself too.

Luckily he was cut off by Harry who clearly had the same sentiments as me. "Yes you do" and from both his voice and his eyes there was to be no disagreement. I couldn't help the small smile on my face knowing that Harry Clearwater had saved the day. There was no way dad could say no now. He wouldn't be allowed to.

"Yeah you do'' despite her rather unconvincing nature, I was glad that Bella decided to put aside her self for a single second to try and get him to go. "Just be careful out there okay" A frown fell over his face and before he could get another word out I decided to chime in. "Come on Chief Swan if you don't leave this instance I'm gonna have to kick you out of this house myself" walking over and giving him a farewell hug.

He scoffed and retorted " As if you could kick me out my own damn house, I think you'll find yourself mistaken little lady'' returning my embrace before I swiftly moved him out the door. Harry stepped forward with the gear ready to make a move too. "Don't worry girls those bears don't stand a chance against me" he spoke with a lighthearted grin and final goodbye as both men left the house.

All was silent for a brief second before Bella started up again. She made a beeline towards the coat rack quickly searching for her raincoat. "Where are you going?" she was starting to annoy me now as I could guess gift or not where she was going to go. "I have to see him" was my curt reply before she went back to the rack. "why? you know he has mono and Billy doesn't want you to see him. I think you need to start respecting people's privacy" It wasn't mono but I had a reason for knowing that, Bella, on the other hand, needs to respect the information she had been given. I certainly wasn't going to be using any clairvoyance to pry any further.

She threw me one last angry look before leaving the house.

"I'm going to see him"

Thank you for reading~
